Ban Dispute (Muffin)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Muffin
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week

Your Steam Name: r1k1w0w-
Your Roleplay Name: Maikati Deba
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:54019648

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.20 1.3 1.1 - disconnected to avoid the respawn timer, started being disrespectful and made slanderous comments to a helper

Why should this appeal be considered?: I have a couple of points to demonstrate how the staff member in question could not interpretate the 3.20 rule. In the rule it is said:

"When disconnecting from the server players must ensure that they are not a part of any role-play or administrative situations, this includes, but is not limited to, being unconscious. Players should also wait at least 10 minutes prior to leaving the server after committing a crime; this does not apply if the crime has been resolved (player has been arrested / caught for this crime).

It is also prohibited for a player to disconnect from the server with the sole intention of saving possessions. However if a player can provide a reasonable explanation for disconnecting during role-play they should do so by informing a staff member with the use of the /report function."

Please tell me, when a person is unconcious, it states - "Do not leave the server until the screen turns black in accordance to 3.20"

In my F6 in question i stated numerous times MY SCREEN TURNED BLACK. Therefore I AM allowed to disconnect. There is not a rule prohibiting you to connect to the server. In this scenario, where I did not disconnect to save possessions, which is implied by the ban reason and the confirmation i gave to the staff is to avoid the 3 minutes of the death timer LEFT after I WAS DEAD, what part of 3.20 did i break? Where is it EXPLICITLY stated that this is not allowed? This is absurd that staff could not interpretate the rules they should know.

As for calling somebody "you really are a goon" when his name is goonsberg or whatever is disrespectful, then his name as a whole is disrespectful.

Additional Information: Unban or not, personally i don't really care, this whole situation is a joke. The sole reason i took the time out of my day to make this appeal is not to play again but rather to demonstrate the incompetence of a dev who cannot interpretate rules. If it does something, good on the server health, if it doesn't tough luck in the end it's just a game and some people are powerhungry. Don't forget that a game is there to chill a bit after work, not deal with people with complexes. Don't act ingame how you don't want to be treated outside of it, it's just petty and sad.

Unless you have a meaningful response towards the questions above the additional information, please refrain from defending your knight. I really do not want to be lectured on manners by people of your kind. Thank you.

P.S In the end, please consider my name as an expression of my feelings towards said 2 children and the lack of respect in the post as intentional.
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The ban reason does not state that you disconnected to avoid losing possessions, it states that you disconnected to avoid the timer.

I will be contacting both staff members involved to get their side of this story today, in the meantime please explain why you tried to connect with another account after being banned.
Exactly, where is it stated that it is prohibited to avoid the timer?
It is stated actually. Quoting rule 3.20 in the ban reason implies that I was infringing it's content, being it possesion or other. The interpretations or clarifications, following the rules quoted, is the wrong part demonstrating the lack of understanding of the texts / rules. This in turn leads to abuse of power (be it intentional or unintentional) like this.

Towards your question, to get an explanation in person and to avoid all of this.

Thank you
Exactly, where is it stated that it is prohibited to avoid the timer?
It is stated actually. Quoting rule 3.20 in the ban reason implies that I was infringing it's content, being it possesion or other. The interpretations or clarifications, following the rules quoted, is the wrong part demonstrating the lack of understanding of the texts / rules. This in turn leads to abuse of power (be it intentional or unintentional) like this.

Towards your question, to get an explanation in person and to avoid all of this.

Thank you
You misinterpreted the rules, let me Eleborate. You disconnected from the server with intention of reconnection to save yourself respawn time and avoid having to follow NLR and save yourself on respawn time. This could be considered as exploiting.

So objectively 3.20 might not be the appropriate rule to describe your action as you never disconnected, you reconnected.

Now to avoid people reconnecting to avoid NLR and respawn time, which could give an unfair advantage over other players. We have added a feature which will put you in jail.

I will leave this comment just to inform you that what you did is not allowed and why, staff will further handle this dispute.
Dear Dank,
Thank you for your comment, appreciated, but I presume that if you check logs and talk to the goonsberg (sth like that) you would've been more informed about the matter.

Firstly i would like to clarify that when asked and what was used as evidence towards me was the question on his side "Did you explicitly disconnect and reconnect to avoid the death timer" and my statement "Yes, but only after it was allowed". So nowhere in any correspondence nor sentence was avoiding NLR mentionned or implied by either party, especially in the "evidence" against me. We could rule that out.

Furthermore what i meant by loggs would mean that, in console i typed disconnect, with a good system, i presume you can clearly see steam id ... "disconnected". After couple of seconds I double clicked which connected me. So by this logic I did disconnect and connect. What i presume you were thinking i did was, just double click directly while still connected to the server. Let me assure you, that I did not, and you can conifrm on your side for this as well.

Finally if this is the case, that "What i did was not allowed" could you elaborate why when being unconsious it is stated, like i said above, "... do not disconnect until the screen turns black in accordance to 3.20".

Many thanks
P.S - if in the case like you said "I reconnected instead of disconnect, connect" and the evidence towards me, including my statement, does not mention NLR anywhere, which rule did i break? And if you quote me a rule, could please specify my final point, as in this case it would be misleading the text written when unconscious.

P.P.S - I just saw you mentioned exploit. By definition it means "make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand". Could you please elaborate what unfair advantage did I receive, consindering NLR is out of the way. Not waiting 2-3 minutes black death screen does not give any material gain over any other player.
Dear Dank,
Thank you for your comment, appreciated, but I presume that if you check logs and talk to the goonsberg (sth like that) you would've been more informed about the matter.

Firstly i would like to clarify that when asked and what was used as evidence towards me was the question on his side "Did you explicitly disconnect and reconnect to avoid the death timer" and my statement "Yes, but only after it was allowed". So nowhere in any correspondence nor sentence was avoiding NLR mentionned or implied by either party, especially in the "evidence" against me. We could rule that out.

Furthermore what i meant by loggs would mean that, in console i typed disconnect, with a good system, i presume you can clearly see steam id ... "disconnected". After couple of seconds I double clicked which connected me. So by this logic I did disconnect and connect. What i presume you were thinking i did was, just double click directly while still connected to the server. Let me assure you, that I did not, and you can conifrm on your side for this as well.

Finally if this is the case, that "What i did was not allowed" could you elaborate why when being unconsious it is stated, like i said above, "... do not disconnect until the screen turns black in accordance to 3.20".

Many thanks
P.S - if in the case like you said "I reconnected instead of disconnect, connect" and the evidence towards me, including my statement, does not mention NLR anywhere, which rule did i break? And if you quote me a rule, could please specify my final point, as in this case it would be misleading the text written when unconscious.

P.P.S - I just saw you mentioned exploit. By definition it means "make use of (a situation) in a way considered unfair or underhand". Could you please elaborate what unfair advantage did I receive, consindering NLR is out of the way. Not waiting 2-3 minutes black death screen does not give any material gain over any other player.

As you seem to like to have the situation broken down factually I shall do my best to provide.

As you will obviously be aware, the intent of action decides if you disconnect or reconnect. Ofcourse we can see you disconnected first, but the intention remains to join back, hence making it reconnecting. It’s merely a choice of wording but does in fact not change the intention behind the action.

Now this bottles in to the 3.20 part, as I stated I feel like 3.20 is not the appropriate rule as it is relevant to people who disconnect, and have no intention of rejoining within a short period of time. You however rejoined nearly instantaneously.

I have indeed seen the evidence you refer to in your first point and I acknowledge that there was no mention of it in previous conversation between you and staff. However mentioned or not it is important to explain the reasoning behind the report being made.

The reason the Jail system is in place is to prevent people from gaining an advantage by reconnecting, that being direct or indirect. This is where NLR comes in, if you die and go “black” you are indeed free to disconnect, as you will not be returning to roleplay after the time would be up. Now if you reconnect, this means you skip time on blackscreen and also 5 minutes of NLR. This is a way of gaining an advantage over other players.

I also read the report you had open with Goonsberg and it states that you wanted to be able to go back quicker to your job, this is an advantage over someone who does wait the full 5 minutes. That is where the exploit part comes in, the game mechanic is there to prevent it.

I will not comment on the validity of your ban, I will only explain the reasoning behind it.

We agree that 3.20 doesn't necessarily apply here. However, it should be mentioned that the system worked exactly as intended. You're allowed to leave whilst on a black screen if you intend to stay off of the server for a minimum of 10 minutes, thus if you reconnect within that time you'll be jailed to ensure you don't reconnect to avoid NLR etc.

However we disagree with you in that we feel it clear that your intent was to insult the helper who was trying to help you with your issue, thus breaking 1.1.

Your ban reason will be edited and the length will be lowered to 3 days; 1 day for your disrespectful behaviour towards Goonsberg, and 2 days for your attempt to evade your punishment.

@Hayden @Dank
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