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  1. Tilin

    Features that you miss (or hate)

    Who do you think taught us back in the day??
  2. Tilin

    Features that you miss (or hate)

    I dedicated my life teaching sweaters this skill as I knew we couldn't all get physgunned at once. I definitely miss body tossing. It was such stupid knowledge to have on how to do it, but it made everything more fun. Same goes with RC trucks. It's nice that they stopped killing everything in...
  3. Tilin

    Features that you miss (or hate)

    Body throwing olympics or spinning them like beyblades around yourself
  4. Tilin

    Favourite part of Paralake V5?

    The roundabout...
  5. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (Marine Putin)

    Don't worry. I don't think we needed an AI detector, when it's written like they were channeling the spirit of a 19th century bureaucrat.
  6. Tilin

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    @ALOO89 So many complaints, yet no solutions. I understand raiding in a group of 3 is just a poor experience right now. Especially with everyone having an alarm on their door. But what about when the PD takes up a group of 10 players with heavy guns. No amount of armor is going to save you...
  7. Tilin

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    To do that, we first must tackle the recruit applications, which we are waiting an update for.
  8. Tilin

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    Those who have that trust should also apply for the basic TFU certification as soon as possible. When the apps open.
  9. Tilin

    PLPD Dispatch

    Not unanimously. I'd recreate drone war RP with it.
  10. Tilin

    PLPD Dispatch

    Hi, Yesterday we had an an OS meeting in regards to the changes being brought into TFU. After the meeting, a few of us stayed for a bit of discussion and Dispatch was brought up. What I brought up and was kind of agreed on with is that the issues sorrounding Dispatch are split into two...
  11. Tilin

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

    Being the first one to make this post next year
  12. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Will be looked over at the next administrator meeting.
  13. Tilin

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    None of them are recruits... Not saying it doesn't happen, but pretty sure @Dom_ has a screenshot of 6-7 TFOs on duty at once in an apartment. The limit hasn't changed, the availability has.
  14. Tilin

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    In terms of the PD side, it's pure chaos, but very funny. In terms of the Civ side, people have been crying that there's so much TFU. Now every time someone wrote something about that in OOC, I checked the police computer and there was typically no more than 4 TFOs (2 recruits, 2 TFOs) on. I...
  15. Tilin

    Ban Apology (@ellie)

    Ban has expired.
  16. Tilin

    How long was your longest ban

    @John Daymon guess what. 8 years after and I'm still minging here!
  17. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Donation box\hat

    I don't this would cause any less perp cash to be sold
  18. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Remove fireaxe damage

    The point is it's a game. We need funny moments, but also balance. Otherwise it just feels dull and repetitive. As big of a nuissance player coming on PERP to just kill are, they do create random events. Would it really though? It will alert officers that a fire axe has been used by a...
  19. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (Mini)

    You're probably glad that we never met before. There's nothing really to dispute here. In fact, all you've used this dispute for was: a) Make yourself look bad b) Make me think about extending your ban c) Cry and point fingers at others d) Call @MiniXIII not a very good mod I don't really know...
  20. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Increased body drag speed for high ranks

    The body throwing got nerfed too much. It was genuienly fun throwing the bodies off regals... I miss it.
  21. Tilin

    Ban Dispute (Super_)

    You shouldn't have to be told to treat people like they're human. That isn't our job. It was your parent's job. What you said was vile and rude. You also cannot dispute the length or how the staff member handled this. You can create a staff complaint for that. So are you saying that you did...
  22. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Police Broadcast improvements

    To be fair, these would be perfect. They turn off after 5 minutes with a countdown that you can refresh for instance and could be set via the Dispatch map in the F3 police computer.
  23. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Police Broadcast improvements

    Suggestion Title: Police Broadcast improvements Suggestion Description: The /pbc command is often overlooked as it's just another clutter of space in the chat area. It would be great to somehow separate it, so it's more usable in the context of Collisions on the road. One way would be to make...
  24. Tilin

    Server Suggestion ways to demote mayors by votes

    I think the assassination portion of the Mayor is kind of just about the only thing that makes it fun playing the Mayor, once you get tired of being the "good" mayor.
  25. Tilin

    Police Suggestion Handcuffs will have their badge number on it

    The model of the handcuffs is already fairly small, unless you wanna put like clothing price tag on them (Thanks ChatGPT)
  26. Tilin

    Action Request (Beesting)

    @Beesting has received a warning for rule 2.5 and 3.4. Breakdown: 2.5 - Shouldn't have involved himself in the situation as there was no benefit to him. Players should not take "rulebreaks" into their own hands as they often do not know what is fully happening and oftentimes ruin the experience...
  27. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (blobvis 2.0)

    User failed to provide evidence upon request.
  28. Tilin

    Server Suggestion Remove fireaxe damage

    I specifically remember this was added because the community thought it would be funny.
  29. Tilin

    Warning Dispute (monk)

    You cannot force withdrawal of an item that was never yours to begin with. Staff members can attempt to retrieve the item for you from the player, but that's about it. Reviewed with @Collier
  30. Tilin

    Ban Apology (Tilin)

    Wait it out. You received a lenient ban already for what you've done.