Ban Dispute (Mini)

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Reaction score

Punishment Type: Ban
Punishment Subtype: Server Ban
Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence]
Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Mini
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: sloki4350
Your Roleplay Name: Charlie Cobain
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:763590508

Why were you punished?: for throwing bottles at police

Why should this appeal be considered?: I have a few reasons, 1 Mini in the kindest way possible is a bad admin who's new and the most unprofessional mod I've personally ever met. 2 You just ignored what I said and still put on my ban that I threw bottles at them for no valid reason. 3 The police officer who arrested me not only put me in jail for 8 years after only at first chucking a single bottle at her head, but also gave me a 5000 ticket which just seems a bit unfair in my opinion, and then afterwards she arrested one of our AFK friends who were protesting and so we chucked more at her, me only chucking one more making that 2 bottles in case you were wondering.

Additional Information: "Extended ban length due to recent record for 3.4 violations." that was over two weeks ago and even though I got banned for it, I told the admin who was banning me that it was an accident which he never even let me finish speaking and banned me almost immediately after the report was being disputed, I got banned for that 3.4 because I had accidentally and I know you don't have to believe me, but accidentally did the emote that's just to the left of surrender. Anyways my main reason I'd say this was justifiable was we weren't just chucking bottles at them "for no valid reason" we were protesting at least like more than 5 of us and yet you ban me and she reports me after at first only chucking a single bottle at her head, when the people around me AND PEOPLE WHO WE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW AND WERE JUST STEALING OUR BOTTLES chucked tons of bottles at her when she was detaining me yet still just went for me.
Not involved but i can see where this is going

if you find how the staff member interacted with you to be out of line you make a staff complaint

In regards to the officer you make an IA towards them hear
(You sign into your steam and you also have to add a clip like a medal clip, shadowplay ect)
Not involved but i can see where this is going

if you find how the staff member interacted with you to be out of line you make a staff complaint

In regards to the officer you make an IA towards them hear
(You sign into your steam and you also have to add a clip like a medal clip, shadowplay ect)
I don't know who the officer was, all I know is she was clearly having a bad day. Never seen a cop be so serious about someone chucking a single bottle at them, usually it'd have been maybe a 1000 ticket tops and a slap on the ass unless I do it again, not a 8 minute jail, 5000 ticket, and a report about it.
Let's get some things cleared up here. I am not a 'new' mod, this is my second time being staff but that's quite irrelevant to this ban anyhow. Secondly, I wouldn't really call our interaction "unprofessional", I was just straight to the point and direct with what you did wrong. If you feel that was "unprofessional" then you may make a staff complaint here ( The staff complaint also applies to the length of the ban applied.

There was a fairly large group of people lobbing bottles all over the place however you and one other user were reported as you were throwing it at an officer arresting someone else which is really unnecessary and caused a report to be opened against you which is why you have been issued the punishment. Unless bleeding occurs, logs aren't going to show every single bottle that is thrown so without a report or a video it's impossible to determine who was throwing bottles without being there myself. You wasn't targetted you was just unfortunate enough to be in the recording doing it.

I issued a 1month ban as you have 6 punishments for 3.4 this year, the most recent one you only come off of the ban not even a week ago, that is why I felt the length of ban was necessary. Your excuse of "my friends were doing it" doesn't validate the rule break, it's still not allowed and has a negative impact on other users experience on the server.

I will leave this comment here and await this dispute to be dealt with accordingly.
Spotted on your profile @MiniXIII you were recently checking out this but had no comment to make, I think you should just quit or get better as a Mod tbf, you legit kept ignoring the fact that I made a report earlier for rdm and was upset that I was apparently "falsely accusing your admin friends" or however you put it in your words, which I didn't, I just thought I had made a report which I did but it must've not sent or glitched or something, so I made a second report talking about the rdm and the fact I thought you removed my previous report, and then kept messaging back ignoring the report I made about rdm and saying that I was falsely accusing you, and even when I said can you check on my report then you said something like "Yeah mate but stop falsely accusing admins" which you then seemed to had not even looked into my report until I messaged back again saying my bad.
Let's get some things cleared up here. I am not a 'new' mod, this is my second time being staff but that's quite irrelevant to this ban anyhow. Secondly, I wouldn't really call our interaction "unprofessional", I was just straight to the point and direct with what you did wrong. If you feel that was "unprofessional" then you may make a staff complaint here ( The staff complaint also applies to the length of the ban applied.

There was a fairly large group of people lobbing bottles all over the place however you and one other user were reported as you were throwing it at an officer arresting someone else which is really unnecessary and caused a report to be opened against you which is why you have been issued the punishment. Unless bleeding occurs, logs aren't going to show every single bottle that is thrown so without a report or a video it's impossible to determine who was throwing bottles without being there myself. You wasn't targetted you was just unfortunate enough to be in the recording doing it.

I issued a 1month ban as you have 6 punishments for 3.4 this year, the most recent one you only come off of the ban not even a week ago, that is why I felt the length of ban was necessary. Your excuse of "my friends were doing it" doesn't validate the rule break, it's still not allowed and has a negative impact on other users experience on the server.

I will leave this comment here and await this dispute to be dealt with accordingly.
my other comment I just made about you, I was making prior to you releasing this message. And also I don't think I ever once said "my friends were doing it" so don't know about that one, I was doing it because we were roleplaying a protest and also I'm sorry for chucking bottles at them whilst they were arresting someone didn't know that wasn't allowed, as literally everyone which was a lot of people at the time were chucking bottles at her when she was slowly dragging me into PD prior, which made me think I could do it, also I only chucked a single bottle at her when she was arresting that other person, so "negative impact on other users experience" my ass, more than anything I see that type of goofy stuff everyday on this server
Spotted on your profile @MiniXIII you were recently checking out this but had no comment to make, I think you should just quit or get better as a Mod

Stop the shit talking and make a complaint if you think he’s done something wrong instead of complaining in this thread which will go nowhere.

Please stop commenting unless it’s relevant to the incident and ban dispute. There is evidence in the ban comments so this will be reviewed shortly.

the most unprofessional mod I've personally ever met
You're probably glad that we never met before.

There's nothing really to dispute here. In fact, all you've used this dispute for was:
a) Make yourself look bad
b) Make me think about extending your ban
c) Cry and point fingers at others
d) Call @MiniXIII not a very good mod

I don't really know what to reply with here, considering you never disputed your ban reason, which we looked at and is completely valid.

@SomeUser has provided you the channels to go through to get your issues dealt with, but let me put it down again:
- If you disagree with how the staff member dealt with this or disagree with the ban length: STAFF COMPLAINT
- If you wish to report the other involved players: ACTION REQUEST
- If you wish to report an officer for misconduct: PLPD.ONLINE IA COMPLAINT

You have quite the record for 3.4, there's nothing to say there either. Just because something happened 2 weeks ago, doesn't mean we won't hold it against you.

Reviewed with @Spoon @Ezza @Locksmith @Ellie
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