Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

I don’t think Officers should be able to apply for it only because they are new to the force and don’t read the UOF policy as it is

I think the the questions or to become tier 1 should be a lot harder if we are allowing officers to apply for it and atleast make them have a certain amount of hours on pd and some ORs

Great update overall and and the TFU command have done really well with this update
This TFU update has been more ways to developers ( @Maia ) to complain about zergs, aka the group of people with rifles (at a maximum of 8) who simply have organisation and strategy who have to fight an army of 20 (not 25 anymore, thanks guys!) who have absolutely 0 brain cells because why do they need to when they can just rush into every fight and not lose anything? But let’s give them all rifles too after playing the server for 3 days, even the old TFU was buttfuck easy to obtain. You had to answer 5 questions or just slip a TFTO a nice compliment and they’ll help you out in the practical

if a mod can space out my paragraph that’d be nice i typed this on my phone
This TFU update has been more ways to developers ( @Maia ) to complain about zergs, aka the group of people with rifles (at a maximum of 8) who simply have organisation and strategy who have to fight an army of 20 (not 25 anymore, thanks guys!) who have absolutely 0 brain cells because why do they need to when they can just rush into every fight and not lose anything? But let’s give them all rifles too after playing the server for 3 days, even the old TFU was buttfuck easy to obtain. You had to answer 5 questions or just slip a TFTO a nice compliment and they’ll help you out in the practical

if a mod can space out my paragraph that’d be nice i typed this on my phone
There are recruit tfus with 6 hours on the game, there are literally 0 requirements
Now instead of 8 crims with rifles having to actually try to win a raid u need 15 people with as50s to have a chance!
Actually lets nerf as50s again while we are at it that might make this update all balanced

Sometimes i raid all most all time (at morning or at night) and there be at least 1-2 tfu on dute while im raiding, now its almost impossible to win raid if you are raiding with 3 or less players unless you are raiding with high skills people

also many cops are on dute all time of day many times i was trying to go on dute and find out its full

i want to add many people have t2 tfu and as i said its almost all time there be 1-2 tfu on dute cant imagen how it will be now since its really easy

GL for crims

i know some people will cry about "Cops must be overpower against the crims" i understand that point but at the end of the day everyone want to have fun but by adding more tfu and more stuff to the pd and make it more and more over power that killing the desire of people raiding especially when there is +70 player on server

at these days when i raid i know 70% i will lose but i might kill some but at the end of day i will lose due to number of officers on dute and tfu

as what @rxsm said @Maia was complaining that people was zerging with (8 people) and some shit while at these days not much people actually are zerging, now days what is the maximum people that can go together and raid/bank raid without haveing tk ? 8-10 people and that is very rare while the plpd are almost +10 all time

making the tfu easyer is good to fight big grope of people but think about small amount of people 1-4 which is mostly these people who actually raid

the orgs are not good and have big amount of ppl like before where they can fight the cops/deffnders

at the end of the day everyone play to have fun but making something extremely hard for some people and making other thing easier for others meaning you are ruin other players experience
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In terms of the PD side, it's pure chaos, but very funny.

In terms of the Civ side, people have been crying that there's so much TFU. Now every time someone wrote something about that in OOC, I checked the police computer and there was typically no more than 4 TFOs (2 recruits, 2 TFOs) on.

I think the issue are more the long sleeve models as it makes you think from afar that everyone is a TFU now... There's not much distinction between the gear like it used to be. First time I've joined after the update went live I kept telling people to gear down who weren't even TFU certified at the time...
In terms of the PD side, it's pure chaos, but very funny.

In terms of the Civ side, people have been crying that there's so much TFU. Now every time someone wrote something about that in OOC, I checked the police computer and there was typically no more than 4 TFOs (2 recruits, 2 TFOs) on.

I think the issue are more the long sleeve models as it makes you think from afar that everyone is a TFU now... There's not much distinction between the gear like it used to be. First time I've joined after the update went live I kept telling people to gear down who weren't even TFU certified at the time...
Yesterday me @micbib and @torbizzle had to fight at least 6 tfu as well as like 5 remis not to mention 9 more rat pistol cops as three people…
Just wanted a discussion relating the new TFU Update to see everyone's views and opinions on it.
its bc they let every body in it should be senior and above also when you have a mason helms with a rifle in your back screaming move!! it takes away the fun
Just wanted a discussion relating the new TFU Update to see everyone's views and opinions on it.
also the new Recruts even if they arent senior officer and just normal officer they still think they are better that corporals just bc they have a rifle so they dont let you talk and then they rush in
also the new Recruts even if they arent senior officer and just normal officer they still think they are better that corporals just bc they have a rifle so they dont let you talk and then they rush in

The TFU imbalance has always been like that, senior officer TFU can breach properties and conduct property searches but corporals can't without a warrant being set? It's always been the way as well that TFU pretty much turn up and take over the scene with no real regard for scene commander or the highest rank there
In terms of the PD side, it's pure chaos, but very funny.

In terms of the Civ side, people have been crying that there's so much TFU. Now every time someone wrote something about that in OOC, I checked the police computer and there was typically no more than 4 TFOs (2 recruits, 2 TFOs) on.

I think the issue are more the long sleeve models as it makes you think from afar that everyone is a TFU now... There's not much distinction between the gear like it used to be. First time I've joined after the update went live I kept telling people to gear down who weren't even TFU certified at the time...
Me and db tried to raid late at night last night, and had to fight 6 tfu along with pistol cops
If they gear up and there's now too many TFU in gear, then yes you'd have to gear down or someone will
Who’s they?

Please produce an ounce of evidence / proof to substantiate your claim. That an already in gear TFO has to fear down for a RTFO.
The TFU imbalance has always been like that, senior officer TFU can breach properties and conduct property searches but corporals can't without a warrant being set? It's always been the way as well that TFU pretty much turn up and take over the scene with no real regard for scene commander or the highest rank there
i was making a example like they think they are above you even if there not
In terms of the PD side, it's pure chaos, but very funny.

In terms of the Civ side, people have been crying that there's so much TFU. Now every time someone wrote something about that in OOC, I checked the police computer and there was typically no more than 4 TFOs (2 recruits, 2 TFOs) on.

I think the issue are more the long sleeve models as it makes you think from afar that everyone is a TFU now... There's not much distinction between the gear like it used to be. First time I've joined after the update went live I kept telling people to gear down who weren't even TFU certified at the time...
my guy lieing is not good i can take some screenshots and post them on your profile every time there is more than 4 tfu

also if you really think they are crying can you show us ur skills and go raid while there is +80 players on server !

i would really like to see u raiding or as civ for once

also that SS was today like 3h ago maybe i dont really remmber there was 3 cops on dute including me and 3 tfu on dute

1733323776801.pngthere was just 3 tfu and 3 cops and the tfu was on max

I checked the police computer and there was typically no more than 4 TFOs (2 recruits, 2 TFOs) on.

you know that i know and lot of people know that is not true and her is the proof and you where on dute
1733323816849.pngas i said if u want i can keep takeing SS when ever there is +4 of tfu on dute