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  1. Homer

    big boi

    big boi
  2. Homer

    When you change Ur priorities in a raid

  3. Homer

    Unlock my Lock

  4. Homer

    Crafting + Application

    In-character information: OOC Information: Steam Name: Homer. Playtime: 1 month+ Age: 14. Country: United Kingdom.
  5. Homer

    How can I improve mg police roleplay?

    Thank you.
  6. Homer

    Ragdoll Posing.

    Cool! Did you use ragdoll mover addon or the physics gun? EDIT: Here are mine: Not GMod but rather SFM: My favorite one in which I edited later in gimp:
  7. Homer

    When shot in leg while running, fall down.

    I totally support this idea - I use to play on a semi-serious roleplay server (back in the day) and they had a system like this, it worked extremely well, arresting people was easier and I think 3.4 can be enforced more easily if this was implemented.
  8. Homer

    How 2 matrix

    My brother is having a hard time understanding what this is meant to be, can someone please explain the video to him?
  9. Homer

    I'm coming back! (ish)

    Getting bored with Team fortress 2 and I'm waiting for Fallout 4 to be released - there's also a lot of revision to do this year which I'm not doing. Hopefully I can return after I move into my new home, it shouldn't be like last time where the broadband took 2 weeks to come on... so yeah...
  10. Homer

    Go Karting

    I did it for my 11th Birthday with all my mates, my ass was numb after. I rammed every bastard that rammed me.
  11. Homer

    What you guys think about school??

    Got extremely bored over the holiday, so glad I'm heading back to school. (listen to the wise words of Standish) Not looking forward to being in year 10 though.
  12. Homer

    So who's upgrading to Windows 10?

    Egh, still no notification. Thought I should download it from the website, I'll just wait though.
  13. Homer

    Weirdest people you have ever met.

    Well, this one is a long one so please be patient. You. @Spooky
  14. Homer

    Guide: How to Successfully lose an M24

    I deleted the clip where me and @Teletubbies Pro sprayed you down at Regals with your M82, let me tell you something - that M82 only gave us 1K.
  15. Homer

    My first attempt at an MLG - style video.

    Well, took me roughly 8 hours to complete (a lot of planning because hell, planning for an MLG video takes time according to my thoughts)
  16. Homer

    rip in ebbe

    Niko, apologies to your vehicle. huehuehue @-=Bilbo Swaggins=-
  17. Homer

    Adventures of Eddie Rolo.

    Finally, the video uploaded! It took 3 hours to upload. Anyway, this is part 1 of a short series of my journey in Paralake - enjoy. P.S: First time making an actual video.
  18. Homer

    Your PC

    So basically, you spent 1 minute and 33 seconds having a rave with your PC? Mine: Yes, I know it's dusty! Get off my back. Specs: GeForce GTX 770 Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 - 4670K CPU @ 3.40GHz 8.00 GB RAM 1920x1080, 60GHz (resolution) Operating system - Windows 8.1. Corsair case...
  19. Homer

    GMod posing.

    I gave posing a go a few months back but lost motivation and generally got bored, tried it again today and I'm actually pleased with the results - if be it, I need to practice posing more since I really can't pose that well; anyway, here are the photos - I'll start off with the first ones I made...
  20. Homer

    Prank Calling

    2 hours? While I appreciate the time it took to probably export this video it's too long, most of the people (like me) would only watch for 5 minutes and call it a day, you went overboard with this one mate.
  21. Homer

    Another Year...

    My mind fucked me over and I thought it read "I've not been on the server for 1 year!" I am back Matt, more active - got that love for being a SWAT officer again, hope you're enjoying physics still :D
  22. Homer

    I need of a video editing software.

    As the title says, I need a good - decent video editing software, mainly editing as a hobby and partly for school. Probably gonna have to torrent however.
  23. Homer

    Keys being re-added

    Personally, I think it looks more immersive then previously when it took 15% of your view; I hate using this word but it also looks more "realistic"
  24. Homer

    Gone indefinitely at the start of August

    I will really fucking miss you Imperial Watch, you were like my big brother on the server. Good luck wherever the military takes you man, hope you do well!
  25. Homer

    Resignation Post

    Oh goddammit. That's really all I can say. I suppose we can't be mod buddies anymore? :C
  26. Homer


    Stomper, you were one of the first mods I got to encounter on PERP - so dedicated and trusted on the server, I wanted to be just like you. You were a main reason I wanted to become a moderator and for that - thank you Stomper, not just for being a fantastic moderator, but for also being a great...
  27. Homer


    Like Stomper, I have felt the need to resign due to my inactivity on the server and my general attitude towards doing reports. This does not mean that I will leave this community forever; it simply means that I do not wish to do reports and rather carrying on my role-play instead of worrying...
  28. Homer

    Goodbye to the community

    I wanted to hear your new voice even more, fuuuuck. Serious note - will be miss you Matt, I thought you were one of a kind.
  29. Homer

    Rust or Ark?

    Alright, I'm going to crap out some information about Rust. Rust - addictive and fun game - stunning graphics and loads of content; the developers of Rust are constantly updating the game and hot-fixing whenever there's a major bug. Due to optimization, you should get higher FPS then Ark but...