
  • Thread starter Thread starter MattIs
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Today @Stomper resigned from the Staff Team without making a goodbye notice. I am making this thread so that we can appreciate the amount of hours and compassion he has put into this community.

Some little facts about Stomper:
  • He is the only American member of staff (Excluding Steven of course...)
  • He still has the biggest report count record to date!
  • He is one of the longest serving staff members.
Thank you so much for all your hard work mate, I'm going to miss you so much and am going to find it hard without you.

Bye Mate :(
I smell a fucking conspiracy here. You bastards in staff sent a hitman on him. That's why he can't make a goodbye thread. I'm on to you, punks.
Well, bye Stomper. You have been a great staff member.
You helped me out a lot when I just started playing Perpheads and I want to thank you for that.

Have fun with whatever you are going to do now.
You left without inviting me to 504? nooo

well see ya stomper, sad to see you resign.
Honestly, it's such a shame to see Stomper go - a really nice guy, someone who was so dedicated towards the server and the community as a whole and was friendly to everyone no matter what.


You will be missed.
Stomper, you were one of the first mods I got to encounter on PERP - so dedicated and trusted on the server, I wanted to be just like you. You were a main reason I wanted to become a moderator and for that - thank you Stomper, not just for being a fantastic moderator, but for also being a great inspiration.

We have lost a gr8 American mod.
I have some great words for Stomper and could possibly relate to everyone here.

Stomper, you are a great moderator and amazing friend, although i have not seen you in a good bit of time I hope that our friendship can resume shortly. I hope that you come back to the staff team shortly and we can all see you enforce the rules even though you are not on the staff team. I have you as a Steam Friend and I hope that we could be more than that (No homo, I have a girlfriend *cough*Unlike @.Undead *cough*) as real life friends. I find you as a better friend than almost anyone on this server due to we are both American! ('MURICAAAAA FUCK YEA) Everyone In this server, rule breaker or not, everyone will miss you and seeing your name above the rest. We thank you for your service and how seriously and how kindly you handled situations and how great you are in RP situations. We hope to see you again shortly and have a great time!