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  1. Fredy

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    Thanks for all the videos, this was really helpful. Somehow almost all master servers hate the french servers from OVH, I am unsure why this is. Maybe we should switch to a UK server (would incur a very slight ping overhead between 1-5ms for everyone else), especially since the majority of our...
  2. Fredy

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    Someone didn't read the post, or the title...
  3. Fredy

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    Looks like you are from belguim which is why french servers are loaded first. Does germany just hate the french so much that they let them load in even after the russians?
  4. Fredy

    Help Needed - Server Browser Retrieval Order

    Hello, Our server was always getting massively disadvantaged by gmod's server browser. I am specifically talking about the order in which the servers are loaded by the server browser. Up until now I did not make much of it and we had the theory that the order the servers were being retrieved in...
  5. Fredy


    Fuck A1L
  6. Fredy


    A1L sucks, Mini is way cooler
  7. Fredy

    Ban Apology (CONSOLE)

  8. Fredy

    Workbench placement error

    I could not reproduce this at all. I think people were just inside the workbench position when trying to place it, at which point it gives exactly that error message.
  9. Fredy

    Tooter Revival - 09/05/22

    And one last update, after which I will develop other things: Toots now indicate whether or not you retooted/favourited them You are able to remove favourites and retoots by clicking the corresponding button again Made links work in toots Enabled links/hashtags/mentions in profile descriptions...
  10. Fredy

    Tooter Revival - 09/05/22

    Just a small update: Added ability to delete your own messages and profiles All admins can now delete other people's messages and profiles Fixed replies loading infinite messages When you reply to a toot, it will now prefill the toot box with the corresponding account's handle Fixed settings...
  11. Fredy

    Tooter Revival - 09/05/22

    Tooter was broken since roughly a year ago and it was not fixed because it was always too much trouble. I finally had enough time to get it working again and make sure that it will not break in the future anymore. Tooter is safe from now on. While fixing the backend I also noticed that the UI...
  12. Fredy

    Wardrobe Update - 04/05/22

    A month ago we made a poll about what we should develop next. The wardrobe system won that vote and I am very happy to release it in today's update. Here is how it works: When approaching the mirror in Jennifer's you are now greeted with two options, either purchasing new clothes or go to the...
  13. Fredy

    Map ideas needed

    I wish there was an Evil rating
  14. Fredy

    Map ideas needed

    @Kay @Ellie @Creepis Having more than one shop area (i.e. city shops + bazaar) is almost certainly a bad idea. People will always gravitate to only one shop area and the other will become insignificant (at least at our player count), so if we add city shops this might kill bazaar. Is that really...
  15. Fredy

    Server Suggestion Remove player names when crouched

    Done, but better. Player tags when crouching will only show when you are much closer to the person (can be removed in the future if this is annoying) Only draw player tags if the head of the player is actually visible
  16. Fredy

    Small Demo Update - 16/04/22

    This is just a very small update that changes the location of recorded demos from the demos folder to the data/phdemos folder. The reason we decided to change the folder is due to the demos folder being backed up by Steam Cloud. This is not exactly great since it forces you to upload large demo...
  17. Fredy

    Mission System Part 1: Linear Tutorial - 09/04/22

    One of the biggest issue that our server faces is attracting new players. While we have an incredibly dedicated player base with many people who have played on our server since years and even people who come back after year long bans, new players often find it very difficult to get started...
  18. Fredy

    FPS Drop Fix - 06/04/2022

    Same logic applies, you are probably rendering police cars in the parking lot below. So my statement stands, remove cars from police.
  19. Fredy

    FPS Drop Fix - 06/04/2022

    Just to give a bit more depth to what Creepis said, checkout this video which shows which part of the map are drawn, you can get the same view by using mat_leafvis 3 in singleplayer. As you can see, the PD parking lot is drawn when you step outside the toilet, which presumable contained a load...
  20. Fredy

    FPS Drop Fix - 06/04/2022

    Because I already fixed it
  21. Fredy

    Future Development Projects (Poll)

    I am not gonna edit them but someone else definitely will.
  22. Fredy

    Future Development Projects (Poll)

    Just for the record, the gun update will not improve any guns, it is just there to make coding it easier, so there will be literally no change to the players.
  23. Fredy

    You TinySlayer wannabe

    You TinySlayer wannabe
  24. Fredy

    FPS Drop Fix - 06/04/2022

    Except that unlike the old sleeves which were just the generic sleeve model colored with whatever color you were wearing, this is your real sleeve from your current model!
  25. Fredy

    FPS Drop Fix - 06/04/2022

    Many users have pointed out in the past that certain areas of the map sometimes cause massive FPS drops. These could be noticed by just entering a certain area of the map, during raiding or even just standing still. Some of the worst areas that were noted were the area around the beach, the...
  26. Fredy

    New Sweaters and April Fool's

    The very heavy TFU gear has extremely strong head armor, I recommend using it
  27. Fredy

    New Sweaters and April Fool's

    Today's update adds some cool new sweater skins made by @TkToaster and gives the PD some more tools to more effectively raid heavily fortified bases. Here's the full changelog: New Sweaters @TkToaster has graciously made some new sweater skins for us, big thanks to him! Thanks to our system it...
  28. Fredy

    Advertised as Serious Roleplay Server

    Is this the real Tanges or was your account hacked? For the record, he was one of the original owners but left to manage a supermarket.
  29. Fredy

    Update Log 10/03/22

    Seems like a lot of people here are butthurt that there will never be a chess app or game!
  30. Fredy

    Server Suggestion DNA from explosions

    Shooting someone usually also does not leave DNA in real life, this is purely a gameplay mechanic that is not meant to be realistic. I do not see why it should be special for explosions.