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  1. Hodgparjor

    Maps of Paralake | Road Signage & Speed Limits

    Currently I'm working on a map with suggested speedtrap locations, once I finish all the maps will be added to Road Traffic Unit handbook (
  2. Hodgparjor

    Maps of Paralake | Road Signage & Speed Limits

    No! Just the one added on the map makes no sense, and the one on other side is missing!
  3. Hodgparjor

    Maps of Paralake | Road Signage & Speed Limits

    Quite long time ago I began working on maps covering speed limits and road signage in three main areas of the map - namely suburbs, city and business. Today I finally finished all of those maps! Main idea behind those maps was to provide materials that would make it easier for officers who do...
  4. Hodgparjor

    Gun giveaway

    Orson Coffey 3434049 37
  5. Hodgparjor

    Ban Apology (Hodgparjor)

  6. Hodgparjor

    Ban Apology (Hodgparjor)

  7. Hodgparjor

    Refund Request (roos)

    Make F6 with link to this thread when there is administrator+ online to retrieve your items. Following items are to be refunded: 1x AK-101 1x AK-101 Stock 1x Loaded 5.56x45mm Magazine (AK-101) 1x Red Dot Sight 1x Rifle Compensator
  8. Hodgparjor

    Ban Apology (Hodgparjor)

    You already recieved a ban in this month for almost same thing. To see areas where you can and can not mug, check this guide (areas without color are also forbidden): To take someone's items after zip-tying them, take your fists out and click R on them.
  9. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (DnChops)

    While I agree that players should avoid writing F6 during roleplay interactions with others and only do it when their immediate attention is no longer required, In this instance I belive that it did not affect the situation. @daZai already surrendered, thus he did not pose threat anymore, and he...
  10. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (DnChops)

    @DnChops Could you elaborate on how @daZai broke 3.5? Furthermore, how did you know daZai owns slums 4, and why did you take his gun into your appartment?
  11. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (DnChops)

    @daZai Seeing that you are creating report at the end of your clip, wasn't the sitaution resolved in game? @DnChops could you please explain your actions visible on the video?
  12. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (Spade)

    It is important to notice, that after commiting a violent crime of killing occupants of the property, you should make an attempt to leave the place as soon as you can. You collected most of the drugs and waited for a single planter, which you collected over 20 minutes after the raid started...
  13. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (Spade)

    @phoondos If the police did not respond to the raid initially, what were you doing in his property 11 minutes after killing him and collecting most of the drugs? Were there any signs that could indicate to the player in question that you are still inside his property? @Spade could you explain...
  14. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (phoondos)

    Situation was already dealt with in-game by @Nate. If you disagree with the outcome, you must create staff complaint on him.
  15. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (qayes2109)

    According to @ahmed alo he did not have his headphones on, and panicked upon seeing @Jedediah Longtree. However, it is defined under rule 2.7 that and It's not @ahmed alo's first time trying to justificate breaking 3.4 by not having headphones, therfore he should already be aware of the rule...
  16. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (qayes2109)

    @ahmed alo Could you please explain your actions visible on the provided evidence?
  17. Hodgparjor

    Ban Apology (Hodgparjor)

    The ban is already lenient given your record, I'd prefer if you wait it out.
  18. Hodgparjor

    Refund Request (CaseyCrissell)

    As can be seen in this thread, refunds can only be made if value of lost items exceeds 5000$
  19. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (Steam Name: Mac)

    -ish Given that @DanielRabbit intention was to mug @Mac O-Brian, and he complied by dropping items and merely did not put his hands up, I belive that there is no need for formal punishment to be taken against him. @Mac O-Brian in further situations like that however, please comply with orders...
  20. Hodgparjor

    Action Request (Steam Name: Mac)

    @Mac O-Brian Could you please explain your actions visible on the provided evidence? @DanielRabbit What was your intent behind gunpointing him into the apartment? Could you also describe the situation with more details or provide a longer clip?
  21. Hodgparjor


    5 skulls and I'll ban @dog as apparently he still did not ban himself
  22. Hodgparjor

    GIVEAWAY: 6 months premium

    STEAM_0:1:59290002 Beige If I win please reroll!
  23. Hodgparjor

    Ban Apology (sidd)

    For @sidd
  24. Hodgparjor

    I've started to make music, would love opinions!

    That's fire mate!
  25. Hodgparjor


  26. Hodgparjor


  27. Hodgparjor


  28. Hodgparjor

    What Programming language do you use/What are your shticks?

    For past 2 years I've been mostly programming in C/C++, had some time with Java and Python but nothing more than university stuff. Recently I started using C# at work and I honestly hate it, can't wait to finish the project and go back to embedded C, bare metal programming is my kink.
  29. Hodgparjor

    Ban Apology (Hodgparjor)

    I'm glad that it was a learning experience for you (both rule-wise and irl driving-wise) and I appreciate the apology. However as you've stated yourself, the ban is already lenient, therfore I'd prefer if you wait it out.
  30. Hodgparjor

    Ban Apology (Hodgparjor)
