Search results

  1. Death Howl

    The Philando Castile & Alton Sterling incident. Opinions? Racism card?

    You know what they say about media, Don't trust it when they can just edit the footage and twist your perception of it. Officers face alot of danger in america even pranking pulling a gun on them can mean your death that is how bad it is. Blame the gangs not the police.
  2. Death Howl

    When perpheads lets you down

    We have proof report him for corru- *Banned*
  3. Death Howl

    Give Senior Officers+ P226s, P99s and USPs

    I would like to see the P226 Sig Sauger because it is widely used weapon even in special forces its used. Having variety for the police would be nice but im expecting a *Cough* Nerf
  4. Death Howl

    The Little Sweater Who Couldn't

    When you want to start a gunfight in the bazaar as a sweater but forgot your ammo. Everytime
  5. Death Howl

    PerpHeads Legacy Server

    So many memories from evocity yet it is just not the same as before. Will probably turn up but paralake has changed the community too much to go back to evocity. On the plus side there will actually be space to get into the main server.
  6. Death Howl

    PD Camping rule.

    Whats the problem with this? The PD would be the best option if you were looking for the police and while you are in there its not like someone will run in and shoot you because it is (Not including fort glass co) the safest place in the city so why Can't someone just go there. The police has...
  7. Death Howl

    Why being a firefighter sucks

    Give the firefighters ladders and chase some cats up some trees. Nah more serious I agree firefighters are not used enough IRL they are also a rescue service since they can carry a large amount of equipment due to the size of the fire trucks. I think this has been suggested before but when a...
  8. Death Howl

    SOLVED *Urgent* PC won't boot

    PC not booting no problem slip on some boots and well boot it. For your computer to boot it usually needs a source to do it mainly your hard drive. However if the problem is your power supply the bad regulation of power could account for it not booting most of the time. I would say check the...
  9. Death Howl

    Good bye

    I never fully got to know you but you got stuck in the loop like everyone else. Me im probably one of the most legit people of all time barely growing or commiting crimes since evocity. Its so hard to make money the legit way so I turn to growing then get raided and just give up. I wish you the...
  10. Death Howl

    expanding on taxes

    You are onto something maybe taxing certain things will work like the less funding for government vehicles the less options like paramedics can only spawn the ambulance, police can only spawn crown vics or maybe if the mayor really wants to get himself killed less weapon options for LEO's. The...
  11. Death Howl

    Public opinion section

    Well taking the piss out of some staff members can be normal its called banter. I have never been restricted by my positing and long as it follows the forum rules. And yes I was bribed to say that I have freedom of speech On a more serious note make sure everything you post follows the forum...
  12. Death Howl

    SweaterCOPS - Hostage-Bomb Situation

    How I rp? He must be from Economy rp.
  13. Death Howl

    4.10 Intentionally causing stress (Working title)

    Title can be changed could not think of a good name. Another noissuese if the template is wrong my copying on my tablet can mess up. Your version of the rule: Players should not intentionally troll, stall, discriminate or mess around in serious situations or should be kept to a minimum...
  14. Death Howl

    Ben Walker roleplay.

    Nothing like shooting cops to promote brilliant RP. Serious (Cop Hunt) Roleplay? I really want a video where we don't get killed so easily.
  15. Death Howl

    #CREEPIS4ADMIN - Power to the people: Campaign Thread

    I can't wait for the press conference. Creepis gets my vote a real deserving admin and you would all agree with me there. #PerpheadsReferendum
  16. Death Howl

    Police Broadcast

    And what about Dispatchers who would need to run all the way back up to get to the comouters because their own does not have access to it to my knowledge. Its not always easy to just run up to alert the public of the danger while the police fprce yells for you. I would like it kinda merged with...
  17. Death Howl

    Police Broadcast

    This has been requested so many times and its simply because if we do it in /advert someone else a few seconds later can break out a Fail advert which could usually follow these examples as I will demonstrate the issue now. Advert: Drop 1mil or die Advert: (PLPD) Crash at bridge please reduce...
  18. Death Howl

    Death Howl

    I thank you for the recommendation I always like to put full effort into a situation and finish it if possible. You were good yourself was a unique situation for me and I enjoyed it alot.
  19. Death Howl

    In Game Insurance Org

    Its to easy to exploit whats to stop someone braking hard infront of someone just for insurance. But if you want to lose money im not going to stop you.
  20. Death Howl

    Where is the wealthiest place in the world?

    Abu Dhabi even the police has supercars. Makes me want a Lamborghini Police spec :)
  21. Death Howl

    PERP | What has it become?

    This is not Gangwars RP this is Serious RP but its not fun something always happens where everyone has a laugh. Its called serious RP to prevent people taking RP way to far and being completely unrealistic. I admit it gets repetitive but something is always thrown in that makes you want to come...
  22. Death Howl

    City Bridge or Highway Bridge?

    I call it highway bridge because it helps new players understand where it actually is. On Dispatcher the camera there is designated City Highway Bridge.
  23. Death Howl

    Your Roblox Name.

    You guys play Roblox? Any more games you guys play maybe Hello Kitty adventure? Anyway mine is DeathPoison01
  24. Death Howl

    EconomyRP - MrLewis Admin Sit

    "I don't know how longer I can stall this ban for" Economy RP must be good I should apply for one of the 22 co-owner positions available. I have to salute this kid for trying anyway everyone break out the serious face we are not serious enough. Inb4 next update titled Even More Serious Update.
  25. Death Howl

    Paul Richard

    Now that we left the EU our independence day will probably be Nigel Farage on a Costal gun shooting every single ship approaching. Enjoy your day just be on at the 5th dont want to miss our anniversary and the shiny new update.
  26. Death Howl

    Cool cars to modify?

    Citroen C4 is the cheapest 5 seater car with a unique steering wheel but the first upgrade introduces acceleration since the car is a snail. The body kit in white looks like voldermorts face. The car itself can be confused for a prius but for about 300k its a good looking car, and that came from...
  27. Death Howl

    Most common adverts

    /advert Look im about to jump off a bridge come watch or pay me 10k
  28. Death Howl

    Life Issues

    We all have life issues but mine has reached a milestone and is now effecting me too much. Not many know this but I currently have severe money issues which is now causing alot of stress and potential depression. I have been aware of it and tried everything but right now im just losing hope...
  29. Death Howl

    PERP ARs and Reports

    I sent a report out so lets stall this situation. People who make reports for invalid reasons and stall situations because of them makes me sick. I have always felt sorry for the staff who has to answer these reports when peoole can deal with these kinds of problems themselfs.