EconomyRP - MrLewis Admin Sit

He was a good fella
Lads you never know he could be telling the truth .... then we all look like mugs and myself and @MrLewis do 'bum lick eachother'.
[DOUBLEPOST=1466882693,1466882523][/DOUBLEPOST]P.s This is when i realised how hard it is to be a staff member, Dealing with spoons like this on a daily basis
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What person names their server that? Totally 19, 18 and 21 year old people going to work with a 12 year old.
Man Lewis got roasted.

"I'll add in your favourite t-shirt, you an your friend bumlickin' each other"
I remember that kid. He batted down the mayor when I was gun pointing him as a cop while yelling to get on ground and he trying to make a fucking "extra serious" role playing server? Fucks Sake....

I wonder what people would think re-watching this when he's running EconomyRP- Gmod's most popular roleplay server.
"I don't know how longer I can stall this ban for"

Economy RP must be good I should apply for one of the 22 co-owner positions available. I have to salute this kid for trying anyway everyone break out the serious face we are not serious enough.

Inb4 next update titled Even More Serious Update.