PD Camping rule.

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Birmingham, United Kingdom
Discussion Post: Not allowing people to sit in the PD while people are after them since although its not risking their lives because no one would do anything in the PD, they take the mick and stand in the PD lobby till that person goes.

Main Idea: A rule against PD camping till the person after you has gone, making it so (10+ minutes) camping the PD is against the rules (number), bit like the old 5.4

Full description of the idea: Disallowing a player who is being chased or killed to resort to the PD mid shoot out or chase so they can camp there till the person is gone, this means that the person has to face what they need to do and can't drive 10 seconds to the PD.

Why should it be added?: Trying to kill someone is pure aids when they resort to the PD and you wait there for hours and realise they're just going to disconnect (6.5)

Pros: Means that people have to RP it out instead of resorting to a safe zone and not role-playing.

Cons: Would still kind of class as 3.6 since the person is going their to stay away from death however its still camping.

*Other additions: Not sure you decide.

*Images: Non

I just want opinions from you all.
I don't see how you can call this camping or something? If you're being chased for w/e reason, surely you'd try and seek safety which might be the PD. I don't see how being gunned down is rping it out lmao.

You can't put a rule on someone trying their best to prevent their life being taken, and therefore role play realistically. A Police Department should be seen as a safe area, thats why people go to it in an attempt to stay alive.
This post was simply made because I afk'ed in the police department as you wanted to kill me.
Anyways, the Police Department is a 'safe-place' in which the law enforcement officers should (hopefully) assist you in your needs, and some may be put into witness protection.
Using that as an example. Anyways, i'd simply say -support as it really benefits no one. And that'd just result in the person being hunted down to get killed soon as they step foot outside
Whats the problem with this? The PD would be the best option if you were looking for the police and while you are in there its not like someone will run in and shoot you because it is (Not including fort glass co) the safest place in the city so why Can't someone just go there. The police has something called witness protection we can keep someone inside the PD for their own safety.

This is like banning someone from the hospital because they are bleeding.

Im sorry but this is unrealistic and has many implications so I will not support this.
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