Search results

  1. Saltguy

    Complete & final FPS Guide! (No cheeky .exe's, no artifacts)

    My PC says it hasn't got any application which it can use to open the autoexec file. halp
  2. Saltguy

    Coin Flip

    You're not fucking Harvey Dent, get out.
  3. Saltguy


    There is literally a section explicitly made for introductions and farewells.
  4. Saltguy

    Back from the dead

    Nice, you've been welcomed back.
  5. Saltguy

    Action request on diked.

    What an idiot, pretty clear and cut. Although, I don't know how you would manage to tie him while also holding an AK with both hands. +Support
  6. Saltguy

    April Fools; Money Packs

    For the devs, mostly.
  7. Saltguy

    Coffee fellas.

    Pretty strong, hot, cappucino, espresso shots are really good too.
  8. Saltguy

    AR on cguy2900{KBR}

    +Support This guy has repeatedly broken basic rules like 4.1 and 3.4.
  9. Saltguy

    PERPHeads: Yes

    Christian rock song, seems legit.
  10. Saltguy

    200k gone RIP

    If you really want to make money off gambling make a casino, don't go to one.
  11. Saltguy


  12. Saltguy
  13. Saltguy

    Favourite Youtuber

    Thomas Desimone's Older Brother Actually Interesting Stuff This Guy's Pretty Good By the way, Pyrocynical > Leafy
  14. Saltguy

    Leveling up your marksmanship

    So, what part of this couldn't anyone figure out on their own or find out via /help?
  15. Saltguy

    Donald Trump

    And honestly, it doesn't matter what his policies are, as long as he uses the rhetoric he currently employs no one whose logical faculties are functional would want him as a president. Besides, controversial policies /=/ good policies.
  16. Saltguy

    Donald Trump

    He uses tactics which appeal to idiot American consumers instead of putting forth rational arguments and expressing his politcal agendas. I don't actually think it's gonna be the end of the world if he gets elected, foreign relations would suffer greatly though. rip sanders
  17. Saltguy

    How to aim well in Rainbow Six Siege

    ''k'' Makes me sad I only have this on PS4.
  18. Saltguy

    happy berfday haaron

    happy berfday haaron
  19. Saltguy

    Worst Movies of 2016.

    Am I the only one who has the brain not to watch all of these AAA Hollywood Michael Bay-esque films?
  20. Saltguy

    Krede Ballade

    Think about it, if a civilian stood next to Barrack Obama with a pistol in his hand what would an observing SWAT officer do? Also your reason for attempting to kill the SWAT is invalid, just because you believe he has broken the laws you can not kill him, as you went from being about to face a 0...
  21. Saltguy

    Killing muggers and got killed bye police and swat

    Next time someone says they're cops do /me looks through keyhole, in accordance with 3.26 they have to tell you what you would see. Speaking of 3.26, you broke it, you shot them with the gun they had technically taken via /me.
  22. Saltguy

    Server Used Paralake V3

    Hello lads, my friend found this server which uses the same exact map as we do. It's called [English] 24-7 Gamers Police Serious Roleplay under the category of NS- PoliceRP Opinions on this?
  23. Saltguy


    If I ever join I demand to be Big Boss, even though it makes no sense canonically. i guess mgs2 raiden would suit me better but fuck off
  24. Saltguy

    Hi sleep bye sleep

    There's a morphine based cough medicine you can get perscriptions for in Sweden. I took it once and I've never slept better :booty:
  25. Saltguy


    He hasn't even got a PC and he's moderator. 10/10 Jon Godinn, best mod. its all in the singing
  26. Saltguy

    Metal Gear Solid RP

    Pretty accurate. This is also as good a time as ever to brag about how I've 100 percented MGS V. (All S ranks, all tasks, all side ops, all of the fucking animals, etc.) Also why are Liquid and Solid working together? alternate timeline xd
  27. Saltguy

    DF Security

    Fucking plagiarists.
  28. Saltguy

    Dream Car?

    The dankmobile
  29. Saltguy


    What's the parent company? get your companies in line lad
  30. Saltguy

    Worst nightmare?

    The last nightmare I had was me being a ghostbuster and getting jumspcared by a cheeky dirtbag ghost. I don't get many dreams. Also, everyone misinterpreted the point of this thread, laugh out loud.