Worst Movies of 2016.

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Sheffield, United Kingdom
A thread to post your expectations of the worst movies of 2016!
To start it off:

And i'm gonna' add more as Hollywood rushed titles keep spewing out of whatever Corporate ass that is making money off of them.
Basically any super hero film.

The new batman

Starring an invincible superhero vs a man with a fancy suit (Who the fuck thought this would be a good idea)
+ Ben Affleck is a shit actor.

Captain America
Just a fucking money farm from Marvel, superhero this, superhero that, shit story, made for kids and people with poor taste.

Ride Along 2
The most pointless and boring film I have watched so far this year.

London has fallen
If it's anything like the first film, it's going to be fucking terrible.

Indepenence Day 2 Resurgence
A remake of a film that was reasonable but not even that good to begin with

Am I the only one who has the brain not to watch all of these AAA Hollywood Michael Bay-esque films?