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  1. Classiy

    AR on 420Master

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Pro League Bork Chef/Frank Legard His/Her Steam/In-game Name: 420master/Bob Fishermen His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59074772 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.5, 5.1 and 3.4. After an incident at the PD when I told Bob to stop looking at my car while being close to it...
  2. Classiy

    AR on Neo Nal

    Just when I thought we were on a good streak, we have another robbery where someone shoots the victim thoughtlessly in broad daylight, at the city hall, no less. Thanks for reporting this guy, we need more fail-muggers banned. obligatory +SUPPORT oh yeah and him telling you to tell the cops...
  3. Classiy

    Way to ruin it retard

    Way to ruin it retard
  4. Classiy

    Personality Test

  5. Classiy

    Happy birthday you crazed warrior.

    Happy birthday you crazed warrior.
  6. Classiy

    Sorry for my behavior

    Thanks for apology, remember: you can always be an asshole in the TS server. :kappa:
  7. Classiy

    Happy birthday senior admin.

    Happy birthday senior admin.
  8. Classiy

    bada ba ba, ba ba ba badada

    bada ba ba, ba ba ba badada
  9. Classiy

    See ya

    You were a real treat whenever you were in the PD. See you when the whitelist comes slamming down on us non-approved peasants.
  10. Classiy

    AR on ▄︻̷̿┻̿═━一 Zac

    You should really get your stuff in order before making an AR. The demo is especially important.
  11. Classiy

    Frank's wonderful restaurant

    Tonight, I had the pleasure of going to @Frank and @TheVin 's restaurant in the city, The North Sea. Thanks for putting in the time and effort to get some good passive RP in. Here are some pictures from my visit with @Venomine, @Madda and @Sanuhl Thanks for not using this to mug people.
  12. Classiy

    The Reece Arnolds Foundation

    I witnessed people saying 'get wrecked' and screaming allahu akbar while breaking section 3 several times by way of picking a lock while standing on a banister. Why the hell does this exist?
  13. Classiy

    I can confirm that many thanks is a part of American and British English.

    I can confirm that many thanks is a part of American and British English.
  14. Classiy

    PERP Tekkit 2016

    Minecraft IGN: ButtonPusher87 Team you are joining: Murtsley Industries Additional Comments: Bernie believes in hemp factories and eco-friendly power to fuel the fictional video game world of Craft-Mine
  15. Classiy

    Rust - Village of PERP

    Some of the newer people to Rust might not know how to connect using an IP address. Open your console using F1, then type ' client.connect '. That should connect you to the server.
  16. Classiy

    RIP pc

    Famous DJ Brennan and his sick beats shall be missed by all.
  17. Classiy

    Favorite song thread (no banter (seriously))

    Great stuff.
  18. Classiy

    Salt Miners Discuss: Instant Blackscreening

    I think that it's much better to have more frequent immidiate blackscreens when people are shot several times in the head/torso in terms of realism and not having to hassle with shooting someone in the head after you've put a burst of 4-6 bullets in them. A welcome change would be that...
  19. Classiy

    "You are mugging me in public. I refuse to RP"

    The rules completely cover this in the form of 3.24. If someone stalls for a staff member, they are taking the situation out of character. I would know this as I have a warning for doing exactly that. Thanks for trying to fix a problem though. It's nice to see you give one. ;)
  20. Classiy

    AR on 2

    It has been stated by the staff team numerous times that in nearly all situations, killing someone after mugging them for items is 2.5. Just because he failed to answer your question doesn't mean that you can violate that.
  21. Classiy

    It's been a long journey, but I bid you farewell my friends.

    Think of us while being bored out of your mind thousands of miles away, OK? Goodbye!
  22. Classiy


    Irreconcilable disputes are fucked. See you later, Tom.
  23. Classiy

    Please read Perpheads Community

    Thanks for the heartfelt apology. Sorry to be a downer, but this kind of post goes in the appeals subforum.
  24. Classiy

    Giving away 2 Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm passes!

    The game is amazing, greatly atmospheric with a high skill ceiling. I will also play whoever wins if you need another player.
  25. Classiy

    Nice Ferrari, nerd.

    Nice Ferrari, nerd.
  26. Classiy

    AR on Noel Stone

    Double check that you've downloaded all of the PH workshop content and then join the server before playing your demo. If it does play, get all of your needed info before shutting it off.
  27. Classiy

    can you not get a fucking joke

    can you not get a fucking joke
  28. Classiy


  29. Classiy

    Pick up BEST OF BOIL today!!dtsyRQoY!DMvY2t2PJVQb2QZMnTBIeQ

    Pick up BEST OF BOIL today!!dtsyRQoY!DMvY2t2PJVQb2QZMnTBIeQ