Salt Miners Discuss: Instant Blackscreening

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Since the weapons were adjusted, pretty much everything = instant black screen.

Short explanation (in notes):
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Detailed description (why should it become added/...):
This is an open-floor.

The purpose of this thread is to collate opinions on the recent adjustment of firearms and how they damage people. I've seen a fair bit of controversy over the changes and I would like to see how others feel towards them.
I agree with you Chris, as soon as I get shot in a shoot out or if I get run over by a car at a decent speed I'm dead. It is really fustrating and not very realistic as you would be unconcious and if not seen to with medical attention you would die. You just get black screens every two seconds if you're police and raiding or defending. It is fustrating and I think there should be a change made to this.
I think that it's much better to have more frequent immidiate blackscreens when people are shot several times in the head/torso in terms of realism and not having to hassle with shooting someone in the head after you've put a burst of 4-6 bullets in them. A welcome change would be that functioning armor could increase the chance of going into the unconscious state. However, I agree with the opinion that instant blackscreen car crashes should be fixed, as people are accidentally run over very often and having to deal with NLR with no chance of a revival ruins the victim's experience.
I will move this into server discussion area of the forums rather than ideas/suggestion seems that seems to be more fitting by what you said. However I will share some insight into why this may be...
  • Weapons in general are more accurate than before so they're more likely to hit in the head/other areas with consecutive shots, while before after just a shot or two your aim was way off.
  • There used to be a 2 second delay between being shot unconscious and being able to be finished off; this has been removed. Reason being that before it was too easy to kill someone, think you finished them and then run off when you in fact did not.
  • The damage of guns (generally) at this time has been unchanged other than a couple very small tweaks that probably make no real difference, TBD if I should adjust this later on or not.
So there's my two cents, I will not comment whether or not I feel this is fair or balanced as I am interested to know what player feedback is regarding the weapon update.