It's been a long journey, but I bid you farewell my friends.

Think of us while being bored out of your mind thousands of miles away, OK? Goodbye!
Enjoy having to call me sir in about 6 years, (University, BPTC, Sandhurst) Ima prosecute the shit outta you. #AdjutantGeneralCorpsIsBest


You were one of the first people that @MoronPipllyd and I met when we joined PERPHeads (and definitely one of my favourites #ChowBanter), nearly two years ago, we didn't really talk much (Cos I'm Welsh and can't speak English) but the banter was stronk when you were around. I wish you all the best with your endeavours.

@ChewKokLong420 for picture

I hope this is what you want and that you enjoy yourself Standish, although I have known about this for a while now its going to be strange not seeing you as often. Good Luck and my best wishes towards you. Hoping you come on ts from time to time.

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I'll miss you a lot, friend you mean and have meant a lot. Have a wonderful time and I hope we stay in touch, good luck in the army, you deserve every single good thing in there.
Honestly glad you got the offer mate. Best of luck, I'm sure you'll do amazing!


Just saw my shoutout, <3
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Representing your country and protecting me, how sweet.

Try to enjoy yourself. :)
Shame to see this, will always remember you from V1 (Best days ever). Best wish's for the Army mate, go smash it! ;)
Think of me every time you bomb a country ending in -istan :booty:

Miss you bae
Good luck with the test of your life.
Try not to get any bullet on your ass, I guess they hurts :kappa:
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@AyJay - When I first met you, you were such a quiet person, I swear to God in the Belinskys I never heard you say a word, during office raids you would hide in the corner on the roof and pray nobody came up with a gun. I don't know what happened, but you're a funny guy who doesn't take it from anybody, good luck with your job matey.a
Never said a word bc I had no mic until I applied for Enforcer ;)

Standish mate, you're a fucking hillarious person and you're going to smash it in the Army. Everyone has their time they need to leave and I guess yours is now, I mainly remember you from V1; you were always the nutty shooter who would win every raid in the Belinsky family. You'll always be seen as a veteran player here. You had fun, got bans and warnings, got staff. You had every peice of the cake, and you got everything out of your time here at PERPheads.

Thank you for your time.
Firstly, congratulations on being accepted on the army! I'm happy for you friend. Second, you were the one who welcomed me into The Standish Family, which is and will always be the best organization I have ever joined. You also let me ride my first super car which was a Aston Martin, and basically you are someone who I will never forget with my time here in PERP. I'll be honest here, it was pretty sad and unexpected to see you go :(, but I understand. I wish you Good luck in the army friend! You will forever be missed. Try and hop on the server as much as you can. Goodbye friend :(!
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