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  1. DeltaForce

    Ar on Corey Thornton/Elite# Got_Owned

    Your Steam/In-game Name:☢Delta_Force☢/James Rasmussen His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Corey Thornton/Elite# Got_Owned His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:28130639 Why Should This Player Be Punished:I belive the user broke 3.20 Disconnecting from the Server when he clearly knew he where atcing abit...
  2. DeltaForce

    More slots

    No thanks ill stick to my 70 slots
  3. DeltaForce

    Replacing The Police Shotgun

    The Heckler & Koch UMP45 would be a great weapon of choice for Cpl+. The Heckler & Koch MP5 should only be accessed for Sgt+, and the so called (colt)M4A1 Carbine would only be accessed for LT/CoD if the M4A1 is added it should be have the option to equip a scope fx the Eotech 553 or the ACOG...
  4. DeltaForce

    Well done! congrats

    Well done! congrats
  5. DeltaForce

    Replacement of the ambulance and the firetruck siren

    Before we start i want to say something FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WHEN YOU RATE THIS THREAD PLEASE REPLY WITH SOME USEFULL INFORMATION WHY. A DISAGREE IS NOT USEFULL AT ALL thank you. Discussion Post: Replacement of the ambulance and the firetruck siren (idea) Main Idea: Replace/Give a new siren to...
  6. DeltaForce

    2.3 Right to a lawyer

    Just no thanks..... i mean if we were here to get a "Fake" lawyer we could never arrest someone because lawyers would "Twist" the law a bit And the story goes on if we where going to recive this lawyer we would need a court aswell so from my side i will not be Supporting this idea
  7. DeltaForce

    No Rule Day

  8. DeltaForce

    Perpheads has changed. And into the worse sadly.

    I'm sad to see you go Ermak even tho this incident caused some "Shitty things to happend" i do see your point but it's worth it to leave perp take a break instead i going to miss you Ermak/Dimitri there will allways be an empty hole where your missing in lets have some respect for the loss even...
  9. DeltaForce


  10. DeltaForce

    Matrix mayor

    Wait a secound do i think what i see is real ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)? Is this guy trying to become this guy? Damm.
  11. DeltaForce

    Are we trying to be to black ass motherfuckers on my comments?

    Are we trying to be to black ass motherfuckers on my comments?
  12. DeltaForce

    I ain't your damm momma i don't need to tell you what to do right?

    I ain't your damm momma i don't need to tell you what to do right?
  13. DeltaForce

    Check out my new Video

    Check out my new Video
  14. DeltaForce

    Matrix mayor

    Mr Baggers you will have 2 choices if you take the RED pill you will be the master of the matrix if you take the BLUE pill you will have to power to stop time BUT! if you choose to take the BLUE pill you will aslo have to praise allah before you can stop time The choice is yours
  15. DeltaForce

    ermak's performance

    (#NoHate) Seem's like someone is hating against Ermak trying to recreate his own song ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) if you call it aids in the Title and also Did you try to become a gangster or something? I mean try be more like this guy Gangster Shooting Since 1983 (maybe even older in fact) Ain't no big...
  16. DeltaForce

    I'm back... I play pok- No.

    I just wanted to drop by quick and say thanks i could help you to get back on your track Btw @Venomine it is #NoHate Hey Niko it's Roman let's go bowling
  17. DeltaForce

    Sick Escape man!

    Sick Escape man!
  18. DeltaForce

    Ermak's "PassiveRP" org

    Why takeing you goddaming ******* time to attempt ruining this like 100% just because you can? or is it just because you wonna ruin our RP huh i don't get it you also why did you have to make this such a big deal in the first place?
  19. DeltaForce

    Paralake Camping Group

    Announcement! We will now be using our new applications system join Today on Paralake Camping
  20. DeltaForce

    Paralake Camping Group

    So Today i choose to record a video on 23 min's of me Vlogin "IG" @ErmakDimon
  21. DeltaForce

    AR on Peter Spring

    From my POV i would agree on Ermak i can't fully confirm but i belive that the user did +Backwards in console
  22. DeltaForce

    Paralake Camping Group Applications (sheets)

    Your application will only be viewed on our website Full Name (IC): Scheduled camping date(The application date): What is your outdoor experience?: The following Requirements are: Do you have camping gear(Props): Do you know the outdoor area?: You must give your Phone Number in case of an...
  23. DeltaForce

    Paralake Camping Group

    Applications will be open Soon!
  24. DeltaForce

    Ar on [PH] Captain

    Your Steam/In-game Name:|GSRP|☢Delta_Force☢/James Rasmussen His/Her Steam/In-game Name:[PH] Captain/Celia Hype His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:83150437 Why Should This Player Be Punished:(I do need a more clear Demo of what happend since i forgot to eat IG) 4.1 Follow the Law, 3.4 Putting your Life...
  25. DeltaForce

    When unit bravo 2-0-6 Drives through Paralake City ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) then you know shit is about to...

    When unit bravo 2-0-6 Drives through Paralake City ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) then you know shit is about to happend #CopsForLife
  26. DeltaForce

    Goodbye, for a wee bit.

    "You were good son real good maybe even the best" But in all seriousness(bad spelling) have a good time in the 3 months hope you gonne achieve some goals at the times anyways good luck with what ever you gotta do -Delta_Force
  27. DeltaForce

    Logan Finch

    As clear showed around 6.20 you car would have been disabled from before where you wheel hit the curb at 5.55 you right front wheel hit the side a wheel can't stand that much force when hitting a objekt (would also be counted as being spiked) would also like to speak anbout your "Jump" at 6.35...
  28. DeltaForce


    Going to miss you keel you great guy back in the days **thinks about the lopez times**
  29. DeltaForce

    AR on guys from slums-on behalf of me and ☢Delta_Force☢

    So here is my POV of this As i had planned we where suppose to go in get someone called harry and aslo a person called smithson i belive his name was I just wonna clear something up first of all i see McLovins point but i still don't get it completly because this had been done before was Chris...
  30. DeltaForce

    the video is fake how?

    the video is fake how?