Replacing The Police Shotgun

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United Kingdom
Main idea: Replacing the police Shotgun [Remington]

Description: As everyone is aware the Remington isn't good at anything . It has no long range capabilities and horrifically bad short range as well.The practical applications for this weapon really don't make up for all the disabilities that it holds. As suggested above I believe the Remington should be swapped for another type of weapon , Of course, this weapon is up to debate as each weapon is vastly different from the rest and some don't fit the plpd's style . Here are just a couple of examples I have compiled


The HK UMP 45 excels at medium to close range engagements and is used by most armed police forces in the world

The COLT M4A1 is best at medium to long range engagements with decent close range capability , yes I am raising the issue previously brought up by @Prepper here As he before this weapon is proportional to the threats we receive on an hourly basis

And finally the HK MP5A4 this gun is used by most British police forces and has close to medium range capabilities.

Pros: Police would have a proportionate response to the threat given

Cons: Could cause police to become overpowered
I feel like officers having sub-machine/machine guns will be too overpowered as stated in the description.
Maybe replace the shotgun with another type of shotgun.
Some form of medium ranged weaponry is required IMO, the issue with all shotguns are that they have 1 very situational and rare use - CQC.

Very rarely will gunfights be short range enough for shotguns to be effective at all. I'd seriously have something thats decent at all ranges opposed to great at only 1.
I don't really see why everyone wants out with the Remington, i quite like it. I think that having the M4A1 would make police really overpowered, so if it really had to be changed i wouldn't mind seeing something like the Benelli or the UMP come to light. Although, overall i just think that the Remington fits the role better than anything else.

Changed my opinion, used the gun and its generally terrible and i can see why people are making this suggestion and disagreeing with my previous opinion.

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i think a beneil( i think thats how you spell it) or double barrel
I'm not sure, but i think this weapon is a little better yet a little worse than submachines or assault rifles, i see that weapon fitting police way better. Its a little inbetween shit and op and much more fitting for law enforcement. if anything replace it with a benelli but nothing else
I like this idea.
I know that there are people who are out there that will rate disagree with what I'm saying, but I think that, if we do this, then the Senior Officers should get the Remmie aswell. Then officers like myself can have some sort of defense against criminals other than the Glock or Beretta. Honestly, you don't know how useful it would be.
But CPL+ Should defo get an MP5
I completely agree with this, I do better with the beretta over the remington. Having an AR would be too overpowered though, I think that something like an MP5 or UMP would be the best choice. But I feel like this would change up police gameplay a lot. Maybe a Benelli would be a better choice to switch it out with.
AR-15 would be nice and realistic to have in the police cars gun rack. I'd hope to see it happen one day.
U don't think remmington is op enough? The shotgun is probably the most op thing to kill people behind baricades. I always get rekt by them.
I Don't get you all saying "Benelli would work". Why? The whole reason that the remington is bad is the range. Why would a semi-automatic shotgun change the range at all? Pump-Action shotguns have more range than Semi-Autos does so in fact, switching to benelli would do fuck all for the police.

When that's said, I don't agree to letting the police have rifles like the AR or M4 either. While it'd be realistic somehow, it would heavily outbalance it. And I'm aware that police is supposed to be OP but outbalancing it like that would make no sense.

You could also add more weapons the further you get up like you already do with pistols. Give the Corporals an SMG and then PERHAPS add M4 to LT+.

Mp5 would be the obvious choice to give a Police Corporals. It's not long range one banging but it's not a shitty short distance weapon either. This would be the only logical thing to do IMO.

+Support for SMG's to Corporals.
plz no benelli
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The Heckler & Koch UMP45 would be a great weapon of choice for Cpl+. The Heckler & Koch MP5 should only be accessed for Sgt+, and the so called (colt)M4A1 Carbine would only be accessed for LT/CoD if the M4A1 is added it should be have the option to equip a scope fx the Eotech 553 or the ACOG Sight(this should also be a choice for the other rifles.
The Heckler & Koch UMP45 was used in service around 1999 it was designed/made in the 1990 in Germany.

The Heckler & Koch MP5 was in service around 1966 it was designed/made in the 1964–1966 in west Germany.

The colt M4A1(Carbine) was in service around 1994 it was designed/made in the 1988–94 in United States of America.
These 3 weapons have served both in the US_Army and the Law Enforcement Agencies(And still in use) across the US.
I feel like one of these guns should serve a spot in the PLPD as a weapons of choice
(Please correct me if i'm wrong)
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Why not just replace the Remington with a Taser Mossberg ? It would make it 10 times more useful than it is now ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
This thread is stupid. The shotgun is fine, stop having unrealistic standards. Cops cant have fucking okay weapons like the mp5. we can easely win from @Feng Yamaguchi and his gang when they raid the bank, cmon.


I really think police need a new replacement. not an M4, but an mp5. it's still not as great as an assault rifle but definatly not OP and a tad better than a shotgun.

Here's proof:

And YES the SWAT breached during negotiation and YES he was dealth with appropiatley.

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