Ermak's "PassiveRP" org

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is lying to us

You have created this post to cause problems, you confessed to it yourself. The "AK" Is a tranquilizer rifle, it doesnt have a mag on it and is completely harmless. I asked delta one mroe time if he found the drugs or were they his. he answered he found them and accidentally picked them up.

EDIT: Police were just here and they were fine with the tranquilizer rifle there, since it was not loaded and presented no harm
Why takeing you goddaming ******* time to attempt ruining this like 100% just because you can? or is it just because you wonna ruin our RP huh i don't get it you also why did you have to make this such a big deal in the first place?
This post is nothing but you trying to cause problems, pathetic if you could say so. If you're not happy with the way Ermak is running his organisation why don't you just message him on steam. Nevertheless, why does it matter to you?
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