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  1. Puffy Sandvich

    Rough diamonds: New criminal currency for tax evasion, laundering, and stashing.

    My point being as long as you don't tax evade DIRECTLY in front of a cop, you're fine. How would going to your storage to obtain these items (as they'd be too valuable to just carry around everywhere and lose to mugging) be easier than just waiting for the cop to leave? When I tax evade, I have...
  2. Puffy Sandvich

    Rough diamonds: New criminal currency for tax evasion, laundering, and stashing.

    Seems a little pointless IMO. Paralaje doesn't have a government tax agency that makes you cook your books. If there was a paralake irs that'd be one thing but right now I just don't really see it being needed
  3. Puffy Sandvich

    Order(DELIVERY) from org bank

    Description of the idea: Allow people with access to their organization bank acct to order(DELIVERY) from it rather than just their personal account. Why should this be added? (pros): Quicker ordering for organizations Less Confusion of funds What negatives could this have? (cons): adds a...
  4. Puffy Sandvich

    Tracking Courier

    If they think the courier is AFK, they can make a report. I've done it before and if they are they get demoted. Simple.
  5. Puffy Sandvich

    Tracking Courier

    Negative: People are already insanely toxic to courier about not getting their package to them instantly, so they would spam OOC with "courier stop doing shop orders and get mine done!"
  6. Puffy Sandvich

    Unlimited upgrade on < 3mil cars

    I absolutely love the honda S2000 IRL and IG, I would absolutely pay a few mil to get it up to supercar performance. It's still just as balanced cuz the cost is the same, and IRL many people will mod the shit, if not even completely gut a car for you and replace the stuff for the right price...
  7. Puffy Sandvich


    Type of bug: content Description of the bug: typo in org settings How to reproduce the bug: open org menu, click org settings *Errors: L I C E] *Media:
  8. Puffy Sandvich

    Server Suggestion Car horns

    Honestly just like, pick a bunch of regular car horns, group 'em into things that fit for the various car types (If you really wanna waste time I'm sure you could find the actual horn sounds for almost all the cars since they're all from like racing games and such) and add them. Maybe a few...
  9. Puffy Sandvich

    Server Suggestion Car horns

    Possibly have different horn types for different cars by default, and you could spend 30-50K at the NPC that does customization to change the horn to any of them?
  10. Puffy Sandvich

    Order Water Tank

    Cigarettes are missing too for some reason. Maybe add those? I need my fix.
  11. Puffy Sandvich

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    What if there was an NPC who hid by the delivery warehouse who would sell items at 0% tax at all times for the members of the top 3 orgs? A sort of wholesaler.
  12. Puffy Sandvich

    Org Update - Ideas & Suggestions

    The perks would have to be very small or you may end up with a situation where one org is so powerful that nobody else in the city can do anything without being raided or potentially shot at for looking at someone wrong.
  13. Puffy Sandvich

    Removal/Changing of rules that inhibit ability to create unique roleplay

    Turn 3.9 around. You don't need to make a report to confirm it's okay, as long as it does not obstruct any roads or areas intended for vehicles (excluding parking spaces) If you wanted to obstruct a road, just make a report to confirm it.
  14. Puffy Sandvich

    Citations preventing legal work to pay off the citation.

    Not for RC, seeing as RC is often arrested by police for various crimes, Seems to happen every other day or so. Also, police can partner. If you're stuck with a citation, drive around with another officer until you have enough money to pay it off. It shouldn't take too long, especially if you...
  15. Puffy Sandvich

    Double standards - Confiscating weapons. 3.18 edit.

    @Husky can I just point out that cops are allowed to confiscate if they believe they are unable to keep the evidence secure? Like if there's a rifle at their feet and four people with rifles shooting at them? They are allowed to confiscate if they can reasonably assume not doing so will lead to...
  16. Puffy Sandvich

    Why aren't you playing?

    yes, but only the name. SWAT is more or less understood by anyone, and TFU is not. Also, the swat playermodels would be great to have for heavy geared TFU IMO but that's just me.
  17. Puffy Sandvich

    Why aren't you playing?

    I feel like the PD isn't the problem, I feel like the chiefs of department are way out of touch with the community. The general impression I got from the public forum the PD held is that the HC of the PD doesn't want to change any of the things the community wants. Especially with the chiefs of...
  18. Puffy Sandvich

    Why aren't you playing?

    Add in more legal jobs that would make money. Make fishing less of a pain in the ass (selling fish is a nightmare unless you use a transit). I think a farm worker would be a great job. I think the player owned economy idea is also a fantastic thing, and i'm sad it's gone now.
  19. Puffy Sandvich

    Ford transit has no fuel cap

    But it's not there....
  20. Puffy Sandvich

    Ford transit has no fuel cap

  21. Puffy Sandvich

    Ford transit has no fuel cap

  22. Puffy Sandvich

    AR on woof woof

    @Google Chrome agreed, but I can just say "I did it" with no context, or I can explain why. That's why. I do have to ask though, why not just make a report? How is it somehow more worth your time to get a demo recording when staff were on when this happened? Frankly, I also don't really believe...
  23. Puffy Sandvich

    AR on woof woof

    who the hell is woof woof?
  24. Puffy Sandvich

    AR on woof woof

    yes, i picked up a gun as a joke, i was going to immediately drop it but i got shot in the head instantly. I fully admit wrongdoing. It was a joke, and at the end of the day i'm the only one that got hurt.
  25. Puffy Sandvich

    Add excessive racism in character to 1.1

    If this org was actually RPed, not just another growing org that finds any excuse to shoot black people, then that would be fine. But that would require actual effort in roleplay, that goes above and beyond the gameplay mechanics. i'm not saying ban racism, i'm saying ban racism 'because it's IC...
  26. Puffy Sandvich

    Add excessive racism in character to 1.1

    where in the hell did you get that from? If you actually read the post, you can see that I said I understand it's a part of RP. When everyone off duty though is calling every single person the N word, things aren't being handled as RP, they are being handled as jokes
  27. Puffy Sandvich

    Add excessive racism in character to 1.1

    Like I said, there's a threshold, I'm not saying ban it, i'm saying ban EXCESSIVE use of it. Someone who just runs around screaming the n word at everyone he sees isn't realistic.
  28. Puffy Sandvich

    Add excessive racism in character to 1.1

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 1.1 Your version of the rule: 1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour Disrespectful behavior, in its broadest sense, is not acceptable; users are expected to conduct themselves respectfully at all times. Also, excessively using racist stereotypes, derogatory terms, or...
  29. Puffy Sandvich

    Update Log - 03/07/2019

    why the fuck are plates so expensive that's fucking ridiculous, they need to be like, divided by ten