The biggest mistake of a game and something that leads to the death of it is continously sending out updates of things that no one asks for including things that ruin the game, which makes people quit.
Take it on the professional way and ask the community what they really want, continously post polls like this of what should be changed/added/removed in the next update and DO WHAT THE PLAYERS WANT
The polls should be made like this (only allow 1 vote per player):
Every single poll is about 1 particular subject.
- Suggestion 1 (76%)
- Suggestion 2 (16%)
- Suggestion 3 (8%)
If one of the suggestions get above 75% (percentage can be lowered) of the votings, add it to the game, if under scrap the poll.
Make a list of many different polls about different subjects, obviously on a different site to make polls as this will be hard to do on the forums.
Try to do this alot, weekly.
Check idea's & suggestions more frequently aswell