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  1. DRift

    Police radio volume

    Did you make a discussion, if so, where is the discussion link, if not, get this moved there and follow the template
  2. DRift

    Niko you son of a bitch, un shoutbox ban me xD

    Niko you son of a bitch, un shoutbox ban me xD
  3. DRift


    I'm sure this has already been requested a lot, but it wouldn't be a bad addition, I believe that have the stuffs, but it is just really buggy.
  4. DRift

    [SOLVED] Ethernet issues

    Oh, I had this error, right, is your Ethernet plugging into a router, or a mains adapter? If you're using a mains adapter, what you need to do is re synch them together by pressing the WPS button on both, the adapter, and the router. However, when I had this issue with my router plug in, I...
  5. DRift

    Radio presenter/News presenter job or items

    Yes, the idea about being able to be called into said radio would be great, but I'm not sure if that would be "too excessive" or very difficult to implement.
  6. DRift

    Radio presenter/News presenter job or items

    Discussion link: Main idea: Right, so the main idea for these jobs is to add another method of PassiveRPing which appeals to some people. Radio presenter would essentially be like ParalakeFM but, instead of having to use...
  7. DRift

    SleepyMode, I don't know how you're typing, your in Sleep mode, you need to press space or like...

    SleepyMode, I don't know how you're typing, your in Sleep mode, you need to press space or like click your mouse or some shit.
  8. DRift

    Did you just assume his gender?

    Did you just assume his gender?
  9. DRift

    It's normal, shows that I am unpredictable. Fucking idiot

    It's normal, shows that I am unpredictable. Fucking idiot
  10. DRift

    I don't need sleep

    I don't need sleep
  11. DRift

    Second Server.

    Hold on, are you telling me, you waited for 4 hours to join the server, did you honestly not think after like 30 minutes, hey, maybe I will join a different sever and wait for a little bit...?
  12. DRift


  13. DRift

    Barriers for the road crew workers

    You are aware you could simply purchase some from safety first I believe
  14. DRift

    PLPD S1E1 - "City Lockdown"

    Clari, I don't see the reason for the posting of this video, as the SWAT in that situation, my first bomb sighting was yih flying over my screen, not gonna lie, it was hilarious, and also @Walker I wouldn't class a city lockdown as illegal, as under law 2.2 we told the mayor to initiate a...
  15. DRift

    No Rule Day

  16. DRift


    Aw man, it's a real shame you gotta go, I remember when we had that early morning patrol together and just spoke about things sweaters do whilst waiting for people to run stop signs. You was a good and banterous lad and as I said, its a shame you're leaving, good luck in your GCSEs and you best...
  17. DRift

    Spooky Ghost-Busters - TRAILER

    What did I just watch, was pretty cool NGL.
  18. DRift

    Good tactic, Bad execution.

    You honestly don't understand how pissed I was, simple things Chris said, just went out the window "Don't stop moving" gets to door, everyone stops. "Go alternate direction" everyone after the first 2 stood in the door way "hug the wall" didn't happen at all, if people used there brains, and...
  19. DRift

    My reign is over

    I didn't know you at all, but from what I hear, you was a good admin, good luck in your future choices, have a good one.
  20. DRift


  21. DRift

    Haha, gotta give some revenge ;)

    Haha, gotta give some revenge ;)
  22. DRift

    Happy birthday Chadd you little sweater ;)

    Happy birthday Chadd you little sweater ;)
  23. DRift

    My introduction.

    Right, so this may seem like a late introduction, and the main reason that is because it is. The reason for this as it gives me some time to know, if I was accepted into the community unlike other communites. So, if you don't know me i'm 17 and I love to play perp, I am currently studying Level...
  24. DRift

    SWAT/Police additions - Suggestion

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: There would be a few more items that can be used by the police and SWAT. Maybe also 1 or 2 for civilians. Full description of the idea: Right, so the suggested items I wish to be added are the tear gas...
  25. DRift

    [SOLVED] Ethernet Issue

    Right, I have fixed the issue, I had to uninstall the drivers unplug all ethernet adapters, restart my pc, reinstall the drivers. Then reconfigure all of the ethernet cables and plug it back in, and bam, fixed. Thanks for the help fellas. NAAAAAANCI VENYA
  26. DRift

    [SOLVED] Ethernet Issue

    Right, not trying to sound like I'm refusing help, but I mean, isn't giving me the basics pretty silly, I know that sort of stuff. And also, I'm using WIFI now, but is sucks balls, its not trust worthy at all, disconnects at any time.
  27. DRift

    [SOLVED] Ethernet Issue

    Right, well basically, my Ethernet was working perfect 2 days ago, I'm on a laptop, now, when my Ethernet tries to connect, it says "unidentified network, no internet access" no settings have been changed, drivers are up to date and everything, it is just fucking up. any ideas why?
  28. DRift

    What should I RP as?

    you should RP as me.
  29. DRift

    Creepis loves Fords, Rogue has a rover. This is a rape, time to bend over - Niko 2k16

    Creepis loves Fords, Rogue has a rover. This is a rape, time to bend over - Niko 2k16
  30. DRift

    Euro gamer 22nd-25th.

    if anyone is going to eurogamer on the 22nd, can you let me know as I am going there.