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  1. Angelos

    GMOD stuttering a lot even with high fps

    @Creepis Rated for 3200 the RAM im using is just not good.
  2. Angelos

    GMOD stuttering a lot even with high fps

    I've updated my bios when I was oc'ing my ram without ever updating my chipset. Also XMP wasnt working for me since my ram was absolute garbage so I went ahead and did OC'd it myself.
  3. Angelos

    GMOD stuttering a lot even with high fps

    you know best
  4. Angelos

    GMOD stuttering a lot even with high fps

    I rejoined the server a week ago and started noticing I get these stutters from around 80-100 fps to as low as 20 for a few seconds. It really affects my gameplay and was wondering what could be the problem. My specs are: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060 AMD Ryzen 5 2600 3.8Ghz Kingston 16GB DDR4 ram...
  5. Angelos

    New Players

    lets just make it so tyres can be fixed by players and not having to drive to the car dealer.
  6. Angelos

    New Players

  7. Angelos

    New Players

    I fucking hate the new drug system, I go buy gun mats and forget and boom my plants are dead
  8. Angelos

    Update Log - 07/02/2020

    @Tilin Which was the choice of the seller to exchange real money in to perp money. Paying for premium on a gmod server is not the same as pledging on a new game on kickstarter at all. You're not guaranteed to get anything back you're just supporting a server with its fee's and updates.
  9. Angelos

    Update Log - 07/02/2020

    @Tilin I have never bought premium with real money and never had to.
  10. Angelos


  11. Angelos

    New Headset Suggestions

    Modmics are good and affordable aswell
  12. Angelos

    New Headset Suggestions

    You wont find good sound quality in headsets.
  13. Angelos

    AR on Moon - 2.1 & 2.5

    @John Daymon slanderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  14. Angelos

    AR on Moon - 2.1 & 2.5

    @Ozain go about? is that slander or do you have any evidence on any other rulebreaking?
  15. Angelos

    2.1?? Benji

    Everyone downstairs was magdumping the floor, nobody's cheating here.
  16. Angelos

    Best CriminalRP Tips and Tricks Discussion.

    @Daigestive At start I used 400 dpi and 2 but now I've increased my gmod sens to 3.
  17. Angelos

    Best CriminalRP Tips and Tricks Discussion.

    How do you use the sniper? What sens etc? It feels really bad on me I either cant hit my targets or Its too slow for me.
  18. Angelos

    Best CriminalRP Tips and Tricks Discussion.

    You can practice spraying down with high sens at the shooting range, practicing tapping isnt really necessary.
  19. Angelos

    Best CriminalRP Tips and Tricks Discussion.

    CS is just hipfiring so it wouldnt really translate that well into perp imo. high sens is because perp has high recoil on guns and helps alot with compensation.
  20. Angelos

    Best CriminalRP Tips and Tricks Discussion.

    dom told me to go playminecraftnoob
  21. Angelos

    Making a map for fun

    Rogue I love these
  22. Angelos

    Update Log - 07/02/2020

    @ICEKILLER_99 yeh, identity is just absolute trash compared to perp but I get your point
  23. Angelos

    Update Log - 07/02/2020

    Identity had people pledging for it, perp is just a server you can play for free, I don't think Samuel is gonna delay updates by months lol.
  24. Angelos

    Has science gone too far? Are we playing god? “Caffeine/energy” vapes hitting the market...

    I remember doing swedish snus with over 35mg of nicotine in it, made me puke after 2 hours and it felt like I had been in a rollercoaster all day.
  25. Angelos

    Has science gone too far? Are we playing god? “Caffeine/energy” vapes hitting the market...

    I thought nicotine gives some form of energy boost thought since its a stimulant.
  26. Angelos


  27. Angelos


    brah its alive you're just a sad cunt
  28. Angelos

    My game keeps crashing

    Pc specs? And what OS are you using?