2.1?? Benji

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Your Steam/In-game Name: Jack Peterson / Jack Peteson
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: BigBenji / Amber Leaf
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:172654657
Why Should This Player Be Punished: 2.1 Somehow saw where me and my org member was, through the floor and also killed my org member doing it. No matter where I moved he knew exactly where I was aswell.
Evidence (Demo Required):
Tick: About 1 minute into the video
I was magdumping your floor with an M82 lmfao. Hitting all the corners and nooks and crannys you could possibly be hiding in.

What rule exactly are you accusing me of breaking?????
How ever you got me who is - Ossie Barnaby ic, straight up from basically the first 2 shots fired I dont know the odds of that without any abuse or cheat. Still this is an RP server as well so it should be taken into consideration too before you start firing crazy through the walls as you can't be sure of what you hit. Unrealistic game play if you ask me as there might be unarmed civilians in there which is not allowed to kill during raid.

Also I think most of us are aware of the shadows that can be cast down to the floors underneath in the complex at this point and using those to your advantage would be a clear abuse.
Didn't accuse him of cheating, if I accused him off cheating I would've written cheating.
You guys was shooting exactly where I ran, nobody where I ran, literally everywhere no matter where I stood aswell.
I wall banged all common barricade spots, and I killed you from an angle where it’s unlikely to miss you with a gun that 1 shot kills anyone it hits. I can’t see shadows through floors and the closest thing to a ”cheat” script i have is the same script OP is using in this video.
Well if you aren’t accusing me of cheating then what are you accusing me of? Last I checked I do not see shadows from the ceiling. Do you?
ok so you’re now saying “you guys”, why’s the AR just on me then?
I don't think you're cheating, I don't think you're that dumb, not you atleast.
@XPGamingXPDK so tell me what exactly it was you thought I did? Abused shadows that aren’t actually a thing? You’d know that you can’t see shadows through floors if you didn’t always base on the top floors of apartments only.
@BigBenji I actually majorly of the time base in 1 or 3, but as I didn't buy Regals 4 I just based there. Idk, cause my demo isn't showing anything specific as it just shows laggy movements etc. I told my org I don't believe it was abuse of shadows, as I've never seen any.
@XPGamingXPDK so, you’re not accusing me of cheating or seeing shadows, the demo doesn’t show me at all glitching to see into ur base, what are u accusing me of doing then??????
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