Search results

  1. avirex24

    Pedro Lopez

    Hello, I want to say thank you to Pedro Lopez @GPGP. His roleplay knowledge is astounding, his RP as officer is just fantastic, today he was on duty as dispatcher and it was a pleasure. He is kind, friendly and very respectful against everyone, even the most disrespectful people out there on...
  2. avirex24

    Current favourite songs [OFFICIAL]
  3. avirex24

    ArmA3 RP

    back in the days I played Arma 2 RP on Chernarus, it was so much fun, sadly they turned the multiplayer down, after that I played Arma 2 OA Takistan Life, this was even better than the normal Arma 2. Arma 3 has great mecanics, but my old pc couldnt run it, so I had to stick to Arma 2.
  4. avirex24

    Server Suggestion Make Fuelcans reusable

    Suggestion Title: Make Fuelcans reusable Suggestion Description: Just like IRL, you buy a empty fuelcan and you need to fill them at the pump, also make them reusable. If you try to light up a fire with a fuelcan then they should disappear just how its done already. Why should this be added...
  5. avirex24

    What do you truly regret doing?

    Stupid 18 year old me spend about 13k € of my savings in a casino, I would needed that money now, I‘m building with my future wife a house and that money would be a nice conservatory, altough they are about 22-24€, the rest money we would have left.
  6. avirex24


    very good
  7. avirex24

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  8. avirex24

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  9. avirex24

    Parka-Cola (Soda Rebranding)

    I love this
  10. avirex24

    PERPHeads Christmas Calendar 2022

  11. avirex24


  12. avirex24

    What videogame are you most passionate about?

    7 Days to Die Battlefield 2 Battlefield 3 GTA SA:MP - nearly 5000h playtime on one server Left 4 Dead 2 CSS and CSGO
  13. avirex24

    Server Suggestion whe need a slovenian radio station

    I want one channel only with mongolian throat singing
  14. avirex24

    Refund Request (avirex24)

    Your Steam Name: avirex24 Your Roleplay Name: Klaus Schneider Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:34337324 Reason for Request: A new player drive on the wrong side of the highway which ended up in an tier 1 for my car Requested Items: 29,500$ - Tier 1 and a car wash Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff...
  15. avirex24

    Hi I'm jahseh onfroy

    Welcome jahseh
  16. avirex24

    Whatsup im Mary/PEEK

  17. avirex24

    Recommending everybody

    Hello guys, I just want to say a big thanks to all the people that made the server how it is today. The whole gaming concept is just amazing, I really felt in love with this server, I feel like everything is almost perfect. It doesn't feel like playing Garry's Mod, more than an actual single...
  18. avirex24


  19. avirex24

    Trivia Night

    Breaking bad
  20. avirex24

    Hi, I'm Robero.

    welcome robero
  21. avirex24


    That stupid anticheat from h1z1 banned me for walking down an mountain and detected it as speedhack.
  22. avirex24

    PLPD Montage

    Hey guys, I collected some clips on my duties as officer, and I wanted to make an quick montage about it, sadly I deleted half of the clips and got very limited in editing the video. I hope you dont get bored watching the video, and also this is the first time I ever make an montage, I...
  23. avirex24

    vape flavours

    Go for Dr. Frost grape ice, in my opinion the best liquid, or get the old classics like Heisenberg or Pinkman
  24. avirex24

    im powerrade

    Welcome to the city
  25. avirex24

    Hello from Micky Dee!

  26. avirex24

    Eric Jonson The Story of a Failed Criminal

    this reminders me of the office raid @gamerdanger99 :)
  27. avirex24


    Welcome Alfredo Alfred
  28. avirex24

    PERP History Lesson?

    I need to find my old PC, I have a lot of old screenshots from the server back 10 years ago
  29. avirex24

    PERP History Lesson?

    does anyone have old pictures from like 2010-2013? I have some memories about perp like in that time, but I‘m not exactly sure if it was this server. Back then it was running on evocity and I remember you always had to write/bind an /me unholsters his weapon. If you failed to do that you were...