PERP History Lesson?

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Hi guys, this is more directed towards the owners of Perpheads, but anyone who can pitch in is more than welcome.

I am a Garry's Mod and PERP Veteran, and I still remember playing on the original Pulsar Effect server over a decade ago. During that time, the server owner was Hunts (I even still remember his profile picture at the time, which was an image of a sun with a face). He eventually shut down the server because it kept getting DDoS'd for an extended period of time.

I was wondering if any of you have/had a relation with him, and if so, what he is up to these days? Is Hunts any of the current owners but decided to change his name? Sorry for being so curious, but I am really interested in the story, since again, I was part of it in the very beginning.
I see no mention of Hunts. I believe he is the original PERP creator/owner. I am talking about a time probably around 2010 or before that even haha
does anyone have old pictures from like 2010-2013? I have some memories about perp like in that time, but I‘m not exactly sure if it was this server.

Back then it was running on evocity and I remember you always had to write/bind an /me unholsters his weapon. If you failed to do that you were faceing serious warnings/bans.

I‘m not sure if it was perpheads but the complete gamemode was so familiar to today.
does anyone have old pictures from like 2010-2013? I have some memories about perp like in that time, but I‘m not exactly sure if it was this server.

Back then it was running on evocity and I remember you always had to write/bind an /me unholsters his weapon. If you failed to do that you were faceing serious warnings/bans.

I‘m not sure if it was perpheads but the complete gamemode was so familiar to today.
Yep, that's how it went back then. And the cars at the time were undriveable LOL. I don't believe they are the same. Shortly after Hunts released perp2 with a brand new map and also a weather system. But it didn't last that long because of the DDoSing.
does anyone have old pictures from like 2010-2013? I have some memories about perp like in that time, but I‘m not exactly sure if it was this server.

Back then it was running on evocity and I remember you always had to write/bind an /me unholsters his weapon. If you failed to do that you were faceing serious warnings/bans.

I‘m not sure if it was perpheads but the complete gamemode was so familiar to today.
I know hellzone was like that. I got screamed at by Killslick and taught how to police RP because I didn't do the /yell or unhoslter my weapon when I was yelling at someone to surrender. Man literally paused RP on the side of the highway for 10 min because of that lol
You can find some old clips and stuff here:
You can find some old clips and stuff here:
Nah bro, I'm talking about pre-historic times.

Found something:

You can find some old clips and stuff here:
Lol, didn't see all the clips.

Found something here too:

does anyone have old pictures from like 2010-2013? I have some memories about perp like in that time, but I‘m not exactly sure if it was this server.

Back then it was running on evocity and I remember you always had to write/bind an /me unholsters his weapon. If you failed to do that you were faceing serious warnings/bans.

I‘m not sure if it was perpheads but the complete gamemode was so familiar to today.

You could carry your whole armory back then lol
Lol, didn't see all the clips.

Found something here too:

All of the Vs3/SimplyPERP images in the 9 year anniversary thread are from 2011-2013. You won't find much better information than in that thread.

In terms of pre-PH history, there isn't a huge amount of reliable information. My first PERP server was Core Strike Network (CSN) in 2011, and the original Pulsar Effects was effectively dead at the time. When I launched Vs3 PERP in 2011, the sheer number of variations of "leaked" PERP code that were floating around made it impossible to determine what was from the original community. On one of my back ups somewhere, I have about 6 distinct versions of PERP from 2013 and earlier.

Of course there are also several people who have claimed ownership of the concept, without always having the full weight of truth behind them. This makes it even more difficult to understand all of the history. Much of the facts are now shrouded in myth and rumour. Unfortunately the original websites for Pulsar Effects, CSN, Vs3, SimplyPERP and dozens of other PERP communities have long since been lost from the internet, making it impossible to build a full picture of everything that has built towards to community as it exists today.