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  1. Askasta

    [Suggestion] 2.5 Crowbar wallbanging rule change

    "HEY HEY HEY, YOU NOT ALLOWED TO SHOOT ME EVEN WHEN IM TRYING TO INVADE YOUR PROPERTY, THATS BECAUSE I DIDNT START TO SHOOT SO YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO SHOOT". From what i know the game aims for realism. Why the hell you wouldn't be allowed to shoot a raider when he starts to crowbar/bobby pin...
  2. Askasta

    RTU Quality Dashcam

    YOo lmfao the staff chat. Tiny straight up handing out L's xDD
  3. Askasta

    RTU Quality Dashcam

    Senpai noticed me and tagged me :o
  4. Askasta

    Perpheads V5

    yoo its lit
  5. Askasta


    Maybe more FPS improvments updates would be cool. If im not remembering correctly didnt fredy write that there is more to come in the future ? about FPS improvments EDIT: For me as example it says my forum was created 2017. Im not that old of a member there are more older ones but however. I...
  6. Askasta

    “Raiding isn’t realistic roleplay” Why you’re technically wrong.

    well if i know the person getting raided i just grab a gun myself then join the shootout then mid shootout if its safe to grab i then grab basicly upgrading the weapon to shoot with. I've done this so often that i became professional
  7. Askasta

    “Raiding isn’t realistic roleplay” Why you’re technically wrong.

    i mean perp is hella boring. Shootouts its the most fun and me as the Mega Roach, approaching a shootout unarmed or with a shit cheap weapon then just clean the floor up is big profit or just use the next gun on the ground and start shooting everything that breathes. Ez profit and ez shootout...
  8. Askasta

    About the " new player " apartments

  9. Askasta

    About the " new player " apartments

    @Zepol fuck perp all my homies love monoforth
  10. Askasta

    About the " new player " apartments

  11. Askasta

    thank you

    thank you
  12. Askasta

    Update Log (11/01/2021)

    A Updaten none asked for but a update we needed.
  13. Askasta

    Police Suggestion Police Punishments Overhaul

    Damn thats actually a good idea so new officers or anyone else can't abuse by giving over the limit. However what if the Officer lies and just selects the wrong charge ?
  14. Askasta

    $2 Million Dollar Giveaway!

    ayyyyy lets goooooooooooo inshallah i win cause broke life rules me so i dont need to sweap the floor clean after raids xd
  15. Askasta

    thehomelessdude's re-Introduction

    why did you get banned for metagaming permanently ? wtf ?
  16. Askasta

    PERPHeads 2020 Community Awards - Vote!

    i see the biggest mingegrabber category is missing
  17. Askasta

    Hahhahaha well yes

    Hahhahaha well yes
  18. Askasta

    PERPHeads Secret Santa 2020

    i wish everybody a happy christmas its the roachs time to give something back
  19. Askasta

    bye bye for another 3 months

    bye bye for another 3 months
  20. Askasta

    Gun Jamming???

    @Collier what a could feature it would be that guns actually jam and if you press a button you rack the bolt to unjam it or in this case to feed another bullet into the chamber
  21. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    @rogue damn you wanna eat mine too ?
  22. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    @Husky no i msorry i meant food only
  23. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    @Kempotent yes
  24. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    @Husky in germany i could if i really push it
  25. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    @BigBenji Intel Pentium E7500 the market worth of it its like 10 euro or 5 euro the water damaged raspberry pi is even better
  26. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    @GringoHead with 30 euros i can get a whole working PC off ebay wich is better then mine i use
  27. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    @Husky hey i didnt know at the first place that they ever get money. 30 Euro is quite good you can live off a month with it alone if you really want to and if he works he can use his income to payback his depth etc. you know.
  28. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    haha no haha
  29. Askasta

    My final goodbye

    @CaughtRed yea i heard people talking about some christmas pay or something like that. i think it was that