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  1. Bamarin [IT]

    Official PERPHeads Trailer 2020

    I only lurk this community every now and then, and... wow I'm speechless!
  2. Bamarin [IT]

    Bamarin.... does this ring any bell?

    Damn, I should definetly start watching JoJo!
  3. Bamarin [IT]

    Bamarin.... does this ring any bell?

    Hey! It's been a long time... Although I'm not playing on the server anymore I still feel like part of the community, so I just wanted to drop by and say hello :) Looking back I feel so proud having been part of this community for such a long time, and this server seems like it's ever evolving...
  4. Bamarin [IT]

    Bamarin is coming to town

    Hey PERPeolple, It's been more than 3 months and yeah... I'm missing you :shamefullyembarrased: I just wanted to announce I'll be back around February! At the moment I'm still in Stockholm, and I'll spend both Christmas and new year eve here. I know that some of you live in Sweden, so if you...
  5. Bamarin [IT]

    Bulge back?

    :stop: Don't leave again before I come back too pls
  6. Bamarin [IT]

    May is a mighty month...

    How come you didn't made an option for your speciality: Animations (stuff like /act ...) They are useless but so funny, like some I saw on GTA RP streams lol
  7. Bamarin [IT]

    Paint profile pictures.

    Do mine, I double dare you :P
  8. Bamarin [IT]

    Post Your Own Car Thread

    And this is the car I've got around 1 year ago IRL FIAT Punto 55 1998 max speed: 120Km/h
  9. Bamarin [IT]

    Italian boy is back to town

    Hi guys! It's been about 1 week since my return to the server. I was curious about how the total withelisted PD was running and it's impressively well organized! So last time I said you goodbye was due to University and such, but in this exam period I managed to pass all the exams with excellent...
  10. Bamarin [IT]

    Happy B-day! Oh and I see you are admin now :) Good, green fits you better!

    Happy B-day! Oh and I see you are admin now :) Good, green fits you better!
  11. Bamarin [IT]

    Testa's Casino

    Testa... it means head in italian. Head... PERPHeads, PERP has 2 P like 2 eyes in a HEAD! If we take the middle letter from heAds it's an A tha look like a triangle! eye + triangle =
  12. Bamarin [IT]

    I see, it's a bit different from the original idea of the Trapani org, but still very cool. Keep...

    I see, it's a bit different from the original idea of the Trapani org, but still very cool. Keep it up :)
  13. Bamarin [IT]

    Yes I was one of the founders of the first Trapani org, long time ago tho

    Yes I was one of the founders of the first Trapani org, long time ago tho
  14. Bamarin [IT]

    Happy B-day, boy! :D

    Happy B-day, boy! :D
  15. Bamarin [IT]

    PH XMAS CS:GO '16 - Register Now!

    Already 8 teams?! :jawdrop: Dayum this was fast! Well... in case someone is looking for a member replacement... I'm here, if anyone still remebers about me :oops:
  16. Bamarin [IT]

    What do you guys do as job

    I'm currently studying "Engineering and Information Sciences" at University to become a graduated programmer, in future I'm planning to become a videogame developper
  17. Bamarin [IT]

    What Music do You listen at right now?

    Probably everyone forgot this song already, but it remembers me of a summer I've been playing CS1.6 everyday on a server which was playing this song every round end
  18. Bamarin [IT]

    Removing names from doors for everyone (including Police)

    (on phone) @Sgt.James The discussion I made was about giving police and citizens the same ability about seeing names on doors, because if they are written everyone can read them, if they aren't written then no one should be able to to see them. But I had to choose one of the 2 options to follow...
  19. Bamarin [IT]

    Removing names from doors for everyone (including Police)

    Discussion Post: MODERATOR EDIT: Main Idea: Remove the ability of Officers to see the name of the owner of a property Full description of...
  20. Bamarin [IT]

    Demo problem

    I'm basically reopening this thread because some time has passed and in the last Action Requests I saw many videos where no one has this problem anymore, while i keep getting the same problem. How did you fix it?
  21. Bamarin [IT]

    Gwanny - Emil Thybo

    @Gwanny I'd like to recommend this player because yesterday I was assigned to team up with him while performing my duties as a police officer. I really appreciated working with him because even tho the officer who has the car is usually the leader of the team (the one who takes the last...
  22. Bamarin [IT]

    [Suggestion] Move 3.12 to the 5th section

    What rule do you wish to Edit: 3.12 Mayoral Assassination Your version of the rule: I'm not suggesting to change the rule, but just to move it to section 5 "Criminal Activity" Why do you believe this rule should be Edited: Because section 3 has a very large amount of rules, and since the...
  23. Bamarin [IT]

    [Suggestion] Correction to some rules

    What rule do you wish to Edit: PREFACE, 2.5, 3.21, 3.26, 3.27 Your version of the rule: PREFACE: If you unable --> If you are unable 2.5: items in a store should --> items in a store, should 3.21: from the NPC the aforementioned --> from the NPC. The aforementioned 3.26: ‘/roll’ function...
  24. Bamarin [IT]

    PH crafter (price calculator)

    Version 3.1 has been released! FIXES: Installer language changed from Italian to English When you increment the quantity of a weapon you want to craft it doesn't jump anymore from 1 to a number different from 2 Internet connection error shows up 1 time instead of 8 times Fixed icon on the...
  25. Bamarin [IT]

    Thought I would do a cheeky wee late introduction....

    DannyD... I think I heard this name already, btw welcome aboard :kappa:
  26. Bamarin [IT]

    Adam's Intro

    Welcome aboard Adam! Have fun and if you have some trouble check the Guides or ask anyone on the forum for some help, we are very collaborative :kappa:
  27. Bamarin [IT]

    PH crafter (price calculator)

    As I said here I'm working on a new version of the program. Since I'll present this project for my final exam I want to show you the presentation I made to know your opinion, and also to thank everyone who used this program and helped me improving it by giving a feedback :) Alert! the...
  28. Bamarin [IT]

    Gun Spreadsheet for the update!

    Great job! I'd like to thank you because it's very easy to read and search for the needed, it's helping me a lot updating the database for PHcrafter and also allows me to get the needed info faster than I'd get by joining the server every time I need one. I also noticed a very minor error so i...
  29. Bamarin [IT]

    Weapon Update Announcement

    5th of July? Oh shit that's the day before my final oral exam before my graduation, it would be crazy to join this event... but wait, I'm crazy so there's no problem :wacky: About the bad news, that's even worse for me because it will probably mean I'll have to change the PH crafter and I was...
  30. Bamarin [IT]

    Gang Beasts - Code Giveaway

    In case I'm not too late :p Name: Bamarin [IT] Why you want the game: Some of my friends already have it, I tried it and it's amazing Do you like Germany: Home of the beer, gotta love it!