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  1. Fexxe

    Prepper: Resign - (Moderator)

    Man you're old school in my eyes! I hope you will play with us from time to time :) Take care man, and see you around.
  2. Fexxe

    Hah thank you! :) I am actually considering making a video of perpheads. With music and...

    Hah thank you! :) I am actually considering making a video of perpheads. With music and everything lol
  3. Fexxe

    -=Fexxe=-'s retardtainment videos

    I thought I would share my Youtube channel with you all. So if you are slightly bored and need stimulant for the brain, go elsewhere because my videos are mixed and have little to any thought behind them :) Videos include: harpoon hunting video, messing around on another server, classic vanilla...
  4. Fexxe

    Hi My Name Is Frank Smith

    Welcome to Perpheads :) Enjoy! Do yourself a favor, ingame press F1 and read all the rules and all the laws. It will save you a lot of trouble for newcomers.
  5. Fexxe


    Wauw that was sudden and unexpected. Bye mate, we've had some nice car chatter since "vanilla perp" :) Take care
  6. Fexxe

    I Got Perma Banned.

    You clearly do not belong on this server then, if you have 21 warnings. Find another server, is my suggestion to you.
  7. Fexxe

    Sad news

    As said, no one deserves to die as a teen. May he rest in peace.
  8. Fexxe

    StephenPuffs' Dev Log

    This is all getting better and better! Amazing, no less. And the added stuns for nightsticks are a welcome change ;)
  9. Fexxe

    Ban request Zetamus

    Grosblyth I have not taken a look at the demo, and I do not have the time currently to do so. But let me tell you this, that if you feel someone is harassing you and tries to ruin your experience on our server, contact a staff member in-game and we will deal with him. We do NOT tolerate slander...
  10. Fexxe

    Ban Request - Dunjam

    I have watched the demo, and there is no need for him to shoot you, since you posed no threat after you had surrendered. From what I have seen in this demo and from my previous experiences with this player I will increase his current ban length. //Approved
  11. Fexxe

    What new games do you want?

    But... these are not new games anymore.
  12. Fexxe

    Xquality's Dev Log

    Take your god worship somewhere else!
  13. Fexxe

    Xquality's Dev Log

    Make it happen (Some call me, the KnightRider)
  14. Fexxe

    -=Fexxe=-: Admin Complaint

    Let me explain why I got really annoyed by your actions RayoZ, its pretty simple really. Shortyzz already explained this very good. Being police is sometimes a pain in the behind, other times everyone knows how to RP properly and it's a joy. That day was one of those annoying ones to be a cop...
  15. Fexxe

    What do you think about mugging?

    Mugging in it self is fine, but I do not like how people are able to hide items from you, and therefore the muggers always need to call admins to check up on people. There should be a system that could allow you to take eg. 5000 dollars from the victims wallet (there also needs to be a max limit...
  16. Fexxe

    Information about the speed limit when you use the 'camera' as a speed enforcer?

    As police you should really know the speed limits around the map. They are not difficult and make logical sense, just like in that real world everyone is talking about. About the part were people argue if they were in a speeding zone or not, well just take a screenshot anyway, and you can see...
  17. Fexxe

    Do you like the snow in the server?

    The snow makes my good PC lag for odd reasons, guess its garry's mod that gets bottle necked. It also looks pretty bad, more like nuclear fallout than anything else. Also the fog effect is WAY too dense, you can't see 5 meters in front of you. Increase the view distance during the fog, and it...
  18. Fexxe

    My absence from the server

    Thanks everyone. I'm now back in Sweden again, after the weekend at home. Another week in hell as we say ;)
  19. Fexxe

    My absence from the server

    You would think so yes, but no I have not studied any of those things. I'm an educated electrician with a new specialty called building automation, and that is what I'm working with now. I must admit that I got really lucky by getting this job, but I'm ever grateful for it and I see it as my...
  20. Fexxe

    My absence from the server

    I'm a baker. No seriously now, I'm a technician who work with regulation and control of ventilation and water plants. Long story short, if you see a wall mounted module hanging in an office, school or even some bigger private homes, chances are that its a technician like me who works with that...
  21. Fexxe

    My absence from the server

    As some of you might know, I am from time to time working outside the borders of my beloved Kingdom of Denmark. I have taken a work related assignment north of Stockholm, and I'm now on my 4th week up here, not in a row though. As it is right now, we plan to finish the project next week, ending...
  22. Fexxe


    Technically not a selfie, but who wants those closeups anyway... Ok here's one (no I'm not fully naked..)
  23. Fexxe

    City shops and the bazaar ( Buisiness area)

    I'm going to haunt you for stealing my suggestion. Thumbs up for this
  24. Fexxe

    Paralake or Evocity?

    I do not miss evocity.. god, all that time I've played that old boring map. And about the bazar never being used, I would like to see no shops in the city, but ONLY in the business district. That way shops would only be for sale in that area "forcing" people to go to the same area, and...
  25. Fexxe

    Medic Response Cars

    Good suggestion. This should still not allow the paramedics to patrol, but it sure would add more atmosphere and a better RP feel at a crime/accident scene if there is more variety in the response vehicles. Thumbs up
  26. Fexxe

    Ban request for 2 guys

    Stop saying "Ban request denied" and "//Closed". You are Not a staff member and therefore have no say in that.
  27. Fexxe

    Ban request for 2 guys

    Michael I have watched your demo, and there are a few things I noticed. -First, it clearly looks like you went to the bank to see what houses were owned so that you could raid them. And this in my point of view is big time fail RP, bordering on meta gaming. -Secondly, you drive like you don't...
  28. Fexxe

    My personal opinion on the staff on Perpheads and their management.

    Criticism is always good, since it can (if done correctly) help improve the overall server experience. But my suggest to you Robert, is that if/when you see a staff member do something you think is wrong (thinking about rule breaking or power abuse here), go on the Teamspeak server and poke a...
  29. Fexxe

    What kind of music do you like?

    Seems like we got some musical matches. Its nice that you got a wide spectrum of genres you listen to, all the way from hard rock to classics. I can also enjoy both some power / hero metal, jazz and classical (eg. Luciano Pavarotti and Mozart). So thumbs up for that :)
  30. Fexxe

    What kind of music do you like?

    I know, just didn't want to add each track in its own genre group, so I kinda did it after the year instead.