May 19, 2014
- Transition from stunned (e.g. being revived) back to normal has been improved to be more fluid
- Hunger and stunned blur improved, stunned blur fades out as you get back to normal
- Possible to now "sprint" while cuffed or stunned, however, it is fairly slow.
- Getting out of a chair is far less glitchy now, shouldn't get stuck in ceilings and such nearly as often. However, be sure you have a clear exit point in front of the chair.
- Exiting any vehicle (except monorail) will now orient your camera to face the direction the vehicle is pointed. This includes chairs.
- Crashing your car, whether it disables or simply stalls, stuns your character. Duration is dependent on how hard the crash was (mostly).
Well I planned on making a complete posting of clothing today, but unfortunately that'll have to wait another day while some of the last things are included, but I will share with you how the customize screen will basically look and give a rough overview of what each thing does. Keep in mind, prices, names, brands, etc have not all been set up yet.
As the window title suggests, I am currently editing my shirt only, the display on the left is how the shirt will appear. The color picker on the right functions much like that of the car dealer, where you can see the shirt change colors as you move the slider around. The brand text will display what brand is associated with this article of clothing. So if I'm remembering correctly this shirt would be part of the "Becc" brand. The price is clearly indicated next to this, as mentioned before, prices aren't set, but $0 is not an option. The first slider you encounter will change between the different styles of shirts offered, adjusting the brand and the price accordingly. It will also display a title for it to the right where there is a blank. Underneath the slider will be a short description of the item, so in this case something like "A suit vest for when looks matter", I don't know, this is up to Xquality to determine. Moving on, next up is the slider to pick what set of decal you want to have, these are still being set up by Xquality, some clothing will have more sets than others. (These ones should be labeled as emblems as you'll see in the next images). For the last slider, it controls what design your shirt/pants/shoes/undershirt should have.
Clearly the title of the shirt "Cloth suit w/ pockets" isn't correct for this, but that will be fixed by time of release, and if I make another post about this.
Once you have found the look you wish to have, simply press the Accept button which will ask for confirmation that you want to spend X on the clothing, which when confirmed will save it to your character and you'll be good to go. If you press the Cancel button, it simply closes the window and nothing happens. But I'm quite fond of my shirt, so I will press the Accept button and confirm.
Here I am looking in the new mirrors at Jennifer's jewelry in the next version of the map at my brand new clothing choice. (I'm looking in a mirror, which is why the insignia appears on the left in this picture, instead of the right on the previous)
Anyways, a lot of time and effort went into understand how this would even be possible, as typically speaking this is not something supported by the Source engine, so it was a real trick of trying to figure out how to go around the system and have this all work, I hope you guys/gals enjoy it when we get it out there, as it will give you a load of options to pick from. Since as I briefly said before, you can color your shoes different than your shirts, and your shirt different than your pants, etc, giving loads of options.
One last note that I should mention, this full customization will only be available to premium members. Nonpremium members will get a list of preset designs to choose from, and a button to press that will randomly pick colors, which is able to be pressed as many times as one would like to find the color that suits them. However, as each part is independently colored, this will still make a load of variety, unlike the current system.