Sad news

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I don't have words to describe this... But damn people shoudn't die at such a jong age... Rest In Peace!
I never met the guy and it seems like a shame really as he sounded like an awesome guy :/. May you rest in peace. Death is a cold and unforgiving thing and my heart goes out to his family; no-one deserves to die at such a young age.
R.I.P Even though I never knew him, he seemed and probably was a kind, friendly and a really nice guy.
If it's possible, I think a monument should be added in V2.
You will be missed...
I'm sorry to hear such news, I hope the family and friends will stay strong, losing a person is the worse thing that can happen in our lives, I never really talked to captain but he seems like a good and nice fellow, a shame these kind of things always happens to good people.

Rip Captain.
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