Search results

  1. Opinions on the new “iPhone X”

    I'm an Android type of person and to be very honest, this year with the iPhone X, apple kind of impressed me with some of the new features and honestly I think their designs are absolutely stunning. The only thing which lets me down is the fact that I can't install PDANet to an iPhone and bypass...
  2. Police Cars

  3. 04/09/2017 Update Log

    I can already see myself walking into Bazaar and seeing some weird ass shit involving a bed, kidnapped female players and @Slayerduck going on.
  4. will do mate

    will do mate
  5. AR on Kay Funds

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Wotsit / John Clay His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Kay / Kay Funds His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:98351704 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User broke 3.24 after getting stabbed by another user which had been pulled over. Evidence (Demo Required): Tick: n/a
  6. speaker

    Check this out!
  7. 24-08-2017 Update Log

    I love the new update for the map on the phone, now sweater medics will be able to arrive on time and won't be able to use the excuse "I didn't know where to go". The ATM kinda reminds me of SantosRP's ATM, a bit aids in my opinion but I guess it makes things more realistic in terms of...
  8. You have 24 hours to live.

    I would shoot up a school.
  9. AR on IntelA(R) - @Racxes

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Wotsit / John Clay His/Her Steam/In-game Name: IntelA / Buk Mohammad His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:68566671 Why Should This Player Be Punished: This player for no apparent reason shot me down at Suburbs storage in front of many people and an NPC. I have never before even...
  10. Revert Rule 5.4 to Previous state.

    I totally agree with you LEWIS008. Just a few days ago I was involved in a situation where a medic was grassing my org in for shooting someone. (This was from him patrolling in a full size fml). Of course the cops tried to raid us because "We have to take the government employees word for it" It...
  11. I don't even know what life is right now (NOT A GOODBYE POST)

    I'm sure you will be okay Henry. I know at the moment PERP isn't at all anything like it was back in days but I guess that's just life right? As for your IA complaints. Take no notice of them, most of the time salty off-duty officers feel the need to go around trying to pull people up on the...
  12. 30-07-2017 Update Log

    Another brilliant little update from the development team. Thank you so much for this, even though I probably can't afford any of the cars in this list (feelsbadmanwhenyouloose500kincasinosinlessthan10minutes) I will now have to powergrow for a bit and beg people to buy VIP from me. :)
  13. Action Request on XCommunist/Alex Deer

    As I was involved in the situation I feel the need to say something. Indeed Alex tried to ram us off the road for no reason. This lead to me being pushed over into the wrong side of the road which is indeed causing imminent danger to myself and the occupants within my vehicle and therefore...
  14. My Grandma..

    Wow this is awful. I offer my deepest condolences to you and your family. Stay strong. :)
  15. @Sgt.James

    I would like to take the time to say how much of a great staff member James is. The other day I was involved in a situation where I was in the wrong and needed to be punished for it. James throughout the entire situation which lasted about an hour, was able to remain extremely professional and...
  16. Resignation

    Was not expecting this at all. Thank you for all of your help given to those who needed it throughout the community. Enjoy the free ford raptor xD
  17. Refund Request - Moosberg +9 loaded shells - @Madda

    Your in-game name: John Clay Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:184395586 What do you need refunded: 1x Moosberg Shotgun with 9 shells loaded into it. Why do you want your item(s) refunded: We got raided at subs house 3 and when I pulled out the shotgun to begin defending the base, I was spamming left click...
  18. lmao

  19. Wang Chugi

    // Comment was too big t put in allens post My footage is currently rendering. And the person sounded pretty alarmed and distresses because of the volume of messages he was sending. Plus after more people ran in (including dom) I lost contact with him in org chat. You will see in my footage...
  20. Wang Chugi

    Hello. I died in the puffer raid and then after my NLR ran out I was informed by a member of our org (not sure who it was since I cannot remember) that puffer mart was being raided. He was to my knowledge the last person inside the building since no other org members were talking so I assumed...
  21. UK Elections guesses

    Hey Duffy. I just wanted to know what your opinions are on Corbyn wanting to get rid off all the nuclear weapons that the UK stockpile. I personally like his ideas of making University Tuition fees free but the idea of abolishing all the nuclear weapons seems a bit crazy huh? I am very confused...
  22. Les Reines Applications

    Out of character information: Steam Name: Wotsit Age (you don't have to disclose this): 17 Playtime: Just over 1 week. In character information: Name: John Clay Age: 24 Firearms Level: 3 (I never really got round to levelling this up. I usually have my friend Nutrient10 craft items for me...
  23. Resignation and goodbye

    Bye. Thanks for doing my stage 3 :) Good luck in the future Tyla.
  24. I keep dropping from the server.

    Hello Jazz! Sometimes when you have too many drugs in your storage it causes you to crash upon joining. This is because of the size of the information being sent to your client by the database. This was explained by Fredy a while ago but you might not have seen it. If you don't have a lot of...
  25. <3

  26. Ooo I like. I like the suppressor on that badboy.

    Ooo I like. I like the suppressor on that badboy.
  27. Who be dis?

    Who be dis?
  28. Post your phone setup!

    Totally not copying @Creepis 's wallpaper ;)
  29. AR on Marcus Cromwell - 1.1 Disrespectful Behaviour

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Wotsit / John Clay His/Her Steam/In-game Name: (1)NeXuS / Marcus Cromwell His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:45804070 Why Should This Player Be Punished:While I was out as a probationary officer, I had just been revived by a medic near the hospital since me and my partner were...
  30. Mugged in Slums Staircase

    changed my mind! Close the thread please staff <3