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  1. Laladin

    Update Log - 18/12/2019

    The festive stuff is all error for me :(
  2. Laladin

    (Suggestion) Be able to steal cop cars

    As much as i like the idea i think it will be misused more than actually being used in a correct RP manner. I also think hijacking a cop car is pretty rare IRL. Since police computers always require login it would not work to actually use it aswell cops often locks their cars even though its on...
  3. Laladin

    Halloween Giveaway

  4. Laladin

    [Suggestion] 4.2 Paramedics (The nasty combat revivers)

    If i medic goes into an active shootout It's also 3.4 as he puts his life at risk? Easy as that
  5. Laladin

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Steam Name: T.S.S | Experimental Roleplay name: Desmond Martinez 30 Days Selling Price: 80k Length of premium: 30 days Still selling: No Additional Information: 90 Days (~5% discount) Selling Price: 230k Length of premium: 90 days Still selling: No Additional Information: 180 Days (~5%...
  6. Laladin

    Errors after downloading all content

    @blobvis 2.0 That is correct, done that and it doesnt work, I've downloaded the TDMCar packs but theres still car errors...
  7. Laladin

    Errors after downloading all content

    The errors consists of all police cars and mini coopers, the RC wrench is also an error...
  8. Laladin

    Errors after downloading all content

    Hey! I've finally decided to come back to perpheads but i got an issue which is that some cars (Police cruisers, and some random) are errors, Most of the cars can be seen but its annoying af, i got every Content pack installed (Not legacy) and i got all the CSS/HL2 contents downloaded and...
  9. Laladin

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Selling Premium Your Steam Name: T.S.S | Experimental Your Roleplay name: Desmond Martinez Selling Price (In-game money): 75000 (75K) Length of premium (30 days, 90 days or 180 days): 30 Days Still selling (Please update how many left you can sell, or if you are still or still not selling)...
  10. Laladin

    Private Information

    There are people with same first name and surname. Even though Addresses are public information which you can access by just searching the name on internet. This is nothing Perp can prevent... It is still a personal opinion? Names and addresses can still be spread inside the community without...
  11. Laladin

    Private Information

    Well, Easily said. If you don't want your identity on Perpheads don't share it then. This is more of a personal opinion...
  12. Laladin

    GTA V issue. [Reward for successful fix.]

    Throw your wooden PC out the window, best solution. :cool:
  13. Laladin

    Be the one You are, retarded

    Be the one You are, retarded
  14. Laladin

    Selling/Buying Premium

    Selling Premium Your Steam Name: T.S.S | Experimental Your Roleplay name: Deckard Shaw Selling Price: 75K For Each Month Length of premium: 30 Days Still selling: 22 Vip Passes Additional Information: The price will not change, The buyer always go first. Can sell Multiple to one person if wanted.
  15. Laladin

    GTA V - Car Meets [PC]

    Rockstar Name: WishedPureIce Steam Name (or link): T.S.S | Experimental
  16. Laladin

    Your GTA 5 online level and amount of money.

    Level: 137 Money: 234 Millions, Cheated. PC
  17. Laladin

    AR, Multiple Players

    Your Steam/In-game Name: T.S.S | Experimental / Deckard Shaw His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Propane / (Havent found name) [Guy with weapon] The_Swedish_gamer / (Havent found it) [Guy with baseball bat] His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89233705 STEAM_0:0:51011387 Why Should This Player Be Punished...
  18. Laladin

    AR, Multiple Players

    Your Steam/In-game Name: T.S.S | Experimental / Deckard Shaw His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Propane / (Havent found name) [Guy with weapon] The_Swedish_gamer / (Havent found it) [Guy with baseball bat] His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:89233705 STEAM_0:0:51011387 Why Should This Player Be Punished...
  19. Laladin

    RR, Deckard Shaw. Road crew

    Your in-game name: Deckard Shaw Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:59108437 What do you need refunded: Money earned for working as road crew Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because i got AFK kicked while working so i lost 7K While working. I did not afk, Everything ran on until ppls left the server...
  20. Laladin

    Rainbow Six Fav operators

    His Revive gun Is OP While defending. Even loves his Introduction Movie.
  21. Laladin

    Need for Speed 2015

    I love the graphics and mechanics. But I hope they will not change the mechanics of driving unrealistic!
  22. Laladin

    AyJay's Resignation

    AyJay, this was not expected. You've been a huge part of the community, Havent played with you so many times but I got to know you atleast! Must really say that you were a good Moderator. I know life is more important than this, I'm glad that you're changing your priorities because It's for your...
  23. Laladin

    Anyone getting Wildlands?

    Nah, I will get it for PC
  24. Laladin

    Community radio.

    There Is only one word! +Support
  25. Laladin

    When u crash u wont lose ur drugs

    I don't think they will add this thing since It is working good as it is right now. I think the drugs are scripted the same way as the apartments you own and your car that everything will disappear when you're not having a connection to the server. That is a good Idea to do so even if people got...
  26. Laladin

    Car Competition

    Vehicle Name: Mercedes Benz E63 AMG Colour: Polar White Metallic Images: OOC Name: T.S.S | Experimental / Wishedpureice IC Name: Deckard Shaw
  27. Laladin

    </Samuel> Recommendation

    Introduction: This is the first time I'm doing this. So I would really like to give creds to the best roleplayer/Police Supervisor I've meet on Perpheads after my time I've been here. </Samuel> Known as "Samuel Sheppard" This guy without any doubts he Is one of the best Police...
  28. Laladin

    No worries. I did wrong, I went banana on Ayjay when he wasent involved.

    No worries. I did wrong, I went banana on Ayjay when he wasent involved.
  29. Laladin

    If you see me performing something at the forum. Then I'm not banned :Logic:

    If you see me performing something at the forum. Then I'm not banned :Logic:
  30. Laladin

    Don't think so much. Look!

    Don't think so much. Look!