Search results

  1. ijokerxo

    The names McCre.. I mean Wolf.

    after spending 25k on you to play metalica on guitar i can say ur a sound lad, welcome to perp if u need any help send us a message
  2. ijokerxo

    happy birthday pal:)

    happy birthday pal:)
  3. ijokerxo

    he's the admin paralake deserves

    he's the admin paralake deserves
  4. ijokerxo

    thats cute

    thats cute
  5. ijokerxo

    smoking in public

    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: new law What law do you wish to change/add: making it illegal to smoke in public buildings Why should this change/addition be made: im not sure in other country's but in the uk it is illegal to smoke in a public setting eg. a train station, and...
  6. ijokerxo

    Refund request pls

    Your in-game name: Tomas Costello Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:114206148 What do you need refunded: 3x berettas 1x beretta mag 5x box of pistol ammo 5x shotgun ammo 1x metal shelf 1x metal shelves Why do you want your item(s) refunded: some bloke molotoved my store for no reason Evidence...
  7. ijokerxo

    ar on super

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomas Costello ijokerxo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: super His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:80833603 Why Should This Player Be Punished: i was setting up my shop in bazzar when this person started running round and being an idiot, my friend called him a retard, and then the...
  8. ijokerxo


    Today will be remembered as the day marmite took over paralake. we hold a minutes silence for the fallen yeastlings. @Chris @Samuel @Slayerduck
  9. ijokerxo

    ar on jake turnbull and ryco slam

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomas Costello ijokerxo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: jake turnbull and ryco slam, not sure bout the steam names His/Her SteamID: matthew STEAM_0:1:16594875 Why Should This Player Be Punished: these players was on skype to one another, also jake broke 3.5. i took ryco...
  10. ijokerxo

    AR on Archind

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomas Costello ijokerxo His/Her Steam/In-game Name: william ? Archind His/Her SteamID:STEAM_0:0:60747841 Why Should This Player Be Punished: i went to bazzar and this person shot some in front of a police officer, he then ran to his car and stored his gun, then tried...
  11. ijokerxo

    Goodbye, for a wee bit.

    Good luck with what ever you do, how to see you back on soon pal
  12. ijokerxo

    PERPheads Community Awards 2016: Category Suggestions

    I suppose I'll be taking the hippy award
  13. ijokerxo


    Girls are mysterious beings, I've been in a few situations when one day they want you next nothing, it's shit honestly it doesn't help your ego makes you think like wtf is wrong me and so on. Dead her off, she's not worth it, i mean what's the poor in waiting ur time on some one who doesn't...
  14. ijokerxo

    Keyboard & Mouse Recommendations

    these came with my tower and honestly there decent, not to pricey and work well.
  15. ijokerxo

    AR on swat

    when the police came towards me after me and samuel saying back off, one of the swat shot first and ended up hitting me, the way they went about it was appalling and had 0 disregards for my safety. you didnt even try to get me out of there you just shot first and ask questions later.
  16. ijokerxo

    AR on swat

    i was the hostage, the swat decided to rush in and not carry on negotiations, they shot at hit me then samuel finished me off, they had no care for my life even thou it was ther job to get the hostage out of there un harmed. when askin in ooc they just said something like because finnlay died...
  17. ijokerxo

    Barry Boys

    good job there isnt a boots in paralake....
  18. ijokerxo


    so as a few people know i tend to go to alot of concerts/festivals, but i was curios if any other people go to gigs or concerts, and if so what was the best one you have gone to. the best band i have seen live would be rammstien ( a german metal band ) then followed by iron maiden. the best...
  19. ijokerxo

    Spotify Playlist Thread

    see i just have a big playlist consisting of many artists including my favourite Guns n Roses, metalica, green day, the offspring and alot more.
  20. ijokerxo


    welcome to the community, hope you settle in well, in the mean time listen to this banger
  21. ijokerxo

    RR due to SWAT breaking nlr

    Your in-game name: Tomas Costello Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:114206148 What do you need refunded: 1x M4A1 with mag Why do you want your item(s) refunded: i was helping my friend along with @TinySlayer and @Samuel at slums escape, so we was trying to clear the area from police. the swat officer delta...
  22. ijokerxo

    RR due to death from NLR break.

    he also killed me during this time resulting in me loosing a m4a1
  23. ijokerxo

    Change to 12.1 Jaywalking

    i cannot see this being implemented due to the fact its such a minor thing. people do not go to jail for jaywalking in real life so i would theres no need for it. if a person carry's on jaywalking after you have told them to stop then jail them for 6.5 instead.
  24. ijokerxo

    Forza Horizon 3

    i love the horizon series, its alot better then the normal boring same old forza games. probably will end up buying it when it comes out
  25. ijokerxo

    making the misdemeanor ticket easier

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: making it so you can type a number out on the ticket tool instead of using the slider bar. Full description of the idea: so when you go to give a person a ticket as a police officer, instead...
  26. ijokerxo

    Greetings my brothaas

    think you and shaun are gonna get along
  27. ijokerxo

    Thought it's time to say Goodbye.

    Best wishes on what ever you do pal, slightly annoyed as I have to find another black man to protect me now;-;, keep in touch:)
  28. ijokerxo

    Funny police chase

    the fact people was screamin down the radio saying its a freakin blue mustang pissed me off, but ye never run from costello pal;p
  29. ijokerxo

    Some Time Off

    wish you all the best pal, i hope you do well in you gcse's, u best come back soon, but good luck with what ever you do:3
  30. ijokerxo

    "can you die from inhailing a finger nail" - Bean Can 2k16

    "can you die from inhailing a finger nail" - Bean Can 2k16