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  1. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    I am happy to partly accept this and reduce it down to 3 weeks, unbanning you next saturday. Take this seriously; If you are caught metagaming again, another ban will be issued and it will be much longer than before.
  2. Double J

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  3. Double J

    PERPHeads 2021 Community Awards - Results!

    God Damn you @A1L
  4. Double J

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    Your ban is for, and I quote, "3.2, 1.4 - Metagaming with his friend whilst being raided. Very uncooperative and disrespectful during the sit. Extended by Efan: Sending disgusting videos to staff in Discord." You messaged a staff member sending a horrific video/photo asking to be unbanned...
  5. Double J

    Ban Apology (Collier)

    What about the horrific messages you sent to a staff member and the attempted ban evasion you tried twice today, How do you plan on apologising for that?
  6. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    I'll reduce the ban to 3 weeks which unbans you next Saturday. Allowing you to join in-time for the festivities over Christmas. I'm going to make myself very clear here; If I or anyone in the staff team catches you metagaming again, you will be banned for much longer and won't have a chance at...
  7. Double J

    Action Request (Auris)

    I've looked through the messages and I don't see any real issue present HOWEVER @Auris please don't send messages like that. I understand you may have been trying to joke but, in this case, @John Daymon clearly was not comfortable. I won't be issuing a punishment.
  8. Double J

    Ban Dispute (Travis, SamSN)

    Firstly, You're admitting the breaching 1.2 Discrimination. When first joining the server, you are asked to read the rules where a pop-up also appears. This shows that you just scrolled through it without a care in the world. Secondly, Your excuse for Attempted Ban Evasion is a joke. You wanted...
  9. Double J

    Personally, I'm annoyed about the progression. It took 2.5-3 hours to get to the first level of...

    Personally, I'm annoyed about the progression. It took 2.5-3 hours to get to the first level of the battle pass. You don't gain xp for the battle pass through games, only challenges. Don't see why they can't make it so a win gives you 200 xp and a loss gives you 100.
  10. Double J

    I'm already happy with Halo Infinite. Battle passes that never expire, Meaning if you purchase...

    I'm already happy with Halo Infinite. Battle passes that never expire, Meaning if you purchase it now and end up coming back in march/april, you can still complete it. Nice menus Only downside is the VRAM requirement. A 6GB card can only handle LOW-Medium graphics.
  11. Double J

    Ban Dispute (dubble J)

    I know this is already denied but I thought I'd give you some back story even though you've already had some. You were banned, originally, by myself for 2 5 and 3.4. A1L then accepted a Action request on you and extended the length with my permission. You were then found to be metagaming so...
  12. Double J

    Ban Apology (dubble J)

    I said it once, and I'll say it again: You May not appeal your ban 3 times a day. Making multiple apologies won't work. You can wait out the rest of the ban. In meantime, I'm sure this scene gives you a TL;DR
  13. Double J


  14. Double J

    Community Suggestion Increase suggestion title length

    I don't think @Tyla Jai is avaliable at the moment. Please leave a message after the tone. In all honesty, the title length seems to be fine. It doesn't need to be any longer as all you need to it to put a title relating to the suggestion E.G "Additons to Mayor/Secret Service"
  15. Double J

    Ban Apology (Quadruple J)

    You added 1 sentence as a difference between the "apologies". Try make an apology instead of a story telling session.
  16. Double J

    Ban Apology (Does not say)

    On Behalf of @travis, This is being denied. You are waiting out the ban. The ban was reinstated due to you still breaking the rules and Administration felt it was appropriate for some form of punishment to be handed out and kept on your record which should be served, in a majoritory.
  17. Double J


  18. Double J

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy

    So, The turnout for the convoy wasn't the best but we got about 7-8 people in. I will try and host another in a week or 2 on a saturday. It's time to introduce the funny clips during the convoy.
  19. Double J

    Server Suggestion If your banned pause your premium

    By this logic, If I purchase, lets say Modern Warfare Battle Pass, and get banned for Team Killing or Toxicity then I should have any remaining time left on the battle pass paused. It's very simple, don't be an idiot and get yourself banned for 2.5 and then lie about it.
  20. Double J

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy

    A channel has been created on TeamSpeak called ETS 2 Convoy. It is unlocked so anyone may join it. Simple rule: Anyone not taking part may join the channel if they wish to listen in, however, anyone joining and pissing around will be kicked. If anyone wants it to be streamed then that can...
  21. Double J

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy

    Depending on what we can do, could always start in Edinburgh and goto south from there?
  22. Double J

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy

    Just a reminder that the ETS2 convoy is today and hopefully starting around 4pm, Given that people are ready etc. Make sure you're on the Vanilla Build on the game and have TruckersMP set up with an account ready. If we have 8 or less people joining then we MIGHT be able to get it to work on...
  23. Double J

    2 treasure hunts today!

    Considering nobody took part, It's time to use other ways. If you want to enter into the giveaway, Please fill the template out: Name: What code would you like?: Have you used YouTube Premium or Gamepass before?:
  24. Double J

    2 treasure hunts today!

    Hello everyone, The event will be beginning in the next 5-10 minutes, join now for a chance to win!
  25. Double J

    2 treasure hunts today!

    Wonderful. I guess we can count at least 3 gifts!
  26. Double J

    2 treasure hunts today!

    Hello Everyone, Recently, Discord gratefully provided me with 2 gifts of which I can not use. The current gifts are as follows: YouTube Premium for 3 months Xbox Game Pass Ultimate for 2 months. Both of these require you to enter Card Details when redeeming [ I COULD BE WRONG ABOUT THIS...
  27. Double J

    Euro Truck Simulator 2 Convoy

    Due to unforseen circumstances, The convoy will be on Saturday instead of Sunday. I aim to try and start it around 4 pm. I shall try and get a Temp Channel created on TeamSpeak or, alternatively, I will use my Personal Channel.
  28. Double J

    Shootouts and general gameplay on the server

    Why on earth would warrants be removed after 30 minutes? This isn't DarkRp/GTA 5
  29. Double J

    Update Log 10/11/2021 - City Update

    Thank you for this amazing update! P.S the song is great. It goes well with the movie aswell!
  30. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    Lenndrick, Considering the fact that you've been posting apologies left, right and centre I think you need to wait this one out. The fact you knew metagaming was occurring on the discord server and failing to report it was silly. You have accrued 6 bans on the server and they...