Ban Apology (Double J)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Double J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Rotara
Your Roleplay Name: Ethan Fredricksons
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:107548880

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: Metagaming over on Discord

Why should this appeal be considered?: This time I've been off the game, as well as Discord for reasons that will become relevant, has been quite eye-opening to me. I can't take back on my lack of supervision and initiative in enforcing rules of the server there, but I can promise to perform better in the future.

Perpheads has been my long needed spot for pure-RP, something I inadvertently neglected since I wanted to be a part of a larger group instead of making one myself due to my own inexperience and lack of know-how, along with a want to belong in a group. Something that I wish to rectify when I return to the server. I want to pursue the story lines and options of character development that have come to mind for Ethan, since I did learn basics in the organization it will help me to engage myself in the world much better, in this instance within capacity of the rules as I know they are there to keep the players engaged within the server itself and not outside of it.

I no longer can within reason take part in Mafia Brotherhood as the leader has kicked me from Discord for criticism over how the organization as a whole was being operated, nor do I wish to return there as the mismanagement felt stifling on many turns. I haven't been in much contact with the other members there that have most likely abandoned ship, part of it being the language barrier and plans of their own to make new organizations in which case I don't want to jump into a new train right away. What my wish now is to explore how Ethan would evolve and grow, nothing more, nothing less, for which I hope you'll consider eliminating my ban from this date onward.

Since I am still quite new to the server, I will be more ready to contact with the server mods and admins on how individuals and organizations can operate since the ideas I have on paper go over multitude of roles and themes of story that I hope could be achieved on the server with whatever twists of tale come along. But for now, I simply want to explore options beyond joining other organizations, no matter how frustrating it can be since RP is still commitment, as well as being somewhat stubborn to stick around and find out to make something of my own there at some point in the future.

Partly Accepted

I am happy to partly accept this and reduce it down to 3 weeks, unbanning you next saturday.

Take this seriously; If you are caught metagaming again, another ban will be issued and it will be much longer than before.
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