Ban Apology (Double J)

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Reaction score
Punishment Type: Ban
Appeal Type: Apology
Which staff member issued the punishment?: Double J
How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Month

Your Steam Name: Voyd
Your Roleplay Name: DeAndre Smith
Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:542591089

Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.2 - User used third-party communication software to communicate in-character information over discord.

Why should this appeal be considered?: First of all I wana say I'm really sorry for what I have done and I want to apologize to the staff team for wasting their time. And the people of perpheads aswell because we used discord server for our gain. And now looking back I just wish I never have done that and i just should've stayed in game and never said the message ;Join vc; I know I made a big mistake which I will never forget and I will always feel guilty for it. But I can promise you that I'll never do such thing again.

I really just want to be able to play this server. I know I broke a rule and it has consequences but I just want a second chance in the community and I hope you guys can forgive me for what I have done.

Additional Information: I know you said wait out 2 weeks before you make an appeal which Is gone be tomorow. I just want to wake up and grind this server and have fun. @Double J
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I'll reduce the ban to 3 weeks which unbans you next Saturday. Allowing you to join in-time for the festivities over Christmas.

I'm going to make myself very clear here; If I or anyone in the staff team catches you metagaming again, you will be banned for much longer and won't have a chance at appealing it so soon. Also, Don't bump your threads.

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