Search results

  1. Mucky

    [AR] Buzz #FreeGino - using headglitch

    Isn't it just a single bit suspicious that Buzz - (ATLEAST on the server since the 25th of June 2015 according to his last ban - he should know atleast all of the common rules by now) - (forum banned) has taken down the boards like right after the time he killed us and I started a talk in OOC...
  2. Mucky

    [AR] Buzz #FreeGino - using headglitch

    Don't know what exactly you mean, but I guess you are talking about the small concrete blocks that are between the concrete barriers on the floor and the ones on top of it - so yes, I totally agree on that. You NEED to put atleast 2 of them there, plus remove the wooden boards he is sitting on...
  3. Mucky

    [AR] Buzz #FreeGino - using headglitch

    Your Steam/In-game Name: MUCKYNEGGER ᕦ (ò_ó) ᕤ / Adour Mikoyan His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Buzz #FreeGino / Sergio Luchiczi His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:35691857 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: Headglitching in his base ("bunker")...
  4. Mucky

    [AR] 2.5 Molotov my shop "because its better"

    Creating a whole thread, providing evidence (demo + chat log in this case) and enable the audience and members of the staff team to comment and to judge was my preference over that. You really dont need to mention the obvious (such as this - "you could have spoken to Bolli", or "it is clearly up...
  5. Mucky

    [AR] 2.5 Molotov my shop "because its better"

    I understand that you support your friend and dont want him banned, honestly, I would do the exact same and didnt want to see any of mine banned aswell. But guess why I spent so much time on this, its just not okay what he has done. Also theres no point in contesting that he broke 2.5 as its so...
  6. Mucky

    [AR] 2.5 Molotov my shop "because its better"

    Of course its up to the admins discretion. Im also not complaining, im just requesting to change the judgment as I believe the user deserves a stricter one.
  7. Mucky

    [AR] 2.5 Molotov my shop "because its better"

    --- Small side note: I was wrong, this actually took me 1 hour and 20 minutes to make. So this user cost me over 2 hours just for the admin sit and this request on him. And now I will need another 45 minutes to set up my shop like before again. So I have to say: Thank you alot again for causing...
  8. Mucky

    [AR] 2.5 Molotov my shop "because its better"

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Mucky baby boy (currently MUCKYNEGGER ᕦ (ò_ó) ᕤ) / Adour Mikoyan His/Her Steam/In-game Name: NordLandeR / Celio Deigo His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9282627 Why Should This Player Be Punished?: The user apparently...
  9. Mucky

    [RR] AK, Sako and 2 bobby pins (+accepted AR)

    Your in-game name: Adour Mikoyan Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:156325061 What do you need refunded: As mentioned in the title - an AK, a SAKO and 2 bobby pins Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Its all described and explained in this thread. Both users violated server rule 6.5 to avoid the loss of...
  10. Mucky

    [AR] 6.5 - Leave to avoid loss of AK and SAKO (2 users)

    Thanks for all your effort Yusuf. I just have to disagree on this point here of you accusing me of breaking 3.3 My actions were realistic. I am able to jump on a fence and shoot from there, even though its thin. If my thoughts are wrong please have an admin correct me and clear me up on...
  11. Mucky

    [AR] 6.5 - Leave to avoid loss of AK and SAKO (2 users)

    Hey. I really dont want to push or cause any trouble at all, but you said you will take care of my AR tomorrow, so to that time that would have been monday - and today is thursday. There's ARs back from December that are aswell still open, and as far as Ive seen the ban request on Andii and...
  12. Mucky

    [AR] 6.5 - Leave to avoid loss of AK and SAKO (2 users)

    Yea man. Seconds after I asked you for help GraveDinosaur responded aswell and watched us.
  13. Mucky

    [AR] 6.5 - Leave to avoid loss of AK and SAKO (2 users)

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Mucky baby boy / Adour Mikoyan His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ozain *lunaqtpie Kippan His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:109644202 ----- ozain *lunaqtpie STEAM_0:1:39161396 ----- Kippan...
  14. Mucky

    Mucky Baby Boy's AR

    "User disconnected to avoid loosing items he may have had" I didnt disconnect to avoid loosing items. How, when there was no items left. Was disconnecting about 10 seconds later I got the blackscreen (u finished me off). Assuming u guys had 2 assault rifles and I had a deagle, u would have...