[AR] Buzz #FreeGino - using headglitch

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Austria, Vienna
Your Steam/In-game Name: MUCKYNEGGER ᕦ (ò_ó) ᕤ / Adour Mikoyan

His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Buzz #FreeGino / Sergio Luchiczi

His/Her SteamID:

Why Should This Player Be Punished?:
Headglitching in his base ("bunker") whilst he gets raided.
Im not too sure under what rule this exactly falls, but the most senseful to me would be
3.10 Realistically Prop Placement- Props must be placed realistically; for the placement of a prop to be deemed realistic, it must demonstrate that it can remain in its position without being frozen through the use of a Physics Gun; if done in a realistic fashion, exceptions can be made, but are specifically subject to an administrator’s discretion.
Me and Antonio Accardo (@pastamaniac) were raiding Slums 3. First one to go was me, when I walk in to a big dark barrier of concrete props with a small gap inbetween the one's on the ground and the one's up in the air. As soon as I saw something moving there I died already.

Later on I've been told that Antonio has been shot there aswell, when also in the unfair disadvantage of the wall of barriers that he was facing.

[OOC] Buzz #FreeGino: You lost a glock, how said
[OOC] Buzz #FreeGino: *sad
In fact, we lost a fully loaded deagle and a glock, a bobby pin and passively 2 bandages (during the raid). But I know he doesn't mind that, as it seems it has been impossible to raid him in all the past time, as he OOCly mentioned that he kind of always uses this construction to defend himself against raiders. Also his cynicism is very unsuitable, immature and not of any help.

The user was using the headglitch and doesn't even bother it's a violation of the rules.
This, and the fact that he was using really unfair methods to save his stuff from beeing lost and resulting OURS to get lost, was the reason I created this request.

Evidence (Demo Required): http://demo.ovh.eu/de/96ac5b6abcf9dd259e232aef8d27ce92/



69700 - Our raid on him starts
69900 - He wallbangs the door
70000 and/or later shows unconcious state.

// Small side note:
You have to take into consideration that in all demos the brightness level stays the same. When we raided him it was about evening, so obviously the environment was alot darker and it was even HARDER to see or even notice him. Even when he shot me I would not be able to get a good visual on him. The general darkness is also a reason these "forts" or "bunker" - like constructions should not be allowed as its hard enough already to see in the evening.
And no, it's not my fault, my ingame brightness is set to 1.6, which is the brightest level.
He used a common defense that I use except that he only used 1 block and I always use 2 after speaking to @Bolli and @Xquality about it. They said that 1 block holding the barakade is not allowed, although 2 blocks above each other are allowed. This guy added the wooden boards, which made it even worse of a headglitch. So, whether he had the wooden boards or not it would still be a headglitch which can be confirmed by @Bolli. This is obviously a +Support
Don't know what exactly you mean, but I guess you are talking about the small concrete blocks that are between the concrete barriers on the floor and the ones on top of it - so yes, I totally agree on that. You NEED to put atleast 2 of them there, plus remove the wooden boards he is sitting on (this is the actual headglitch).

Funny thing is in OOC he claimed that @MrAaron gave approval of his bunker lol.
Guess that was a lie there?
*Please note that Buzz is forum banned.*

I am not sure whether or not @MrAaron has approved this defence, although I approved it without the boards later on, having not known about this raid. He might have been referring to me, although I am not sure, but as seen in the picture below, it might give you a perspective of when I approved it concering when he said @MrAaron had approved it by looking at your /help.

I would like to say that it seemed as if the user removed the wooden boards shortly after this raid having happened, without me having asked him about, neither had @MrAaron as far as I know, as I visited his base on pure instinct to see if there was no headglitch. It also seemed as if the user did not know if it was a headglitch, if there were one, earlier, before the boards were removed.
Isn't it just a single bit suspicious that Buzz
- (ATLEAST on the server since the 25th of June 2015 according to his last ban - he should know atleast all of the common rules by now)
- (forum banned)

has taken down the boards like right after the time he killed us and I started a talk in OOC?

In your screenshot, he is even talking - and seems worried - about me doing the AR.

So he basically got u to make a screenshot there like everything was alright, even though he said Aaron (or you) gave approval on his bunker. And that was BEFORE you came and made the screenshot, when he quickly changed that.
Oh too bad this wasn’t a slander contest via OOC, hehe. Anyways back to business.

“Isn't it just a single bit suspicious that Buzz

- (ATLEAST on the server since the 25th of June 2015 according to his last ban - he should know atleast all of the common rules by now)

- (forum banned)

has taken down the boards like right after the time he killed us and I started a talk in OOC?”

I apologize with the fact that the board thing was illegal, but nothing disgusts me worse than a liar. The boards were taken down mid-raid to be my disbelief that it was illegal by @MrAaron, as a matter of fact.

“Funny thing is in OOC he claimed that @MrAaron gave approval of his bunker lol.

Guess that was a lie there?”

He did give an approval of it.


Your supporters ain’t invulnerable as well.

“He used a common defense that I use except that he only used 1 block and I always use 2 after speaking to @Bolli and @Xqualityabout it. They said that 1 block holding the barakade is not allowed, although 2 blocks above each other are allowed. This guy added the wooden boards, which made it even worse of a headglitch. So, whether he had the wooden boards or not it would still be a headglitch which can be confirmed by @Bolli.”

I have heard of no such thing from either @Minilarro or @MrAaron about this, as a matter of fact no staff member has told me that I now need to use 2 cinder blocks. This barricade was invented by @Lewis088 and my friend @ItsAquaa, and hailed supreme unmatched since it was completely legal when it came out with Crafting+. Speaking of barricades.



All three of those screenshots were taken when I was aiming downward towards the legs, not the body. I aim towards the legs passively like my character is bracing his gun or relaxing.


Me aiming passively, at a related tick (The demos started at different times, it was at the same period.

Well said Mini,

“I would like to say that it seemed as if the user removed the wooden boards shortly after this raid having happened, without me having asked him about, neither had @MrAaron as far as I know, as I visited his base on pure instinct to see if there was no headglitch. It also seemed as if the user did not know if it was a headglitch, if there were one, earlier, before the boards were removed.”

I was still experimenting with the system trying to improve it, so I added a fence and wooden boards. I had no idea it was a headglitch, not until I spoke with @MrAaron about this.

“In fact, we lost a fully loaded deagle and a glock, a bobby pin and passively 2 bandages (during the raid). But I know he doesn't mind that, as it seems it has been impossible to raid him in all the past time, as he OOCly mentioned that he kind of always uses this construction to defend himself against raiders. Also his cynicism is very unsuitable, immature and not of any help.”

“Immature”, “Cynicism”, who is the the one that is bombarding me with threats of ARs, starting flame wars in OOC with me, and overall being immature yourself. Also this “impossible to raid me” is false. The barricade has cost me my live many times and can easily be countered, it’s an all or nothing game, you aim for the head or you get shot it’s that easy. Some of your raw slander:




Overall, I think if you are to even touch me you need to

  1. Get a better gun

  2. Get a better aim

  3. Get a better attitude
Then you can come and try me again lad.

I am posting this because the person who's action request is on is forum banned.
Since I have better insight into this I'm going to clear up a few things.

Any part of this defence is not allowed.

Myself and @D3V used to mess around with different defences when we were growing, we eventually came up with this defence. It is not a headglitch (The concrete part) A few days later Bolli informed that the defence is NOT allowed as it gives an unfair advantage to the defender making it almost impossible to kill them.

@fasool.joker set out making a new defence of which he raised the concrete barrier on top with extra cinder blocks, Bolli allowed this new form of defence.

Now for this defence you have posted it is indeed a headglitch. Although it seems like the person realized his mistake and removed the wooden fences, with the other part it would be impossible to know if that style of defence is allowed or not without speaking to a member of staff.
This was quite clearly head-glitch so the user will be warned. You are entitled to a refund so long as you lost items worth over $5000 and you meet the other refund request guidelines.
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