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  1. Charles Marston

    So am I

    So am I
  2. Charles Marston

    The Corleone Mafia | Back in town

    Still doesn't beat The Chosen Few
  3. Charles Marston

    Toflebroke and proud of it

    Toflebroke and proud of it
  4. Charles Marston

    Money in Registers

    If this was added, why would you ever want to put money in the register? I mean, it's bound to get stolen sooner or later. Everyone with a brain would just put the money in their bank where it's safe.
  5. Charles Marston

    BB/Airsoft And Paintball

    I really don't see the point of this. First of all, the price of regular guns used for events have little relevance here as the senior admins can just spawn them whenever they like. If this is supposed to allow for regular players to create their own events, then I can say that it's just not...
  6. Charles Marston

    Idea: Whitelisted Police

    Could you further explain what exactly the police sergeant is supposed to do? Is he just like the lieutenant or does he have a completely different role?
  7. Charles Marston

    Idea for the shooting range.

    I'm pretty sure that being a member of a SWAT-team involves a whole lot more different skills than just shooting. If you've ever seen how a SWAT-team operates you'll know that there is a lot of tactics involved and not a whole lot of shooting. If you want to make sure that the people who choose...
  8. Charles Marston

    You want a game like Perp in a much bigger scale?

    So they aim to recreate pretty much everything that exists in reality? Do you realize how big this project is? Unless they have hundreds or even thousands of experienced and talented developers this isn't even a possibility. Also, they would need an enormous community to make this worth playing...
  9. Charles Marston


    I wanted a can of soda, if you know what I mean.
  10. Charles Marston

    Betting/Gambling shop.

    Or you could just open your own gambling hall. I used to do that back in the day and a lot of people liked it.
  11. Charles Marston

    MrLewis - Resignation Post.

    Why y no mensh0n meh?
  12. Charles Marston

    Requesting a apology from Ash

    This thread seems completely pointless since you're not actually requesting to be unbanned. By the way, if those are screenshots then you must've been playing on a 3" cellphone or something.
  13. Charles Marston

    Bye! - Steve Zaiger

    y u no mis me i crei evritiem
  14. Charles Marston

    Ban request

    In my opinion this is a very minor thing and shouldn't lead to a ban.
  15. Charles Marston

    Hacking Bank Accounts

    First off, how in the world do you hack someone's account by DDoSing the bank? All that's going to happen is that their network will temporarily stop working, which I suppose is the complete opposite of what you want. Also, to DDoS something as big as an entire bank you'd probably need a bot net...
  16. Charles Marston

    Lower pocket money amount

    How are you supposed to buy anything if you can only carry 1k?
  17. Charles Marston

    Spray paint can

    I really don't see how this would be a good addition. It seems to me like this would only be abused.
  18. Charles Marston

    Gotti Boyz

    I really like this idea of this org. This feels more like the kind of gang you would realistically find in a somewhat average suburban neighborhood.
  19. Charles Marston

    Hicktown Hill Billy's

    I guess this is the reason why there isn't a single duck on the entire map.
  20. Charles Marston

    An idea for identifying players physical traits better.

    I don't think this would be a good addition because I think that you should try and remove all the floating text as much as possible. It's just annoying when you're bombarded by floating text everywhere. It would be nice if you could actually customize your character's body, but unfortunately...
  21. Charles Marston


    This just feels like a cheap copy of the original S-Hooden
  22. Charles Marston


    In my opinion, using snus is one of the more disgusting things you can do. I especially don't like it when some people use the loose kind and it sticks to their teeth. Nothing is more gag-inducing than talking to someone who has black stuff all over their teeth.
  23. Charles Marston

    Floods/Storms! (New Fire Fighter SWEP Possibly)

    Wait what? You want something that will annoy everyone on the server and ruin all RP? I mean, it doesn't make sense to me to just add something that randomly makes it so that nobody can get around in the city. And why would you want to make it so that people can randomly get stuck in their cars...
  24. Charles Marston

    Santa Avatars

    I dare you to santafy my avatar >:]
  25. Charles Marston

    ALL tick the box for the steam beta

    Get the Steam beta so your friends can spy on you and watch everything you do.
  26. Charles Marston

    police dont cross tape

    I don't know if you've ever played on a DarkRP server, but there's a reason that those servers often restrict the use of the rope tool, and that is that people always go around spamming it like crazy. Also, I really don't see how this is needed. I mean, the police usually don't stay stay around...
  27. Charles Marston

    Rule Idea: No raiding when no police

    Well, how are you supposed to know when there are cops on the server, and when there aren't. Unless you're an admin there is no way to know that.
  28. Charles Marston

    Building a gaming PC

    I'd say skip out on the DVD writer, because nobody really uses physical discs anymore. Nowadays everything is digital. Also, I think you should skip the wifi-adapter and instead get yourself a wired internet connection. It's a lot more stable and generally provides a better connection than wifi...
  29. Charles Marston

    Cheaters are comming to Garrys Mod

    I'm not sure if you realize that money printers don't even exist on this server. This isn't DarkRP.
  30. Charles Marston

    Ban req. on Madda2000

    It's been a while since I played this game, but in my opinion it makes sense that if you want to steal someone's drugs, then you'll want to kill the only guy who's guarding them, even if he's unarmed. I mean, if you raid someone's house then you're not just going to leave the owner there and let...