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  1. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    You told me you probably want to go as a lonewolf, therefore I rejected this application. Good luck with whatever you're going to do.
  2. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

  3. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    You wrote a proper application, talked to you ICly and you seem to fit the profile we're looking for. Welcome to The Skulls, Seedy.
  4. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    For all the future applications, regarding Metaspeak: Metaspeak is the usage of terms for OOC like "lol" or ": )" in IC. Chat
  5. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    Good application, also handled ICly which gave me a better view of you, good constructive feedback given to my questions. Welcome to The Skulls, Seedy!
  6. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    Are you able to tell me a bit more about who the Skulls are? The story can be found in the main post, you only simply have to make a summary of what is described about the Skulls in there. (i.e who are they and what do they do). Metaspeak, probably never heard of in the server but I find it...
  7. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    Preferably, yes. haha.
  8. THE SKULLS *Does not exist anymore*

    DISBANDED. Leader (myself) has quit Perpheads due to various reasons.
  9. Remove warnings after a year

    Pretty much what the others said, warnings should stay and shouldn't be cleared off from your history just because a year was overdue. It gives the Admins a good profile of someone, so they know what troublemaker they're dealing with.
  10. Ban Request - 3 people

    +support Steve Jhonson (Kcaza) seems to do this shit a lot to players as well to me, I did report him to Ind for this as well send a demo because Ind asked me to, but I haven't heard back from him yet. He also is known to stall RP and argue for ages even when he knows he was in the wrong, or at...
  11. Ban Request: Myrothas

    The demo was sent to Ind, once again. This ban request is based on the raid that happened at Glass Co. Not sure why you keep bringing up previous events to defend your point about this ban request. Seems to me that you simply try to create a 'mini ban request' against me because I made one...
  12. Ban Request: Myrothas

    Come with hard evidence to stronger your case. Right now you seem to try to defend your case based on earlier events. Which has already been passed along to Admin Ind, so we'll see how that turns out as all the evidence is in there (the Bazaar happening). You threatened me to report me because...
  13. Ban Request: Myrothas

    Your Steam/In-game Name: [SG] Paralyzed His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Myrothas His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:32813122 Reason: Using ORG chat while on gunpoint / being gagged and/or tied. Evidence: Demo - (See TICK: 90000 - That's where the raiding starts) So we...
  14. The Farm House

    Experienced some of the organization today. Fun guys to RP with! Also GJ on the post, looks really good.
  15. Car bomb refund on disconnect

    Have it be added back to your storage sounds good! And about the second thing +support as well.
  16. Car bomb refund on disconnect

    Topic: Car bomb refund on DC Short explanation (in notes): - Have the car bomb you planted on someones car be refunded back into your inventory if the person disconnects. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): This is the second time it happened to me, also the second time I...
  17. Voltiac

    Steam Name: [SG] Paralyzed In-Game Name: Anthony Cavezza Age(Be Honest): May 1st, 1993. (20) Time-Zone: GMT+1 Time on PH: 2 Days Time on GMod (I can clarify and check): 3,028 What time are you normally on?(add Weekends and Weekdays, Holidays count as weekends.): Everyday. Do you understand that...