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Voltiac. was formed after Tyrese Jamallkins recent leaving the organization.
It is now controlled by a new leader; 'Laquisha Jamallkins'. It is a (Latin-)African organization and will only create treaties if needed. We are mainly a Criminal Organization;
- We will do bank robberies (only well planned onces, we dont want members in jail)
- Steal Cars
- Street Racing
- Grow Drugs
- ...

Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Mu5...qq5qAchXSZa3TQ
What you will gain if you join:
- If you were not able to earn money before and/or couldn't make enough, we can help you earn it fast.
- You will be noticed more often in the server
- You will have a little bit more respect towards you
- You won't have to deal with cops no more
- You won't have to deal with raids, because your basing with the best barricaders and marksmen.
- You will gain favors from owner, such as: Money Lend, Material Lend, Car Rides, etc.
- You won't have to worry about other orgs, they all love us and can't deny it.
-We are a friendly organization and will only take matter into our own hands if your cross the line with us.
-We will NOT accept disrespect via OOC or Rule-Breaking
-We will try to support the members as best as we can (ex. Bailing from jail, Etc.)
- Try to report rule breakers inside the org, we don't want a bad reputation.
-You MUST be active via forums/server/
- You will have ranks and you will not ask for rank
- Don't flame in OOC, Recruitment Form, etc.
- If you have an org, you can request an alliance with us, just fill out the template.
Template to Join:
Steam Name:
In-Game Name:
Age(Be Honest):
Time on PH:
Time on GMod (I can clarify and check):
What time are you normally on?(add Weekends and Weekdays, Holidays count as weekends.):
Do you understand that we use: Org Chat?:
Would you suggest us to anyone?:
Do you understand fully that you will follow rules or be kicked?:
Why do you want to join us?:
How did you get here, who or what brought you here?:
Template to ally:
Steam Name:
In-Game Name:
Time on PGRP:
Time on GMod:
What time are you normally on?:
Organization Name:
Organization Member Size (How many?):
Organization Do's and Don'ts (Tell us so we don't cross the line.):
Your economic status? (Money, Etc.)
Do you accept that if your org members break a rule that we will no-longer be treatied?:
Do you accept that we will not cross the line with each other(raiding, etc.):
Do you accept our rules and will at least follow them?:
Why do you want to treaty with us?:
Who or what brought you here to this form?:
Allies: British Empire, Greek Warriors
Enemies: Corleone

Ranks:Note: The ranks are not permanent and may change at any given time.
Johnas Johnson
Max Anderson
Gregory Foster
Rob Smith​
Jazz Smith

Mathii Cursed​
Anthony Cavezza
Arron Cursed​
Recruting Manager:
Ryan Belinsky
Lt. General:
Laquisha Jamallkins

RP name:Ryan Belinsky
Three words that describe you:Serious,Thug,Loyal
How active you are:Sunday- Thursday
When you play (EST): UTC/GMT +3 hours So my time 3- 4:30 pm
Any previous organizations: Belinskys, The Danish Mafia
PERP playtime:3-4 Days
How involved in the community you are: Everyday sorta thing. I love PERPheads.
Anything you want to tell us about yourself: Im a serious Roleplayer so if it comes to RP situations I know how to handle it. And if I am ever threatened, I will make it my life mission to kill that person.
Age (Don't lie, maturity isn't based off age): 16 and counting.
Do you have a mic?: Yes
First Piciotto is accepted we'll need to do some tests if you're online to see.
Hello I want to join to your organization. This is my status:

RP Name: Johnas Johnson;

Three words that describe you: Smart, Serious, Punctilious;

How active you are: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays.

When you play (EST): 4 hours week, 10 or + weekend.

Any previous organizations: Nope...

PERP playtime: 2 days

How involved in the community you are: Everytime.

Anything you want to tell us about yourself: I like Roleplay, so that means that I respect the rules, also I like to make friends on games, and I love joining to gangs/orgs.

Age (Don't lie, maturity isn't based off age): 17 years.

Do you have a mic?: Yes, but I only use it in important situations, or in robberys or a team work. So...
Steam name : [FTAX] Arron/Faith
In game name : Arron Cursed
Age : 14
Time zone : Centrel European Time zone (UTC+01:00)
Time on PH : 2 days
Time on Gmod : 833 hours
What time are you normally on: Most of the time 1/2 hours atleast at a school day if i am not to bussy and like 4/5 hours in the weekends.
Do you understand that we use org chat: Yes
Would you suggest us to anyone? : Yes already did to mathii
Do you understand fully that you follow the rules or be kicked? : Yes ofcourse
Why do you wanna join us: I am searching for a serius group that has good teamwork and isnt with a low amount of people (2,3) becouse me and my buddy just get constantly raided and its so annoying so i found you guys in the forums and i was like why dont i give it a try maybe ill get accepted maybe not but ofcourse i do hope i will get accepted but yes the main reason i wanna join you guys is becouse of being with not enough man to actualy have fun making a base + i hope i will be a good use
Steam Name: __EpicGhosT__
In-Game Name: Mathii Cursed
Age(Be Honest):
I am 16 Years old.
Time-Zone: UTC +01:00
Time on PH:
around 2 Days.
Time on GMod (I can clarify and check):
413 Hours on this Account and 1,384 Hours on my other Account. (__EpicFail__)
What time are you normally on?: (This is the 24 Hours clock.)
Monday: 14:30 - 22:00,
Tuesday: 16:30 - 22:00,
Wednesday: 14:30 - 22:00,
Thursday: 16:30 - 22:00,
Friday: 14:30 - 22:00,
Weekends: 13:00 - 01:00.
Do you understand that we use: Org Chat?: Yes, of course.
Would you suggest us to anyone?: I will suggest you to any Friends who are playing GMod.
Do you understand fully that you will follow rules or be kicked?: Yes, i do.
Why do you want to join us?:
I want an active and strong Organisation which won't brake to help the members and my self growing.
I prefer Organisations which are helping each other. Well, i havent been in Voltiac but it seems realy good to me so i will set anything i can to reach this one Milestone from me.
How did you get here, who or what brought you here?:
My friend "Arron" brought me to you.

I posted this for him becouse he coudnt make a account on the forums hell hope it will be fixed tomorrow
Steam Name: [SG] Paralyzed
In-Game Name: Anthony Cavezza
Age(Be Honest): May 1st, 1993. (20)
Time-Zone: GMT+1
Time on PH: 2 Days
Time on GMod (I can clarify and check): 3,028
What time are you normally on?(add Weekends and Weekdays, Holidays count as weekends.): Everyday.
Do you understand that we use: Org Chat?: Yes, I do understand.
Would you suggest us to anyone?: N/A, can't judge without experiences the ORG myself first. But in the end I will if it fulfills my wishes.
Do you understand fully that you will follow rules or be kicked?: I understand.
Why do you want to join us?: Have been playing as a solo-er on the PERP server for two days now, I only recently joined the Black Heart yesterday, just to find out that the ORG was disbanded today. Looking for a stable organization, that to my feeling is more trust-worthy than some other organizations, and I personally think Voltiac can offer that to me.
Steam Name: Flemming Freestyler
In-Game Name: Lauren Francesca
Age(Be Honest): 13
Time-Zone: GMT+1
Time on PH: Been playing for 5 months, and 1 weeks gameplay.
Time on GMod (I can clarify and check): 406 hours
What time are you normally on?(add Weekends and Weekdays, Holidays count as weekends.): All days 15:30 - 19:00
Do you understand that we use: Org Chat?: Yes, i use organization chat alot.
Would you suggest us to anyone?: Depends on the player
Do you understand fully that you will follow rules or be kicked?: I have read the rules through alot of times, so i know the rules, yes
Why do you want to join us?: I left because it wasn't serius enough, but now it seems very serius.
How did you get here, who or what brought you here?: The forums? :P
Steam Name: Jazz
In-Game Name: Jazz Smith

Age(Be Honest): 14
Time-Zone: GMT
Time on PH: 2 weeks
Time on GMod (I can clarify and check): Dont have steam open but, 270 hours?
What time are you normally on?(add Weekends and Weekdays, Holidays count as weekends.):
6-9 on Weekdays, most of the time on weekends

Do you understand that we use: Org Chat?: Yes

Would you suggest us to anyone?: Depends on player
Do you understand fully that you will follow rules or be kicked?: Yes
Why do you want to join us?:I love doing organised crime, getting to know members more and to have better RP situations. I dont mind about the money since I have enough but is an advantage.
How did you get here, who or what brought you here?:
I stalk you.
Welcome to the organization jazz! Ill invite if your online and then well test you to be sure :p
belglmfao said:
Welcome to the organization jazz! Ill invite if your online and then well test you to be sure :p
As long as its not a hostage situation ;) welcome back to the community, this will be fun.
belglmfao said:
Welcome to the organization jazz! Ill invite if your online and then well test you to be sure :p
Haha won't kidnap you and thanks i'm sure it will be fun :p
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