Ban Request: Myrothas

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Your Steam/In-game Name: [SG] Paralyzed
His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Myrothas
His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:32813122
Reason: Using ORG chat while on gunpoint / being gagged and/or tied.
Evidence: Demo -

(See TICK: 90000 - That's where the raiding starts)
So we raided Glass Co, if you look at the demo you see that Myrothas seems surprised and had no clue what was going on. He didn't have his gun raised, he wasn't guarding the door, he was simply watching TV. That was when we stormed inside already and had our guns pointed, we keep em' on gunpoint and end up tieing and gagging them. The next moment some of his ORG members arrive, with already having their guns raised so I assumed he used ORG chat while he was on gun point. I'm only not sure if he did after or before he was tied and gagged (Can't check logs) but that wouldn't matter because if he used ORG chat as he was on gun point it would require him to either sent a text message on his phone or call, the second he didn't so he would of had to type it onto his phone infront of us, which seems unrealistic with 3 guns pointed at him. In the end after we got killed by the rest of his ORG, the other guy that was standing beside him passed us the chat logs showing Myrothas calling his org. He could possibly have the "Help we are being raided" binded to a key, seeing as it's impossible to send a message that quickly and it would also be unrealistic.

See the chat log below:

(See TICK: 116000 - Shows PSYCHOxHILLBILLY telling us this)
"[LOOC] PSYCHOxHILLBILLY: come Tax) It has been sent to your bank account.[Organization] Myrothas Mcmillan: getting raided man!"

So he either used ORG chat when three guns pointed at him, or did this after being gagged or tied. Which in both cases is wrong and against the rules as far as I'm aware. He was also being quite rude to me (LOOC), but I'm not going to ask you to do something regarding that.
I said go get your ass handed. After that, you died.
You made a ban request because i told you today,
that you and your friend fail-fear-rp'd. You both been gagged
and tied and then one runs away to distract and you pull out the gun and shoot.
I was just telling you that and also said i wont send a ban request,
but you blocked me pissed as you became.

When u raided us u didn even roleplay, it was a RULEPLAY.
You were only argueing and guessing what happend and what not instead
of playing the actual game, that destroyed more RP than u can imagine bro.
Never had something against you, cuz of me you had much ppl who bought
VIP. And now your pissed. Okay, thats your problem, good luck tho with
your Ban Request man.
Come with hard evidence to stronger your case. Right now you seem to try to defend your case based on earlier events. Which has already been passed along to Admin Ind, so we'll see how that turns out as all the evidence is in there (the Bazaar happening). You threatened me to report me because according to you I broke a rule, well if there's one thing you shouldn't do it's threatening but not report. You either report or don't come up with "You broke a rule, but I won't report".I hereby say again, if you wish to fill in a report against me based on your first paragraph, go ahead. Admin Ind is looking into the demo from that event anyway. I was argueing about the fact that org chat was used while you and your friend were on gun point, yes that bothers me and that I will argue.. that didn't made me RP less.

We didn't roleplay our raid? Oh c'mon, did we instantly shoot you as we broke into your property? No. We told you to drop your weapons and face the wall, I don't see how that isn't roleplaying, normally nowadays it's just being killed as soon as people break into your property.
Myrothas: afk taking a bath and crafting
[SG] Paralyzed: i wasnt on gunpoint anymore
[SG] Paralyzed: so i pulled out pistol
[SG] Paralyzed: and shot steve
[SG] Paralyzed: in the face
[SG] Paralyzed: and another jarhead
Myrothas: you know that he broke a rule with running away, right?
[SG] Paralyzed: uh dunno
[SG] Paralyzed: i mean steve jhonson was killing people
[SG] Paralyzed: its either hope not to be killed and obey
[SG] Paralyzed: or run and risk
Myrothas: maybe you should rewatch the demo...
Myrothas: and tied and gagged you both already 20 seconds before. so next time ill report you for breaking rules. please play fair.
[SG] Paralyzed: because you have unlimited ties and gags
Myrothas: i tied both of you
Myrothas: yeah
[SG] Paralyzed: you werent even close to me once
[SG] Paralyzed: so not sure how you gonna do that
Myrothas: werent you standing right next to the runner`?
Myrothas: i was standing right next to him
[SG] Paralyzed: yes and you stood on the left side of him
[SG] Paralyzed: if you then did
[SG] Paralyzed: /me ties and gags both
Myrothas: so tell me why he can run tied
[SG] Paralyzed: is not gonna work buddy
[SG] Paralyzed: i will watch the demo
[SG] Paralyzed: and see if u did
Myrothas: good
[SG] Paralyzed: but dont play the game that you tied both of us with just a single me, or not even being near me
Myrothas: it was a long sentence, you will see
[SG] Paralyzed: And that doesnt make sense
[SG] Paralyzed: steve told people to drop shit
Myrothas: it was not only "/me ties and gags both"
[SG] Paralyzed: how do they do that when tied
Myrothas: he told it to people i didn tied and gagged
Myrothas: i did this only to both near me
[SG] Paralyzed: You guys walking in with 3 of you in a place that has 8 people not knowing if any of us are armed was dumb to begin with
Myrothas: u were unarmed
Myrothas: if someone pulls out a gun bum bum shotgun in ya face and thats the end
[SG] Paralyzed: if they indeed hold me on gunpoint
[SG] Paralyzed: which you failed to do
Myrothas: cuz your tied friend run away yeah
Myrothas: so fail of me
[SG] Paralyzed: luckily enough all the demos seem to fail
[SG] Paralyzed: whenever i try to watch them
[SG] Paralyzed: cus they never load
Myrothas: ?
Myrothas: my work pretty well
Myrothas: nvm
Myrothas: i said i wont report you, just to let you know i tied your friend and someone next to him
Myrothas: so dont be proud of killing us
Myrothas: it was failrp
[SG] Paralyzed: go report me
[SG] Paralyzed: because i dont like threats
[SG] Paralyzed: man up
[SG] Paralyzed: either report
[SG] Paralyzed: or dont talk
[SG] Paralyzed: cheers.
[SG] Paralyzed: Its a shame you started to play with steve jhonson who is known to be breaking rules in the first place
[SG] Paralyzed: this gives me another good view of you
Myrothas: hes pretty awesome
[SG] Paralyzed: that being said
[SG] Paralyzed: report or dont talk, and bye.
[SG] Paralyzed ist Offline.

and now tell me where i threatend you, buddy.
as i said, i had never anything against you.
The demo was sent to Ind, once again. This ban request is based on the raid that happened at Glass Co. Not sure why you keep bringing up previous events to defend your point about this ban request. Seems to me that you simply try to create a 'mini ban request' against me because I made one against you which seems childish. It's fine however, if any Admin wants me to hand them the demo and the story I told Ind as well I wouldn't mind, it will show how unrealistically you did your actions. If you really thought I broke any rules, you should report it instead of just bragging about them or using it in your ban request. That being said, I'll leave the rest to the Admins.

To Admins dealing with this ban request: PM me if you also want to have a look inside the demo regarding the 'Bazaar happening' and the information I told Ind.
Sorry man. Only answering your stuff you say.
Its your intepretation... Enjoy your day sir.
Just to let you know I am looking into this.
However, Paralyzed I'd prefer entirely if the demo was uploaded with or due to complications and the concerns that I have downloading that file. Although you've already send me the demo via PM paralyzed and it links to the reason of you creating this ban request.

Recent case relevant to this specific ban request (will discuss later on) - {So firstly, Myrothas, if you want to use /me and for it to be effectively yet appropriately at least stand close to the civilians, not to be too picky but "/me ties and gags" from that distance is pretty unrealistic so just remember to act in a realistic way when using "/me". Paralyzed, what you did (pulling out a gun and shooting them guys) was incredibly risky, it wasn't breaking rule 3.4 however because firstly they had their backs to you, so some guy who's as angry and brave as you may try to kill the criminals. Even though Myrothas tied and gagged you god knows how you managed to untie yourself, but they should have checked for weapons and items on you, but then again Myrothas should have roleplayed properly by actually approaching you to tie your hands together, and then gag. So I wouldn't worry too much about that. Sometimes the "acting realistically rule - which consists of the existence of FearRP" is enforced, but what you did seemed understandable and rather realistic in my opinion.

Now onto the second part of the demo tick 50000:
He had his phygun out correct and then tried to quickly upholster his pistol, it was too quick for you to act Paralyzed which I understand (as you were also moving your 3rd person view in your vehicle), but then Kcaza decides to shoot you straight away, so in my opinion it was to fast for you to see him telling you to stop but Kcaza jumped straight to conclusion by saying "You drove away when I pointed a gun at you", when it wasn't clear at all.
Likewise you did nothing wrong Paralyzed so do not stress. Personally, Kcaza did seem pretty mad so I think that he was out for you in order to seek revenge, the fact that he also knew what car you were driving, or the fact it just seemed fairly suspicious.} (Ends here...)
i downloaded his demo and reuploaded.
when i tried to watch the demo it made my game froze.
ind;n23797 said:
{So firstly, Myrothas, if you want to use /me and for it to be effectively yet appropriately at least stand close to the civilians, not to be too picky but "/me ties and gags" from that distance is pretty unrealistic so just remember to act in a realistic way when using "/me". Paralyzed, what you did (pulling out a gun and shooting them guys) was incredibly risky, it wasn't breaking rule 3.4 however because firstly they had their backs to you, so some guy who's as angry and brave as you may try to kill the criminals. Even though Myrothas tied and gagged you god knows how you managed to untie yourself, but they should have checked for weapons and items on you, but then again Myrothas should have roleplayed properly by actually approaching you to tie your hands together, and then gag. So I wouldn't worry too much about that. Sometimes the "acting realistically rule - which consists of the existence of FearRP" is enforced, but what you did seemed understandable and rather realistic in my opinion

as i said, if i actually cared about this, id made up a ban request. i just told him and he went nuts about it,
also it was more the fault of his friend running away after getting tied, not his. and i just told paralized about this
because he was like: oh my gawd im so kewl i killed everyone of jarheads. of cause he did, after everyone was
sure hes tied and gagged. but nvm, i'd put up a ban request if that was a big deal for me. as you can see ingame,
i didnt even complained about it. not a single word.

Edit: Sorry for doublepost!
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