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  1. Chopper

    Honestly they are hard to use, the first shot usually lands but the second is way off, I robbed...

    Honestly they are hard to use, the first shot usually lands but the second is way off, I robbed the bank with a double barrell and killed 3 officers then got away with 3.5k from the vault haha
  2. Chopper

    AR on

    You raided my org member so i tried to kill you all i have to say @Chris
  3. Chopper

    Katya Love AR

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Katya Love His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49863988 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4- Player clearly pulled a gun under gun point. Realistically she had no chance, i had a shotgun pointed at her at that close a range. Pulling a pistol...
  4. Chopper

    Use cocaine

    I think it would be a nice addition and you need to make a discussion thread first made.
  5. Chopper

    Joe Baggers

    Hes a fucking tops medic, gave me lots of morphin bottles for my "broken" leg.
  6. Chopper

    Hitler strikes back

    The editing is soooo cheesy it makes it funny :)
  7. Chopper

    Chopper Read and Juan Fielding

    Thanks mate i made a senior officer app hopefully i can progress to the next step. We had our work cut out for us not a moment's break last night. You are a good officer yourself and i wish you good luck if you wish to become corporal :)
  8. Chopper

    AR on Infinite Nightmare

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Dee His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Infinite Nightmare His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:105003668 Why Should This Player Be Punished: 3.4- Broke clear gunpoint from multiple officers 6.5 Disconnected from the server about 30 seconds after being killed and we didn't get to...
  9. Chopper

    My crashed pc ban on gmod

    It was more than likely the admin/mod who banned you checked the logs before finalizing the ban which probably means you DCd but i may be wrong. you should provide some evidence to prove you crashed or there is nothing the staff team can do. Chopper, Chopper Read
  10. Chopper

    How the fack are ya'?

    How the fack are ya'?
  11. Chopper

    Weight gain! :O

    easy way ;)
  12. Chopper

    Reskin Weed

    Discussion Post: Main Idea: Reskin the weed plant Full description of the idea: Basically just changing how the weed looks, it will contribute to roleplay as the leaves are much less likely to stick through walls. No more annoying weed leaves...
  13. Chopper


    Looks too good to be true, If this comes out then it will be the best game ever but i'm no idiot. I wouldn't invest in something that isnt even out yet.
  14. Chopper

    Maybe one day.

    Maybe one day.
  15. Chopper

    What high school did you go to matt?

    What high school did you go to matt?
  16. Chopper

    It works fine, i was doing some fishing a few days ago. Nothing thats needs changing. The devs...

    It works fine, i was doing some fishing a few days ago. Nothing thats needs changing. The devs probably have more important things to do than changing something that isn't broken.
  17. Chopper

    Dumbest idea yet

    Dumbest idea yet
  18. Chopper

    New fishing rod

    The fishing rod is fine
  19. Chopper


  20. Chopper

    Taser Discussion

    Correct me if im wrong but tasers are not used again people with guns? To my understanding tasers are only used against really aggressive and suspects armed with melee weapons. I think tasers would be good for disarming sweater vests with baseball bats rather than killing them. :)
  21. Chopper

    Physics who needs it?

  22. Chopper

    AR on delta

    Whos that sexy looking fellow with the .410 shotgun on his back? But all joking aside you were asked to leave countless times yet you didn't budge seems a bit suspicious as you have no other reason for hanging around 5 armed men raiding an apartment other than to cause trouble. -_-Support...
  23. Chopper

    Happy birthday bro :)

    Happy birthday bro :)
  24. Chopper

    AR on Chopper

    Heres my demo, situation starts about 14k. My demo is pretty useless as demos dont show org messages( Need admins to get logs of them).!QdAgXRja!OEQxsyZ95ooIN9b7FF64rAFrtkSsyvHI_9WwqX5EuMg
  25. Chopper

    What are you doing this summer?

    Fuck all m8
  26. Chopper

    Operation Toasty

    Harper's catching loss after loss.
  27. Chopper

    oh aye fat americans

    oh aye fat americans
  28. Chopper

    Sneaky's SteamIDtool V2

    WOW it even comes with a free virus!!!!
  29. Chopper

    Something you are proud of?

    2 Successful weekenders