WolfyLuxion Messages 183 Reaction score 418 Points 385 Location Canadia Jun 30, 2016 #1 Let's get one thing straight..... HARPERS GOT HARAM'ED SOOOO HARD @jjjackier da real mvp for throwing down the m82 u loyal
Let's get one thing straight..... HARPERS GOT HARAM'ED SOOOO HARD @jjjackier da real mvp for throwing down the m82 u loyal
Creepis Messages 7,021 Reaction score 18,222 Points 1,200 Location North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany Jun 30, 2016 #2 I died for the M82 but it's satisfying to see some sweet justice. It was still @Puma123's brilliant idea to throw it down though :trande:
I died for the M82 but it's satisfying to see some sweet justice. It was still @Puma123's brilliant idea to throw it down though :trande:
Exnem Messages 2,914 Reaction score 3,817 Points 1,150 Location Norway Jun 30, 2016 #3 Norwegian army is strong in this one You got a real nice and clean backstab Just hope the harpers don't remember that when they wake up. Oh wait...
Norwegian army is strong in this one You got a real nice and clean backstab Just hope the harpers don't remember that when they wake up. Oh wait...
Walker Messages 2,025 Reaction score 8,115 Points 360 Location United Kingdom Jun 30, 2016 #4 So if I scream down the mic, put on some KSP music am I guaranteed free views? that guy has lost 2 m82s now https://perpheads.com/threads/how-to-make-profit.15607/
So if I scream down the mic, put on some KSP music am I guaranteed free views? that guy has lost 2 m82s now https://perpheads.com/threads/how-to-make-profit.15607/
Eviction Notice Messages 1,273 Reaction score 3,664 Points 685 Location Sheffield, United Kingdom Jun 30, 2016 #5 The royalty free music really fit in my opinion... Makes me want to murder a room full of guys also.
Skudist Messages 735 Reaction score 1,147 Points 590 Location 39.007238, 126.281624 Jun 30, 2016 #6 You and Rami seem to be the best players for Trouble in Terrorist Town
Chopper Messages 334 Reaction score 768 Points 485 Location Scotland Jun 30, 2016 #7 Harper's catching loss after loss.
Mr. James Messages 96 Reaction score 227 Points 280 Location Denmark Jun 30, 2016 #8 m82 worth a friendship gg
JER Messages 402 Reaction score 1,376 Points 545 Location United Kingdom Jun 30, 2016 #9 Backstabbing is the only way you'll stand a chance anyways, cowards.
TheFrozenMonkeyKing Messages 423 Reaction score 1,597 Points 475 Location Blærum Jun 30, 2016 #10 Quite impressive. Especially since you all made it out. I was hoping I would see Creepis shoot a little, but I guess his job is to only sometimes answer texts and give verbal support Also "Police OP" @Prepper :tuna:
Quite impressive. Especially since you all made it out. I was hoping I would see Creepis shoot a little, but I guess his job is to only sometimes answer texts and give verbal support Also "Police OP" @Prepper :tuna:
Keel Messages 258 Reaction score 769 Points 340 Location United Kingdom Jun 30, 2016 #12 The amount of salt from people loosing some virtual guns is hilarious. Great video tho!