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  1. DirtyCaptain


    Well this guy just is amazing, and so friendly to everyone, and to think that he only joined a month before me is amazing, George(his ig name) helped me when i first joined, he told me the rules and even helped me out as a cop, if it wasn't @fasool.joker i would still be a god dam noob The...
  2. DirtyCaptain

    Happy bithday!!

    Happy bithday!!
  3. DirtyCaptain

    Happy birthday, hope you have a good day!!!

    Happy birthday, hope you have a good day!!!
  4. DirtyCaptain

    So close to expert mate, only 10 more points to go!!

    So close to expert mate, only 10 more points to go!!
  5. DirtyCaptain

    Not christmas yet though

    Not christmas yet though
  6. DirtyCaptain

    What you on about?

    What you on about?
  7. DirtyCaptain

    Happy birthday!!

    Happy birthday!!
  8. DirtyCaptain

    Frank you are also welcome!

    Frank you are also welcome!
  9. DirtyCaptain

    So close to 100 rating. Thanks guys!!!!

    So close to 100 rating. Thanks guys!!!!
  10. DirtyCaptain

    Happiest i have been in a while

    Well i have been in the forums for about 2 months, and been playing PERP for about 3 months and it has been the best time of my life and i mean that, i have never laughed and smiled so much, some bad things happened over the summer, and this put my mind completely off it and made me a happy man...
  11. DirtyCaptain

    Lost My Deasert Eagale

    You didn't loose it kid, you just didn't put your desert eagle in your car, so someone must have picked it up when you got sniped, this is completly your faultt.
  12. DirtyCaptain


    I feel sorry for your freind, all the effort and time he pust into you(by the looks of it), and you write 24 words, with no more than 5 letters in a word(apart from his name) RIP zXDroNEXZ
  13. DirtyCaptain

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  14. DirtyCaptain

    Happy birthday, hope you have a good day!

    Happy birthday, hope you have a good day!
  15. DirtyCaptain

    I like the one you gave me though. Black rappers always seem to be the best

    I like the one you gave me though. Black rappers always seem to be the best
  16. DirtyCaptain

    Sick reppin in this one.

    Sick reppin in this one.
  17. DirtyCaptain

    My study ideas

    No join cadets, I'm in the army cadets right now, and holy god i have had some amazing experinces. -Shooting the L98A2 - First aid trained - Shot blanks - Done field craft - And a lot more
  18. DirtyCaptain

    My school are stupid

    Well what happend was, yesterday i got expelled from school till monday, and yes what i did was stupid and thinking back why the hell did i do it. But my point is i have mock exams this week and they said i can't come into school to them, are they dumb or something, i have GCSE exams soon, i...
  19. DirtyCaptain

    Lord Tyla

    Well @LordTyla is a amazing member of staff, and to think that hes only 15 years of age, same age as me and has quite a lot of responsibility on the server. He runs the new ORG MI5 amazingly couldn't ask for a better boss. I am very happy to be in your org, and am really inspired and look up...
  20. DirtyCaptain


    Mate it would be well more complicated than that, you would have to buy kings, or just normal Rizals, and roll a l-skin, then a lighter, and a grinder, and if its a joint not a blunt you would need tabaco, i bit more complicated than you believed my freind
  21. DirtyCaptain

    Happy birthday, have a good day!

    Happy birthday, have a good day!
  22. DirtyCaptain

    Voice changer

    This is most probably going to sound dumb, and stupid to some of you, but if you want to make a call to someone, to thraten or something along the lines like that, could you use a voice changer, like only a really deep voice, like you see in some movies, or voice changers just not allowed...
  23. DirtyCaptain

    Be able to get the fire extinghuiser from a wall

    Anyone can thing of 100 reason of why not to have one, but then you could do with anything. I think this a brilliant idea, come on lets be honest, no one is ever a fire fighter, so having this would solve lots of problem,
  24. DirtyCaptain

    Surprise Motherf@cker

    R.I.P Cops
  25. DirtyCaptain

    Happy birthday!!, hope you have a good day

    Happy birthday!!, hope you have a good day
  26. DirtyCaptain

    Now Junior Member, ;), :)

    Now Junior Member, ;), :)
  27. DirtyCaptain


  28. DirtyCaptain

    "Kill whitey" and you call me racist!

    "Kill whitey" and you call me racist!
  29. DirtyCaptain

    Red Wings (Org)

    Are you a new org in parklake,
  30. DirtyCaptain

    I have a habit of calling people kid, what would you like to be called

    I have a habit of calling people kid, what would you like to be called