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  1. McYeke


    Just wondering on what people(s) opinions are on the "helpers" that perp use to have and what they would think on a return?
  2. McYeke

    Confirm this cancer defense as not allowed please

    From my POV it is kind of dodgy, two wooden boards and ONE has to be frozen to work with it. I would personally say nah as this transcript from 3.9
  3. McYeke

    Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus

    I bought it the other day, refunded within an hour, it is great graphically ect but LOTS of bugs, such as not being able to switch level and it causing BSODs
  4. McYeke

    Jonah Johnson

    Your vehicle was pinned to the wall so you would never have got out, even if you tped to the top of the vehicle you should treat it as if you came out of the side of the vehicle that is free, you proceeded to withdraw your firearm straight away which lead to you having to be shot at as I HIGHLY...
  5. McYeke

    Jonah Johnson

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Yeke / Owen Platypus His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Jonah / Jonah Johnson His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49027208 Why Should This Player Be Punished: User is in breach of 3.4 as he was at direct gunpoint after having his vehicle spiked and gun pointed by officers told to get...
  6. McYeke


    Bye babes, PUBG some time?
  7. McYeke

    Game Suggestions

    If you want a classic Tycoon game then look no more: If you prefer managing cities from my experience I enjoyed SimCity, but issue is you are limited by land and usually you have a natural disaster that rapes your city then...
  8. McYeke

    You fat mess :)

    You fat mess :)
  9. McYeke

    Look what the cat dragged in.

    Talking from self experience here @Dapsas ?
  10. McYeke

    Look what the cat dragged in.

    Hello all, got bored of everything else so came back to play. So much hasn't changed other than the fact primary colours are at gang wars with each other. Whoever made the ATM GUI though that is actually a nice touch that I really like!
  11. McYeke

    I need to talk to someone

    @finlay3110 will say now after i've been cheated on plenty of times, don't care about em, they will come back when they got no one and then you can easily turn around and say "go fuck yourself". It is good to have been cheated on once because then you learn the signs for when others cheat but...
  12. McYeke

    Jamal Ross

  13. McYeke

    Heading away for a bit

    Hello everyone, This is just a wee post, For a bit i have gradually lost interest in GMOD as a whole and I have lost majority of enjoyment in PH of which I have decided to take a break, I resigned from the PLPD as I would rather someone (hopefully fully competent) could take my place and be as...
  14. McYeke

    Shit #3

    I think you need to activate windows.
  15. McYeke

    Game Development > Need ideas

    I would say create something HL2-ish in that setting that isnt a bomb to run but has a great story line, that way you are testing yourself for a story, game setting, characters ect
  16. McYeke

    i aitn got the evidence anymore

    i aitn got the evidence anymore
  17. McYeke

    suspect admits crime -> arrest them -> they make IA -> it gets sustained... gg

    suspect admits crime -> arrest them -> they make IA -> it gets sustained... gg
  18. McYeke

    Intruducing CreepyTree: The paralake marketplace website

    Glad my idea inspired something! nice to see so many community projects with websites ect coming along! My suggestions would be add images of each item that can be sold, saves the need for everyone to take pictures of everything. and instead of real-name set it to either an editable name field...
  19. McYeke

    A Level/GCSE Results Day Thread

    Key thing for people who are going to take their GCSEs next year, do the work for it, even if you don't like the subject, its an extra qualification, I see so many people not bothering with R.E for example but it is an extra qual and is so easy to get a B in. However everyone who have taken...
  20. McYeke


  21. McYeke

    CreepyTree - Online Sales Platform

    Buying/: M14 Mags & x2 Sniper Scopes Est. Price/Price: As cheap as possible Catagory (i.e. Firearms, Furniture): Weapon Attachments Contact Details: 844-3246 (i think)
  22. McYeke

    CreepyTree - Online Sales Platform

    CREEPY TREE ADMIN UPDATE: We now have incorporated Services should you need to advertise, please remember to conform to the ToS.
  23. McYeke

    [Promotion] Corporal LordTyla

    PARALAKE POLICE DEPARTMENT PROMOTION Forum Name: @LordTyla Rank: Senior Officer Promoted Rank: Corporal
  24. McYeke

    [Suggestion] 5.7 Hostages

    What rule do you wish to Edit/Add: 5.7 hostages Your version of the rule: Why do you believe this rule should be Added/Edited: Currently especially being govt employee, if the hostage takers have "no use" you get executed even when complying which ruins the RP for the dead, I personally...
  25. McYeke

    Welcome to the community, have any questions or issues feel free to drop me a private message or...

    Welcome to the community, have any questions or issues feel free to drop me a private message or drop a line on my profile and I will aim to get back to you asap. again welcome to the community
  26. McYeke

    Welcome to the community, have any issues feel free to drop me a PM and I will happily assist

    Welcome to the community, have any issues feel free to drop me a PM and I will happily assist
  27. McYeke

    Would you like?

    I would like to see this, from a perspective it would be nice to know where improvement is needed from a different view, however in order to combat the "non constructive" pair it to rule; That way it has to be constructive as opposed to going "oh your shit, you are ruining perp"
  28. McYeke

    Can't wait to get twitch affiliate, get some :exro: emotes up in the chat when I do

    Can't wait to get twitch affiliate, get some :exro: emotes up in the chat when I do
  29. McYeke

    AR on McYeke

    Besides your attempt at taking the "piss" with the meme and then trying to deconstruct the video again I will re-iterate 1. I never knew the McLaren was yours until an officer called it in as I was only aware you had your purple van oocly. 2. The speed you drove at was ample enough for facial...
  30. McYeke

    AR on McYeke

    I am going to write a statement before I upload the video when home, Only IC methods of identification were used, I never knew you even owned the McLaren until an officer shouted it up, hence why I was looking for it and as I happen to see one turning at intersection I looked through your side...