Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus

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Saw that this game came out this week on an ad, didnt even know they were making another one
begin this at 8:23 to see some new storyline, watch earlier to see also new shit but extremely gore-y.

Looking at this video the game looks amazing, downloading it right now to see if my pc can handle if so ill instantly buy. Just wanna check if other people who have bought this game like it too
I bought it the other day, refunded within an hour, it is great graphically ect but LOTS of bugs, such as not being able to switch level and it causing BSODs
I bought it the other day, refunded within an hour, it is great graphically ect but LOTS of bugs, such as not being able to switch level and it causing BSODs

Might just be your PC.
I had no issues with the game at all.

I loved it but it was kinda short. The ending was fucking ________.
I won't say it, play the game and you'll understand.
And if you don't want to pay, lmao just be a pirate like me and torrent that shit from corepacks.
Bought The New Order when it released and there is nothing more satisfying than slaughtering hordes of Nazis who want take away God's gift to the Earth which is democracy of course @Duffy
Thinking about buying when its only sale because im poor as shit lmao
I have now finished the story line (with fergus)

I must say the game was amazing, there is indeed nothing more satisfying than shooting hordes of nazis.

The graphics are okay, but the story is meh. I felt the story had way more potential and right when things started to become exciting you just

infultrate a building and finish of frau engel with 0 consequences

When you finally do what happends in the spoiler, the cutscene about them trying to get people to start a revolution begins, you expect to continue and kill hitler which you were not able to do in the entire game, or things like that but the game just ends.
Reason? Maybe to open the storyline for another game, mystery? Maybe. Hotel? trivago

there were no major bossfights or very difficult sections like previous games, it was litteraly just run and gun and when some fatass robot came along you just picked an OP canon from the ground and continued

still is an okay game, just dissapointed :(