I need to talk to someone

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Look lads,
I know an Internet forum is probably not the best place to be asking this but whatever.
Look the last couple days for me have been... rough to say the least and I have been having thoughts.
Anyone know anything I could use to help me during this rough patch?
hmu man , roughly same age and both have ill parents so we are like 2 peas inna pod.
Pretty much
2 days ago I found out my girlfriend (aka bitch) was cheating on me.
And about half an hour ago parents got into a massive fight.
Get the whiskey
or drugs...

nah these are things that just make you temporarily forget about the demons in life, they won't make em disappear... I would suggest talking to friends or someone that is not related into the situation to get a clean view on the matter...

2 days ago I found out my girlfriend (aka bitch) was cheating on me.
And about half an hour ago parents got into a massive fight.

mate believe me, girls do that kind of shit... it's fucked up but it happens to all of us... the pain will fade away and after a month or so you will be completely over it.

about your parents, that's really fucked up. if you need someone (as offered by other community members) hmu man.
the thing about talking is you get in touch with people that might have been in the same situations, they had ways of solving em and probably can help it...

other than that, dont let it knock you down... coming for someone that still has depression from time to times it is best to just keep calm and carry on. if you need someone to help you ease the weight on your shoulders, we're here for you man...
Go to her house, pick the biggest rock you can find and throw it in her window, that will show her not to mess with catching up with Finlay.

who cares if your parents had a fight they're in a relationship that's not as fragile as a 12 year olds
Pretty much
2 days ago I found out my girlfriend (aka bitch) was cheating on me.
And about half an hour ago parents got into a massive fight.

Mine shagged my best mate after a year and a half together.

Trust me, calling her a bitch means nothing, you still care about her even though you'll try and hide it. It takes a long time for things to get better, but eventually they will as of now the only way is up.

End of the day it wasn't meant to be and she doesn't deserve you. You're still young so I'd suggest concentrating on other things, a job or education. Girls will always come go.


Whats her snapchat? :booty:
Acting like its the end of world just because your "gf" cheated on you and because your parents had a fight.
If you really want advice, get some real friends and don't ask people on an internet forum as you said, instead of making pity-threads. You're gonna need them in the future for when the real world actually starts knocking on your door.
Look lads,
I know an Internet forum is probably not the best place to be asking this but whatever.
Look the last couple days for me have been... rough to say the least and I have been having thoughts.
Anyone know anything I could use to help me during this rough patch?

Come to a fellow sheep shagger for anything mate, message me if you would like to talk.
Everyone goes though this @finlay3110 I have surprisingly had a girlfriend now my ex and I did not take it good, don't think you are the only one that is getting this, best of luck
@finlay3110 will say now after i've been cheated on plenty of times, don't care about em, they will come back when they got no one and then you can easily turn around and say "go fuck yourself". It is good to have been cheated on once because then you learn the signs for when others cheat but DO NOT go paranoid and accuse your next for cheating ect.

I am now in a stable 4 year relationship with my missus and SOON to get married (when churches stop being extortionists)

With regards to family fighting, it is tough, myself, my grandad and nan were divided between my mum and my auntie due to a major argument that lasted over 5 years, they are now talking again.

I also understand you need someone to talk to, you can happily PM me and I will pickup when I can or even add me on steam.

Just out of all places though, don't post your issues on PERP, you will get SOME decent replies but also the troll/idiot replies.