Search results

  1. Tomiko

    Goverment car entering

    Topic: Goverments can enter into other cars Short explanation (in notes): - - - Detailed description (why should it become added/...): Sometimes, for example SWAT, crashes in hicktown, and can't get out of there, and they cant get in officer's car, because for some reasons, old update...
  2. Tomiko

    Welcome to Perpheads 2

    New Welcome to Perpheads?!
  3. Tomiko

    Google Street View thread

  4. Tomiko


  5. Tomiko

    Resign confirmation as a Mayor + Confirmation when you want to leave an organisation

    Yes please, that happened to me once. Also, when I was Police officer and I wanted to be a SWAT. +Supporta
  6. Tomiko


  7. Tomiko

    Alabin Lundmark <3

    Actually was doing long boring police interrogating of Alabin Lundmark, that shot any other guy in defence of his child (cant remember her name), then, when we were interrogating currectly, he wasnt trying to escape or do shits, like for example, spit, bite or running away, etc. Also, he wasnt...
  8. Tomiko

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name:Tomiko Age:15 Country:Czech Are you active enough?:Yes, I'm Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:52465797 IC Information In-Game name:Tomiko Ashimura Age:38 Any cars you have:Blue Transit Are you VIP?:Yesh. What would you bring to this Family?:Honour, Peace, Loayal Asian, such crazy...
  9. Tomiko

    Plz no! :( But thanks so much black Jesus, dont be so holy please. :)

    Plz no! :( But thanks so much black Jesus, dont be so holy please. :)
  10. Tomiko

    Thanks so much Ethan. :) I hope you gonna get unbanned and we will play together again mate :)

    Thanks so much Ethan. :) I hope you gonna get unbanned and we will play together again mate :)
  11. Tomiko

    Holy Chinese peperonies! Thanks so much Alabin :P :D

    Holy Chinese peperonies! Thanks so much Alabin :P :D
  12. Tomiko

    Thank you so much :)

    Thank you so much :)
  13. Tomiko

    Thank you so much mate :)

    Thank you so much mate :)
  14. Tomiko

    Thank you so much :)

    Thank you so much :)
  15. Tomiko

    Dropping items upon death

    Not really sure with that, I just cant imagine that refounding by Senior admins, also, when any idiot will be lagging and randomly kill someone on side wall, you will loose your stuff, well, I'm not sure with that.
  16. Tomiko


  17. Tomiko

    Refound request.

    Your in-game name:Tomiko Ashimura Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:52465797 Reason: For loosing my AK and mags, because officer just broke 3.26 and started shooting, when he lost his gun, then called SWAT. Evidence: Tick:
  18. Tomiko

    New Flashlight animation

    Topic: Put new Flashlight animation, so we wont have lighting hands anymore. Short explanation (in notes): -Looks much better -Deletes stupid lighting hands Detailed description (why should it become added/...): It should be added to make this mod better, actually I think, that people...
  19. Tomiko

    Firefighter Job/Vehicle Suggestions

    I have no idea, how could it work, but as idea, it's perfect.. :)
  20. Tomiko

    Ban Request on ShadowJoey

    Okey guys, Request is fully done.
  21. Tomiko

    Ban Request on ShadowJoey

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomiko/Tomiko Ashimura His/Her Steam/In-game Name: ShadowJoey His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:52628136 Why Should This Player Be Punished: For breaking rule 3.26, when he lost his gun, and after time, he used it to kill some people. Evidence (Demo Required)...
  22. Tomiko

    /Act Guide & Showcase - Part 1

    Great guide Alabin. :O Also, who's that sexy Japanese guy?
  23. Tomiko

    Being able to sit in chair in Freddy's

    Topic: Being able to sit in chair in Freddy's Short explanation (in notes): -Noone will sit on table now. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): A lot of people try to just talk with coffe on table in Freddy's, but siting on table isnt really confortable and after that, you...
  24. Tomiko

    BlackList Josh Morrison

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tomiko Ashimura His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Josh Morrison His/Her SteamID: 76561198014589316 (It might be him, not 100% sure) Why Should This Player Be Punished: He just crashed into my van, drove on wrong side of the road, and then pulled us over for it. After that...
  25. Tomiko

    Report on Amy Kennedy

    Your Steam/In-game Name:Tomiko Ashimura / His/Her Steam/In-game Name:Amy Kennedy/ Raul Menendez His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:41244833 Reason: She/He just randomly started shooting from her/his appartment, and pretty much risked her/his...
  26. Tomiko

    Ban Request on Garo & Andii

    Well, to be honest, everyone expects, that you gonna park at PD, so I dont find this much metagame (But it could), but snipe officer, it just cant help. +Support
  27. Tomiko

    Response times.

    To be honest, I often see ''Staff members'' just Roleplaying, I understand, you really wish to play and enjoy mod sometimes, but still, now people (Puffy) complain, because you're not responding, well, if you CANT handle it, then take some more members, oh wait, 90% gets denied, because...
  28. Tomiko

    Hppy nw yr fgts

  29. Tomiko

    Making PERP run faster.

    Yea, funniest things is, I may play Arma 3 with about 100 people on it, Giant map (Altis) and I basicly have no lags, when Ijoin perp -> Fuk ya mate 10-50 fps (y)
  30. Tomiko

    Mayor Change

    Yea, I like this idea, so yea, I give to this +Supporta!